openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Quickstart API Reference version: '2024-09-27' description: >+ Zuora Quickstart API is recommended for new customers and integrators, allowing new integrators to swiftly integrate with Zuora. It supports essential business use cases. To use the Quickstart API, you must have the following features enabled on your tenant: * [Orders]( or [Orders Harmonization]( * [Invoice Settlement]( To find the latest changes made to the Zuora Quickstart API, check the [Quickstart API Changelog]( We recommend that you subscribe to [Developers Community]( to get notifications when a new version is released. components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer parameters: zuora-track-id: in: header name: zuora-track-id required: false description: >- A custom identifier for tracking API requests. If you set a value for this header, Zuora returns the same value in the response header. This header enables you to track your API calls to assist with troubleshooting in the event of an issue. The value of this field must use the US-ASCII character set and must not include any of the following characters: colon (:), semicolon (;), double quote ("), or quote ('). schema: type: string zuora-entity-ids: in: header name: zuora-entity-ids required: false description: >- An entity ID. If you have Multi-entity enabled and the authorization token is valid for more than one entity, you must use this header to specify which entity to perform the operation on. If the authorization token is only valid for a single entity or you do not have Multi-entity enabled, you do not need to set this header. schema: type: string idempotency-key: in: header name: idempotency-key required: false description: >- Specify a unique idempotency key if you want to perform an idempotent POST or PATCH request. Do not use this header in other request types. This idempotency key should be a unique value, and the Zuora server identifies subsequent retries of the same request using this value. For more information, see [Idempotent Requests]( schema: type: string accept-encoding: in: header name: accept-encoding required: false description: >- Include a `accept-encoding: gzip` header to compress responses, which can reduce the bandwidth required for a response. If specified, Zuora automatically compresses responses that contain over 1000 bytes. For more information about this header, see [Request and Response Compression]( schema: type: string content-encoding: in: header name: content-encoding required: false description: >- Include a `content-encoding: gzip` header to compress a request. Upload a gzipped file for the payload if you specify this header. For more information, see [Request and Response Compression]( schema: type: string async: in: header name: async required: false description: >- Making asynchronous requests allows you to scale your applications more efficiently by leveraging Zuora's infrastructure to enqueue and execute requests for you without blocking. These requests also use built-in retry semantics, which makes them much less likely to fail for non-deterministic reasons, even in extreme high-throughput scenarios. Meanwhile, when you send a request to one of these endpoints, you can expect to receive a response in less than 150 milliseconds and these calls are unlikely to trigger rate limit errors. If set to true, Zuora returns a 202 Accepted response, and the response body contains only a request ID. schema: type: boolean default: false schemas: customFields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_object: type: object title: Custom_object description: The custom object data. additionalProperties: true properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string readOnly: true description: Custom Object Definition Type. customObjectCreateRequest: type: object title: CustomObjectCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: true example: fieldName__c: sample Value customObjectPatchRequest: type: object title: CustomObjectPatchRequest description: '' additionalProperties: true listCustomObjectResponse: type: object title: ListCustomObjectResponse description: A list of custom objects. additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' address: type: object title: Address description: Container for the address informtion. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta state: type: string description: State or providence example: GA country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States county: type: string description: Zuora Tax uses this information to calculate county taxation. postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' money: type: object additionalProperties: type: number example: USD: 10 GBP: 15 queryRun: type: object title: QueryRun description: Query run information. additionalProperties: false properties: created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object. id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. sql: type: string description: The SQL statement of the query. remaining_attempts: type: number description: >- The remaining number of times Zuora will attempt the query before terminating the query and setting the state to `failed`. updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO-8601 UTC format. file: type: object title: QueryRunFile description: The file object representing the results of the query. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. url: type: string description: The URL from which the file can be downloaded content_type: type: string enum: - json - jsonl - csv - tsv - dsv description: The type of the file returned. type: type: string enum: - query_run description: The type of file. number_of_rows: type: number description: The number of rows in the output file. processing_duration: type: number description: The time taken to process the query in milliseconds. state: type: string enum: - pending - accepted - in_progress - complete - failed - canceled description: >- The query's execution state, which will be completed for successful runs. column_separator: type: string description: >- The character used as delimiter to separate values in the output file. This field is only applicable when `content_type` is `dsv`. queryRunCreateRequest: type: object title: QueryRunCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: column_separator: type: string description: >- The character used as delimiter to separate values in the output file. This field is only applicable when `content_type` is `dsv`. content_encoding: type: string enum: - gzip - zip - none description: >- If supplied, Zuora with compress the output file using the specified compression algorithm. encryption_key: type: string description: >- Base64-encoded public key of a 1024-bit RSA key-pair. If you set this field, Zuora will encrypt the query results using the provided public key. You must use the corresponding private key to decrypt the query results. content_type: type: string enum: - json - csv - tsv - dsv description: The type of the file returned. sql: type: string description: The SQL statement of the query. read_deleted: type: boolean description: If set to `true`, any deleted records are included in the response. required: - sql - content_type contact: type: object title: Contact description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. address: type: object title: Address description: Container for the address informtion. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta state: type: string description: State or providence example: GA country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States county: type: string description: Zuora Tax uses this information to calculate county taxation. postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' first_name: type: string description: Customer first name. example: Amy home_phone: type: string description: Customer home phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 last_name: type: string description: Customer last name. example: Lawrence mobile_phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)101-0011 nickname: type: string description: Nickname for this contact. example: Ami other_phone: type: string description: Other customer phone (including extension). example: (888)100-0001 email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: tax_region: type: string description: A region defined in your Zuora Tax rules. example: Georgia work_email: type: string description: Customer work email. example: work_phone: type: string description: Customer work phone. example: (888)976-9056 other_phone_type: type: string enum: - work - mobile - home - other description: The type of the additional phone number. fax: type: string description: The contact's fax number. account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of a customer account with which this contact is associated. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d contactPatchRequest: type: object title: ContactPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address' first_name: type: string description: Customer first name. example: Amy home_phone: type: string description: Customer home phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 last_name: type: string description: Customer last name. example: Lawrence mobile_phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)101-0011 nickname: type: string description: Nickname for this contact. example: Ami other_phone: type: string description: Other customer phone (including extension). example: (888)100-0001 email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: tax_region: type: string description: A region defined in your Zuora Tax rules. example: Georgia work_email: type: string description: Customer work email. example: work_phone: type: string description: Customer work phone. example: (888)976-9056 other_phone_type: type: string enum: - work - mobile - home - other description: The type of the additional phone number. fax: type: string description: The contact's fax number. account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of a customer account with which this contact is associated. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d contactCreateRequest: type: object title: ContactCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address' first_name: type: string description: Customer first name. example: Amy home_phone: type: string description: Customer home phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 last_name: type: string description: Customer last name. example: Lawrence mobile_phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)101-0011 nickname: type: string description: Nickname for this contact. example: Ami other_phone: type: string description: Other customer phone (including extension). example: (888)100-0001 email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: tax_region: type: string description: A region defined in your Zuora Tax rules. example: Georgia work_email: type: string description: Customer work email. example: work_phone: type: string description: Customer work phone. example: (888)976-9056 other_phone_type: type: string enum: - work - mobile - home - other description: The type of the additional phone number. fax: type: string description: The contact's fax number. account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of a customer account with which this contact is associated. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account with which this contact is associated. Either `account_number` or `account_id` is required. example: RC-00020831 required: - first_name - last_name accountContactCreateRequest: type: object title: AccountContactCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address' first_name: type: string description: Customer first name. example: Amy home_phone: type: string description: Customer home phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 last_name: type: string description: Customer last name. example: Lawrence mobile_phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)101-0011 nickname: type: string description: Nickname for this contact. example: Ami other_phone: type: string description: Other customer phone (including extension). example: (888)100-0001 email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: tax_region: type: string description: A region defined in your Zuora Tax rules. example: Georgia work_email: type: string description: Customer work email. example: work_phone: type: string description: Customer work phone. example: (888)976-9056 other_phone_type: type: string enum: - work - mobile - home - other description: The type of the additional phone number. fax: type: string description: The contact's fax number. required: - first_name - last_name accountContactPatchRequest: type: object title: AccountContactPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address' first_name: type: string description: Customer first name. example: Amy home_phone: type: string description: Customer home phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 last_name: type: string description: Customer last name. example: Lawrence mobile_phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)101-0011 nickname: type: string description: Nickname for this contact. example: Ami other_phone: type: string description: Other customer phone (including extension). example: (888)100-0001 email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: tax_region: type: string description: A region defined in your Zuora Tax rules. example: Georgia work_email: type: string description: Customer work email. example: work_phone: type: string description: Customer work phone. example: (888)976-9056 other_phone_type: type: string enum: - work - mobile - home - other description: The type of the additional phone number. fax: type: string description: The contact's fax number. accountPreviewRequest: type: object title: AccountPreviewRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: exclude: type: string enum: - one_time - recurring - usage description: Any combination of one-time, recurring, and usage. include_draft_items: type: boolean description: Indicates whether to include items in the draft status. include_evergreen_subscriptions: type: boolean description: Indicates whether to include evergreen subscriptions. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- The target date is used to determine which charges to bill. All unbilled charges as of or prior to the target date are included. Zuora automatically keeps track of all charges that need to be billed and that have not been billed prior to the target date. example: '2022-01-01' required: - target_date creditMemoItemPreviewResponse: type: object title: CreditMemoItemPreviewResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: The total amount of this credit memo item. subtotal: type: number description: The total amount of this credit memo item exclusive of tax. applied_to_item_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of an invoice item that this credit memo item is applied to. document_item_date: type: string format: date-time description: The date when the credit memo item takes effect. example: '2022-01-01T07:08:12-07:00' document_item_number: type: string charge_type: type: string description: >- Type of the charge. It can be one of the following types: one-time, recurring, or usage. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the object processing_type: type: string enum: - subscription_item - discount - prepayment - tax quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. subscription_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier the subscription item associated with this credit memo item. service_start_date: type: string description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. service_end_date: type: string description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. sku_name: type: string description: The name of the SKU associated with this item subscription_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the subscription associated with the credit memo item. subscription_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the subscription. It can be user-supplied. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. invoiceItemPreviewResponse: type: object title: InvoiceItemPreviewResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: The total amount of this invoice item. applied_to_item_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of an invoice item or a debit memo item that this discount item or credit memo item is applied to. document_date: type: string format: date example: '2022-01-01' subscription_item_description: type: string subscription_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier the subscription item associated with this invoice item. subscription_item_name: type: string subscription_item_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the subscription item. It can be user-supplied. charge_type: type: string description: >- Type of the charge. It can be one of the following types: one-time, recurring, or usage. id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the object processing_type: type: string enum: - subscription_item - discount - prepayment - tax product_name: type: string quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_start_date: type: string description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. service_end_date: type: string description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. subscription_id: type: string description: The identifier of the subscription associated with the invoice item. subscription_number: type: string description: >- The subscription number of the subscription associated with this item. subscription_name: type: string description: The name of the subscription associated with this item. tax: type: number description: The amount of tax applied to the invoice item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. accountPreviewResponse: type: object title: AccountPreviewResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of the customer account associated with these items. credit_memo_items: type: array items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoItemPreviewResponse' invoice_items: type: array items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemPreviewResponse' taxIdentifier: type: object title: TaxIdentifier description: An object that contains the VAT Identification number. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Value Added Tax (VAT) ID. Each VAT ID must begin with the code of the country code and followed by a block of digits or characters. generateBillingDocumentsAccountRequest: type: object title: GenerateBillingDocumentsAccountRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: post: type: boolean description: If true, invoices will be automatically posted. example: true renew: type: boolean description: If true, subscriptions will be automatically renewed. example: true charges_excluded: type: array description: >- Charge type or types to be excluded. Can be one or multiple of the following values: - `one_time` - `recurring` - `usage` items: type: string credit_memo_reason_code: type: string description: >- A code identifying the reason for the credit memo transaction that is generated by the request. The value must be an existing reason code. If you do not pass the field or pass the field with empty value, Zuora uses the default reason code. document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the credit memo is applied example: '2023-01-01' subscription_ids: type: array items: type: string description: >- The IDs of the subscriptions that you want to create the billing documents for. Each value must be the unique identifier of the latest version of an active subscription. target_date: type: string format: date description: All unbilled items on or before this date are included. example: '2023-01-01' generateBillingDocumentsAccountResponse: type: object title: GenerateBillingDocumentsAccountResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memos: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoListResponse' description: Array of credit memos. invoices: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceListResponse' description: Array of invoices. billingDocumentSettings: type: object title: BillingDocumentSettings description: Billing document settings for an account additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memo_template_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the credit memo template associated with this customer. example: 2c92c08b6a8c978f016a9e0084622b62 debit_memo_template_id: type: string description: Identifier of the debit memo template associated with this customer. example: 2c92c08c6a8c7e08016a9ec8d72f3ab5 email_documents: type: boolean description: Whether the customer wants to receive email invoices. example: print_documents: type: boolean description: Whether the customer wants to receive printed invoices. example: false invoice_template_id: type: string description: Identifier of the invoice template associated with this customer. example: 8f64d4d754739d85d0346e00ef77e50d additional_email: type: array items: type: string description: A list of additional email addresses to receive email notifications. example: taxCertificate: type: object title: TaxCertificate description: The tax certificate information. additionalProperties: false properties: company_code: type: string description: >- Unique code that identifies a company account in Avalara. Use this field to calculate taxes based on country of origin and sold-to addresses in Avalara. example: ABC id: type: string description: Identifier of the tax exemption certificate. start_date: type: string format: date description: The tax certificate start date. example: '2022-01-01' description: type: string description: Description of the tax exemption certificate. entity_use_code: type: string description: >- A unique entity use code used by Avalara to apply exemptions. This field is required only when you choose Avalara as your tax engine. See [Exempt Transactions]( for more information. end_date: type: string format: date description: The tax certificate end date. example: '2023-01-01' issuing_jurisdiction: type: string description: Typically, this is a state or government agency example: Georgia state: type: string enum: - pending - verified - not_valid description: >- Status of the tax exemption certificate, indication whether the certificate has been verified. tax_identifier: type: string deprecated: true description: >- Value Added Tax (VAT) ID. Each VAT ID must begin with the code of the country code and followed by a block of digits or characters. example: DE123456789 taxationItem: type: object title: TaxationItem description: taxation information for this billing document item. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the taxation item related to the invoice. Only applicable for credit memos created from invoices. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. jurisdiction: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The jurisdiction that applies the tax or VAT. This value is typically a state, province, county, or city. location_code: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The identifier for the location based on the value of the `tax_code` field. name: type: string maxLength: 128 description: The name of the taxation item. amount: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_code_name: type: string description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the tax is applied. example: '2022-01-01' tax_rate: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_rate_name: type: string description: >- The name of the tax rate, such as sales tax or GST. This name is displayed on billing documents. amount_exempt: type: number description: The calculated tax amount excluded due to the exemption. source_tax_item_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the taxation item of the invoice, from which the credit or debit memo is created. This field is only applicable when the `type` of the billing document is `credit_memo` and `debit_memo`. remaining_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: The remaining balance of the taxation item. amount_credited: type: number readOnly: true description: The credit memo amount applied to the taxation item. amount_paid: type: number readOnly: true description: The payment amount applied to the taxation item. amount_refunded: type: number readOnly: true description: The refund amount applied to the taxation item. amount_applied: type: number readOnly: true description: The credit memo item amount applied to the taxation item. sales_tax_payable_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: If set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. tax_rate_type: type: string enum: - percent - amount description: Indicates whether the tax rate is an amount or a percentage. taxationItemListResponse: type: object title: TaxationItemListResponse description: Information of the taxation items. additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItem' taxationItemPatchRequest: type: object title: TaxationItemPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. amount_exempt: type: number description: The calculated tax amount excluded due to the exemption. invoice_item_id: type: string description: >- Unique identifier of the invoice item to which the taxation item applies. **This field is required if you are creating a credit memo or debit memo from an invoice, and is not applicable if you are creating an invoice.**. jurisdiction: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The jurisdiction that applies the tax or VAT. This value is typically a state, province, county, or city. location_code: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The identifier for the location based on the value of the `tax_code` field. name: type: string maxLength: 128 description: The name of the taxation item. amount: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_code_name: type: string description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the tax is applied. example: '2022-01-01' tax_rate: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_rate_name: type: string description: >- The name of the tax rate, such as sales tax or GST. This name is displayed on billing documents. tax_rate_type: type: string enum: - percent - amount description: Indicates whether the tax rate is an amount or a percentage. source_tax_item_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the taxation item of the invoice, from which the credit or debit memo is created. This field is only applicable when the `type` of the billing document is `credit_memo` and `debit_memo`. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: If set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. sales_tax_payable_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. taxationItemCreateRequest: type: object title: TaxationItemCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. amount_exempt: type: number description: The calculated tax amount excluded due to the exemption. invoice_item_id: type: string description: >- Unique identifier of the invoice item to which the taxation item applies. **This field is required if you are creating a credit memo or debit memo from an invoice, and is not applicable if you are creating an invoice.**. jurisdiction: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The jurisdiction that applies the tax or VAT. This value is typically a state, province, county, or city. location_code: type: string maxLength: 32 description: >- The identifier for the location based on the value of the `tax_code` field. name: type: string maxLength: 128 description: The name of the taxation item. amount: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_code_name: type: string description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the tax is applied. example: '2022-01-01' tax_rate: type: number description: The amount of the tax applied to the total price. tax_rate_name: type: string description: >- The name of the tax rate, such as sales tax or GST. This name is displayed on billing documents. tax_rate_type: type: string enum: - percent - amount description: Indicates whether the tax rate is an amount or a percentage. source_tax_item_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the taxation item of the invoice, from which the credit or debit memo is created. This field is only applicable when the `type` of the billing document is `credit_memo` and `debit_memo`. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: If set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. required: - tax_date - name - amount - tax_code - tax_rate customerAcceptanceMandate: type: object title: CustomerAcceptanceMandate description: Details about the customer’s acceptance of the mandate. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: A reference to the consent agreement you have with your customer. date: type: string format: date readOnly: true description: The date on which the customer accepted the mandate. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. cardMandate: type: object title: CardMandate description: >- A mandate is a record of the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method. This hash contains details about the mandate. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. network_transaction_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of a network transaction. example: '1234567890' customer_acceptance: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/customerAcceptanceMandate' readOnly: true description: A reference to the consent agreement you have with your customer. type: type: string enum: - multi_use - single_use readOnly: true description: Indicates the type of the stored credential profile, if any. verified: type: boolean readOnly: true description: >- Indicates the mandate was verified with the payment gateway by Zuora. example: true verify: type: boolean description: Specifies if Zuora should verify this mandate. example: false ccRefMandate: type: object title: CcRefMandate description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. paypalExpress: type: object title: PaypalExpress description: >- If it is a `paypal_express` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method required: - baid - email paypalAdaptive: type: object title: PaypalAdaptive description: >- If it is a `paypal_adaptive` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Adaptive payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: preapproval_key: type: string description: PayPal preapproval key. example: 2G4EPFSD email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method. example: required: - preapproval_key - email paypalExpressNative: type: object title: PaypalExpressNative description: >- If it is a `paypal_express_native` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express Native payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: >- Email address associated with the payment method. This is required with a paypal_express_checkout or a paypal_adaptive payment method. required: - baid nzBecsDebit: type: object title: NzBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `nz_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS-NZ bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code padDebit: type: object title: PadDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `pad_debit`, this hash contains details about the PAD bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code auBecsDebit: type: object title: AuBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `au_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code bacsDebit: type: object title: BacsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `bacs_debit`,, this hash contains details about the BACS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - bank_code autogiroDebit: type: object title: AutogiroDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `autogiro_debit`, this hash contains details about the Autogiro bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Autogiro (Direct Debit SE). branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - branch_code betalingsDebit: type: object title: BetalingsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `betalings_debit`, this hash contains details about the Betalingsservice bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Betalingsservice (Direct Debit DK). bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - bank_code achDebit: type: object title: AchDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `ach_debit`, this hash contains details about the ACH bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. bank_aba_code: type: string description: The nine-digit routing number or ABA number used by banks. bank_account_name: type: string description: >- The name of the account holder, which can be either a person or a company. bank_account_type: type: string enum: - business_saving - business_checking - checking - saving description: The type of bank account associated with the payment method. bank_name: type: string description: Name of the bank associated with this bank account. bank_account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. required: - bank_aba_code - bank_account_type - bank_account_name - bank_account_number - bank_name achDebitUpdate: type: object title: AchDebitUpdate description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: mandate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mandate' bank_aba_code: type: string description: The nine-digit routing number or ABA number used by banks. bank_account_name: type: string description: >- The name of the account holder, which can be either a person or a company. bank_account_type: type: string enum: - business_saving - business_checking - checking - saving description: The type of bank account associated with the payment method. bank_name: type: string description: Name of the bank associated with this bank account. sepaDebit: type: object title: SepaDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `sepa_debit`, this hash contains details about the SEPA bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: IBAN: type: string description: >- International Bank Account Number used to create the SEPA Debit payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. business_identification_code: type: string description: The BIC code used with the Sepa Debit payment method. required: - IBAN ccRef: type: object title: CcRef description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `cc_ref`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: second_token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data. This field is conditionally required only when `token` is being used to represent a gateway customer profile. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. card: type: object title: CcRefCard description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' required: - token ccRefUpdate: type: object title: CcRefUpdate description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `cc_ref`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: second_token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data. This field is conditionally required only when `token` is being used to represent a gateway customer profile. mandate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mandate' card: type: object title: Card description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora's [Payment Pages 2.0]( instead of interacting with this API directly. additionalProperties: false properties: card_number: type: string writeOnly: true description: The card number, as a string without any separators. example: '4001100010112042' brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 security_code: type: string description: >- Card security code. It is highly recommended to always include this value. example: '111' mandate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cardMandate' last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' required: - card_number - brand - expiry_month - expiry_year getCardList: type: object title: GetCardList description: Credit card information. additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' applePay: type: object title: ApplePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. payment_id: type: string description: >- The ID of newly processed payment. Only available in the response of the Create Payment Method API request. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. cardUpdate: type: object title: CardUpdate description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `card`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card payment method. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora's [Payment Pages 2.0]( instead of interacting with this API directly. additionalProperties: false properties: expiry_month: type: number description: One- or two-digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. expiry_year: type: number description: Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. security_code: type: string description: >- Card security code. It is highly recommended to always include this value. applePayCreate: type: object title: ApplePayCreate description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- The Merchant ID that was configured for use with Apple Pay in the Apple iOS Developer Center. customer_token: type: object additionalProperties: true description: >- The complete JSON Object representing the encrypted payment token payload returned in the response from the Apple Pay session. collect_payment: type: boolean description: > A boolean flag to control whether a payment should be processed after creating payment method. The payment amount will be equivalent to the amount the merchant supplied in the ApplePay session. Default is false. If this field is set to `true`, you must specify the `gateway_id` field with the payment gateway instance name. If this field is set to `false`: - The default payment gateway of your Zuora customer account will be used no matter whether a payment gateway instance is specified in the `gateway_id` field. - You must select the **Verify new credit card** check box on the gateway instance settings page. Otherwise, the cryptogram will not be sent to the gateway. - A separate subscribe or payment API call is required after this payment method creation call. invoice_id: type: string description: >- The id of invoice this payment will apply to. Note: When `collect_payment` is true, this field is required. Only one invoice can be paid; for scenarios where you want to pay for multiple invoices, set collect_payment to false and use [Create Payment](#operation/createPayment) API separately. mandate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/mandate' required: - customer_token googlePayCreate: type: object title: GooglePayCreate description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `google_pay`, this hash contains details about the Google Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: customer_token: type: object additionalProperties: true description: >- The complete JSON Object representing the encrypted payment token payload returned in the response from the Google Pay session. required: - customer_token googlePay: type: object title: GooglePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. billingDetails: type: object title: BillingDetails description: >- Billing information associated with the payment method that may be used or required by specific payment method types. additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string description: Customer full name or business name. example: Amy Lawrence address: type: object title: AddressFieldDefinitions description: Address information used in billing details. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States state: type: string description: The state, county, province, or region. example: GA postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 account: type: object title: Account description: The account data. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 billing_document_settings: type: object title: BillingDocumentSettings description: Billing document settings for an account additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memo_template_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the credit memo template associated with this customer. example: 2c92c08b6a8c978f016a9e0084622b62 debit_memo_template_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the debit memo template associated with this customer. example: 2c92c08c6a8c7e08016a9ec8d72f3ab5 email_documents: type: boolean description: Whether the customer wants to receive email invoices. example: print_documents: type: boolean description: Whether the customer wants to receive printed invoices. example: false invoice_template_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the invoice template associated with this customer. example: 8f64d4d754739d85d0346e00ef77e50d additional_email: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of additional email addresses to receive email notifications. example: batch: type: string description: The identifier of a bill run batch. bill_cycle_day: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: >- The day of the month on which your customer will be invoiced. For month-end specify 31. bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: Customer billing address. sold_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: Customer address used for calculating tax. communication_profile_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the communication profile associated with this customer. example: 2c92c0946a6dffc0016a7faab604299b crm_id: type: string description: CRM account identifier. example: 1a2b3c4d5e default_payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the default payment method on the customer account. example: 8a95b1946b6aeac8718c32aab8c395f name: type: string description: The name of the customer account. example: test account description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account parent_account_id: type: string description: Identifier of this customer's parent account, if any. example: 8ad093f27d6eee80017d6effd7a66759 payment_gateway: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: Payment gateway name. example: adyen gateway payment_terms: type: string description: >- Payment terms configured in **Billing Settings > Payment Terms** of your Zuora tenant. example: Net 30 sequence_set_id: type: string description: >- The identifier or the billing document sequence set that is assigned to the customer account. example: 2c92a4204a6dffc0016a7faab723041c auto_pay: type: boolean description: >- Controls whether future payments are automatically billed when they are due. example: true tax_certificate: type: object title: TaxCertificate description: The tax certificate information. additionalProperties: false properties: company_code: type: string description: >- Unique code that identifies a company account in Avalara. Use this field to calculate taxes based on country of origin and sold-to addresses in Avalara. example: ABC id: type: string description: Identifier of the tax exemption certificate. start_date: type: string format: date description: The tax certificate start date. example: '2022-01-01' description: type: string description: Description of the tax exemption certificate. entity_use_code: type: string description: >- A unique entity use code used by Avalara to apply exemptions. This field is required only when you choose Avalara as your tax engine. See [Exempt Transactions]( for more information. end_date: type: string format: date description: The tax certificate end date. example: '2023-01-01' issuing_jurisdiction: type: string description: Typically, this is a state or government agency example: Georgia state: type: string enum: - pending - verified - not_valid description: >- Status of the tax exemption certificate, indication whether the certificate has been verified. tax_identifier: type: string deprecated: true description: >- Value Added Tax (VAT) ID. Each VAT ID must begin with the code of the country code and followed by a block of digits or characters. example: DE123456789 tax_identifier: type: object title: TaxIdentifier description: An object that contains the VAT Identification number. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Value Added Tax (VAT) ID. Each VAT ID must begin with the code of the country code and followed by a block of digits or characters. currency: type: string description: >- Three-letter ISO currency code. Once the currency is set for an account, it cannot be updated. example: USD sales_rep: type: string description: The name of the sales representative associated with this account example: Max enabled: type: boolean readOnly: true description: >- Usually used to disable the customer account. The default is true. If false, attempts to create subscriptions for the customer account will fail. example: true remaining_debit_memo_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: Total remaining balance of all posted debit memos. example: 10 remaining_invoice_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: Total remaining balance of all posted invoices. example: 100 remaining_credit_memo_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: Total remaining balance of all posted credit memos. example: 50 remaining_payment_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: Total remaining balance of all posted payments. example: 20 bill_to_id: type: string description: Customer billing address. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d sold_to_id: type: string description: Customer address used for calculating tax. example: 8ad0823f8040e52d0180433026b156fe default_payment_method: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentMethod' description: The default payment method for the customer. billing_documents: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of customer billing documents. payments: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of customer payments. payment_methods: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentMethodListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of customer payment methods. subscriptions: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of customer subscriptions. usage_records: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listUsageResponse' readOnly: true description: List of customer usages. credit_memos: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of credit memo debit_memos: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/debitMemoListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of debit memo invoices: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of invoices listAccountResponse: type: object title: ListAccountResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' listContactResponse: type: object title: ListContactResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' paymentMethodAuthorizationResponse: type: object title: PaymentMethodAuthorizationResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: auth_transaction_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the electronic payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. Gateways check duplicates on the gateway order ID to ensure that the merchant do not accidentally enter the same transaction twice. This ID can also be used to do reconciliation and tie the payment to a natural key in external systems. The source of this ID varies by merchant. Some merchants use their shopping cart order IDs, and others use something different. Merchants use this ID to track transactions in their eCommerce systems. When you create a payment for capturing the authorized funds, it is highly recommended to pass in the `gateway_order_id` that you used when authorizing the funds by using the Create authorization operation, together with the `authorization_id` field. state: type: string enum: - approved - queued_for_submission description: The status of the payment authorization. authorizationMandate: type: object title: AuthorizationMandate description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: type: type: string enum: - multi_use - single_use description: Indicates the type of mandate, if any. paymentMethod: type: object title: PaymentMethod description: Payment method information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string enum: - paypal_express - paypal_express_native - paypal_adaptive - card - cc_ref - ach_debit - sepa_debit - betalings_debit - autogiro_debit - bacs_debit - au_becs_debit - nz_becs_debit - pad_debit - apple_pay - wire_transfer - check - cash - other - paypal - adyen_google_pay - adyen_apple_pay description: >- The type of the payment method. An additional hash is included on the payment method with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the payment method type. custom_type: type: string description: >- The custom type of the payment method from Universal Payment Connector. account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' readOnly: true description: The customer account associated with this payment method. billing_details: type: object title: BillingDetails description: >- Billing information associated with the payment method that may be used or required by specific payment method types. additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string description: Customer full name or business name. example: Amy Lawrence address: type: object title: AddressFieldDefinitions description: Address information used in billing details. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States state: type: string description: The state, county, province, or region. example: GA postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string ip_address: type: string nullable: true description: The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer. example: bank_identification_number: type: string card: type: object title: GetCardList description: Credit card information. additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' paypal_express_native: type: object title: PaypalExpressNative description: >- If it is a `paypal_express_native` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express Native payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: >- Email address associated with the payment method. This is required with a paypal_express_checkout or a paypal_adaptive payment method. required: - baid paypal_express: type: object title: PaypalExpress description: >- If it is a `paypal_express` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method required: - baid - email paypal_adaptive: type: object title: PaypalAdaptive description: >- If it is a `paypal_adaptive` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Adaptive payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: preapproval_key: type: string description: PayPal preapproval key. example: 2G4EPFSD email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method. example: required: - preapproval_key - email sepa_debit: type: object title: SepaDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `sepa_debit`, this hash contains details about the SEPA bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: IBAN: type: string description: >- International Bank Account Number used to create the SEPA Debit payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. business_identification_code: type: string description: The BIC code used with the Sepa Debit payment method. required: - IBAN cc_ref: type: object title: CcRef description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `cc_ref`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: second_token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data. This field is conditionally required only when `token` is being used to represent a gateway customer profile. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. card: type: object title: CcRefCard description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' required: - token apple_pay: type: object title: ApplePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. payment_id: type: string description: >- The ID of newly processed payment. Only available in the response of the Create Payment Method API request. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. google_pay: type: object title: GooglePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. ach_debit: type: object title: AchDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `ach_debit`, this hash contains details about the ACH bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. bank_aba_code: type: string description: The nine-digit routing number or ABA number used by banks. bank_account_name: type: string description: >- The name of the account holder, which can be either a person or a company. bank_account_type: type: string enum: - business_saving - business_checking - checking - saving description: The type of bank account associated with the payment method. bank_name: type: string description: Name of the bank associated with this bank account. bank_account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. required: - bank_aba_code - bank_account_type - bank_account_name - bank_account_number - bank_name betalings_debit: type: object title: BetalingsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `betalings_debit`, this hash contains details about the Betalingsservice bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Betalingsservice (Direct Debit DK). bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - bank_code autogiro_debit: type: object title: AutogiroDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `autogiro_debit`, this hash contains details about the Autogiro bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Autogiro (Direct Debit SE). branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - branch_code bacs_debit: type: object title: BacsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `bacs_debit`,, this hash contains details about the BACS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - bank_code au_becs_debit: type: object title: AuBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `au_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code nz_becs_debit: type: object title: NzBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `nz_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS-NZ bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code pad_debit: type: object title: PadDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `pad_debit`, this hash contains details about the PAD bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code state: type: string enum: - active - closed - scrubbed description: The state of the payment method. auto_generated: type: boolean use_default_retry_rule: type: boolean existing_mandate: type: boolean last_failed_sale_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_status: type: string number_of_consecutive_failures: type: integer total_number_of_processed_payments: type: integer total_number_of_error_payments: type: integer paymentMethodAuthorizationRequest: type: object title: PaymentMethodAuthorizationRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: >- A customer account identifier. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account_number: type: string description: >- A Human-readable customer account identifier. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. example: RC-00000011 amount: type: number description: Amount to be authorized. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. If you do not set this field, Zuora will use one of the following payment gateways instead: The default payment gateway of the customer account that owns the payment method, if the payment method is associated with a customer account or the default payment gateway of your Zuora tenant. example: 8ad093d07ae636bb017ae97518762aa3 gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: A hash containing gateway-specific parameters. example: key: value gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the electronic payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. Gateways check duplicates on the gateway order ID to ensure that the merchant do not accidentally enter the same transaction twice. This ID can also be used to do reconciliation and tie the payment to a natural key in external systems. The source of this ID varies by merchant. Some merchants use their shopping cart order IDs, and others use something different. Merchants use this ID to track transactions in their eCommerce systems. When you create a payment for capturing the authorized funds, it is highly recommended to pass in the `gateway_order_id` that you used when authorizing the funds by using the Create authorization operation, together with the `authorization_id` field. statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. mandate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/authorizationMandate' required: - amount - gateway_order_id paymentMethodVoidAuthorizationRequest: type: object title: PaymentMethodVoidAuthorizationRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: >- A customer account identifier. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account_number: type: string description: >- A Human-readable customer account identifier. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. example: RC-00000011 gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. If you do not set this field, Zuora will use one of the following payment gateways instead: The default payment gateway of the customer account that owns the payment method, if the payment method is associated with a customer account or the default payment gateway of your Zuora tenant. example: 8ad093d07ae636bb017ae97518762aa3 gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: A hash containing gateway-specific parameters. example: key: value gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the electronic payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. Gateways check duplicates on the gateway order ID to ensure that the merchant do not accidentally enter the same transaction twice. This ID can also be used to do reconciliation and tie the payment to a natural key in external systems. The source of this ID varies by merchant. Some merchants use their shopping cart order IDs, and others use something different. Merchants use this ID to track transactions in their eCommerce systems. When you create a payment for capturing the authorized funds, it is highly recommended to pass in the `gateway_order_id` that you used when authorizing the funds by using the Create authorization operation, together with the `authorization_id` field. auth_transaction_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. required: - auth_transaction_id - gateway_order_id paymentMethodListResponse: type: object title: PaymentMethodListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentMethod' paymentMethodCreateRequest: type: object title: PaymentMethodCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string enum: - paypal_express - paypal_express_native - paypal_adaptive - card - cc_ref - ach_debit - sepa_debit - betalings_debit - autogiro_debit - bacs_debit - au_becs_debit - nz_becs_debit - pad_debit - apple_pay - other - paypal - adyen_google_pay - adyen_apple_pay description: >- The type of the payment method. An additional hash is included on the payment method with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the payment method type. This field enumerates the supported payment methods. Not all payment gateways support all these payment method types. Check Supported payment methods to check the supported payment methods for each gateway. If you need to create payment methods outside the scope of this operaton, you have to use the [Create a payment method]( operation of the v1 API instead of the Quickstart API. custom_type: type: string description: >- The custom type of the payment method from Universal Payment Connector. account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' readOnly: true description: The customer account associated with this payment method. billing_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDetails' maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string description: Identifier of the device browser session. example: 2cadffe03 ip_address: type: string nullable: true description: The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer. example: bank_identification_number: type: string description: >- The first six or eight digits of the payment method's number, such as the credit card number or account number. Banks use this number to identify a payment method. example: '123456' card: $ref: '#/components/schemas/card' paypal_express_native: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalExpressNative' paypal_express: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalExpress' paypal_adaptive: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalAdaptive' sepa_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sepaDebit' cc_ref: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ccRef' apple_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/applePayCreate' google_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/googlePayCreate' ach_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/achDebit' betalings_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/betalingsDebit' autogiro_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/autogiroDebit' bacs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bacsDebit' au_becs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/auBecsDebit' nz_becs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/nzBecsDebit' pad_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/padDebit' account_number: type: string description: >- A human-readable customer account identifier. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 is_default: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether it is the default payment method on the associated account. example: false gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. example: 8ad093d07ae636bb017ae97518762aa3 gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value required: - type paymentMethodPatchRequest: type: object title: PaymentMethodPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: billing_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDetails' account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account_number: type: string description: >- A human-readable customer account identifier. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/cardUpdate' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. cc_ref: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ccRefUpdate' description: >- Credit Card Reference Transaction. See Supported payment methods for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. mandate: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ccRefMandate' ach_debit: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/achDebitUpdate' description: >- If this is an ach_debit payment method, this hash contains details about the ACH debit bank account. maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string description: Identifier of the device browser session. example: 2cadffe03 gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. accountPaymentMethodRequest: type: object title: AccountPaymentMethodRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string enum: - paypal_express - paypal_express_native - paypal_adaptive - card - cc_ref - ach_debit - sepa_debit - betalings_debit - autogiro_debit - bacs_debit - au_becs_debit - nz_becs_debit - pad_debit - apple_pay - wire_transfer - check - cash - other - paypal - adyen_google_pay - adyen_apple_pay description: >- The type of the payment method. An additional hash is included on the payment method with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the payment method type. custom_type: type: string description: >- The custom type of the payment method from Universal Payment Connector. account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' readOnly: true description: The customer account associated with this payment method. billing_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDetails' maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string description: Identifier of the device browser session. example: 2cadffe03 ip_address: type: string nullable: true description: The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer. example: bank_identification_number: type: string description: >- The first six or eight digits of the payment method's number, such as the credit card number or account number. Banks use this number to identify a payment method. example: '123456' card: $ref: '#/components/schemas/card' paypal_express_native: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalExpressNative' paypal_express: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalExpress' paypal_adaptive: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paypalAdaptive' sepa_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sepaDebit' cc_ref: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ccRef' apple_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/applePay' google_pay: $ref: '#/components/schemas/googlePay' ach_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/achDebit' betalings_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/betalingsDebit' autogiro_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/autogiroDebit' bacs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/bacsDebit' au_becs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/auBecsDebit' nz_becs_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/nzBecsDebit' pad_debit: $ref: '#/components/schemas/padDebit' paymentMethodVerificationRequest: type: object title: PaymentMethodVerificationRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: currency: type: string description: Three-letter ISO currency code. security_code: type: string description: Card security code. payment_gateway: type: string description: >- The name of the payment gateway instance. If no value is specified for this field, the default payment gateway of your Zuora tenant will be used. example: 8ad093d07ae636bb017ae97518762aa3 gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: A hash containing gateway-specific parameters. example: key: value accountPatchRequest: type: object title: AccountPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 billing_document_settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentSettings' batch: type: string description: The identifier of a bill run batch. bill_cycle_day: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: >- The day of the month on which your customer will be invoiced. For month-end specify 31. bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountContactPatchRequest' description: Customer billing address. sold_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountContactPatchRequest' description: Customer address used for calculating tax. communication_profile_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the communication profile associated with this customer. example: 2c92c0946a6dffc0016a7faab604299b crm_id: type: string description: CRM account identifier. example: 1a2b3c4d5e default_payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the default payment method on the customer account. example: 8a95b1946b6aeac8718c32aab8c395f name: type: string description: The name of the customer account. example: test account description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account parent_account_id: type: string description: Identifier of this customer's parent account, if any. example: 8ad093f27d6eee80017d6effd7a66759 payment_gateway: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: Payment gateway name. example: adyen gateway payment_terms: type: string description: >- Payment terms configured in **Billing Settings > Payment Terms** of your Zuora tenant. example: Net 30 sequence_set_id: type: string description: >- The identifier or the billing document sequence set that is assigned to the customer account. example: 2c92a4204a6dffc0016a7faab723041c auto_pay: type: boolean description: >- Controls whether future payments are automatically billed when they are due. example: true tax_certificate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxCertificate' tax_identifier: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxIdentifier' currency: type: string description: >- Three-letter ISO currency code. Once the currency is set for an account, it cannot be updated. example: USD sales_rep: type: string description: The name of the sales representative associated with this account example: Max accountCreateRequest: type: object title: AccountCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 billing_document_settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentSettings' batch: type: string description: The identifier of a bill run batch. bill_cycle_day: type: integer minimum: 0 maximum: 31 description: >- The day of the month on which your customer will be invoiced. For month-end specify 31. bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountContactCreateRequest' description: Customer billing address. sold_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountContactCreateRequest' description: Customer address used for calculating tax. communication_profile_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the communication profile associated with this customer. example: 2c92c0946a6dffc0016a7faab604299b crm_id: type: string description: CRM account identifier. example: 1a2b3c4d5e default_payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the default payment method on the customer account. example: 8a95b1946b6aeac8718c32aab8c395f name: type: string description: The name of the customer account. example: test account description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account parent_account_id: type: string description: Identifier of this customer's parent account, if any. example: 8ad093f27d6eee80017d6effd7a66759 payment_gateway: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: Payment gateway name. example: adyen gateway payment_terms: type: string description: >- Payment terms configured in **Billing Settings > Payment Terms** of your Zuora tenant. example: Net 30 sequence_set_id: type: string description: >- The identifier or the billing document sequence set that is assigned to the customer account. example: 2c92a4204a6dffc0016a7faab723041c auto_pay: type: boolean description: >- Controls whether future payments are automatically billed when they are due. example: true tax_certificate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxCertificate' tax_identifier: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxIdentifier' currency: type: string description: >- Three-letter ISO currency code. Once the currency is set for an account, it cannot be updated. example: USD sales_rep: type: string description: The name of the sales representative associated with this account example: Max payment_method: x-displayName: Get an Account allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountPaymentMethodRequest' description: | A new payment method for the account. Note that the Quickstart API does not support the creating payment methods through the Universal Payment Connector (UPC). required: - currency - bill_to - name orderLineItemRevenue: type: object title: OrderLineItemRevenue description: Accounting configuration if you have Zuora Revenue enabled. additionalProperties: false properties: exclude_item_billing_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated billing document items are excluded from the revenue accounting. exclude_item_booking_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated subscription items are excluded from the revenue accounting. adjustment_revenue_account: type: string nullable: true description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. contract_recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recognized_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: The revenue recognition rule for the order line item. lineItem: type: object title: LineItem description: Data of order line items. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. unit_amount: type: number description: >- The unit amount of the price. Specify this field if you want to override the original price with a per-unit price. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- The target date for the order line item to be picked up by bill run for billing. deferred_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. revenue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/revenue' discount_unit_amount: type: number description: >- Discount amount. Specify this field if you offer an amount-based discount. discount_percent: type: number description: >- Discount percent. Specify this field if you offer a percentage-based discount. category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- The category for the order line item, to indicate a product sale or return. state: type: string enum: - pending - booked - sent_to_billing - complete - canceled description: >- The state of an order line item. If you want to generate billing documents for order line items, you must set this field to `sent_to_billing`. For invoice preview, you do not need to set this field. type: type: string description: The type of the order line item. name: type: string description: Name of the order line item item_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the order item. It can be user-supplied. list_unit_price: type: number description: The list price per unit for the order line item. product_code: type: string description: The product code for the order line item. price_id: type: string description: Identifier of the price. purchase_order_number: type: string description: >- Used by customers to specify the Purchase Order Number provided by the buyer. quantity: type: number description: >- The quantity of units, such as the number of authors in a hosted wiki service. recognized_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: The revenue recognition rule for the order line item. sold_to_id: type: string description: Customer address used for calculating tax. example: 8ad0823f8040e52d0180433026b156fe tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. start_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction starts. The default value of this field is the order date. example: '2022-01-01' end_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction is completed. The default value of this field is the transaction start date. Also, the value of this field should always equal or be later than the value of the `start_date` field. example: '2022-01-01' invoice_items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of invoice items. EXPANDABLE related_subscription_number: type: string description: >- Use this field to relate an order line item to an subscription. Specify this field to the subscription number of the subscription to relate. billing_rule: type: string enum: - trigger_without_fulfillment - trigger_on_fulfillment description: The billing rule for the Order Line Item. total: type: string description: The total amount, including the total tax amount. subtotal: type: string description: 'The total amount exclusive of tax. ' original_order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the subscription item is created through an order. This field is to standardize the booking date information to increase audit ability and traceability of data between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue. It is mapped as the booking date for a sales order line in Zuora Revenue. example: '2022-01-01' accounting_code: type: string description: The accounting code for the order line item. adjustment_liability_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code on the Order Line Item object for customers using Zuora Billing - Revenue Integration. adjustment_revenue_account: type: string nullable: true description: >- The accounting code on the Order Line Item object for customers using Zuora Billing - Revenue Integration. discount_total: type: string description: The total discount amount. list_price: type: string description: >- The extended list price for an order line item, calculated by the formula: listPrice = listPricePerUnit * quantity original_sold_to_id: type: string description: >- The ID of a contact that belongs to the billing account of the order line item. Use this field to assign an existing account as the sold-to contact of an order line item. unbilled_receivables_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code on the Order Line Item object for customers using Zuora Billing - Revenue Integration. orderLineItem: type: object title: OrderLineItem description: Data of order line items. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. revenue: type: object title: OrderLineItemRevenue description: Accounting configuration if you have Zuora Revenue enabled. additionalProperties: false properties: exclude_item_billing_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated billing document items are excluded from the revenue accounting. exclude_item_booking_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated subscription items are excluded from the revenue accounting. adjustment_revenue_account: type: string nullable: true description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. contract_recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recognized_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: The revenue recognition rule for the order line item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: A configured unit of measure. accounting_code: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. adjustment_liability_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. unit_amount: type: number description: The unit amount to be charged. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- All order line items that were unbilled on or before this date are included in future bill runs. billing_rule: enum: - trigger_without_fulfillment - trigger_on_fulfillment description: The billing rule for the order line item. contract_asset_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. contract_liability_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. discount_unit_amount: type: number description: Discount amount per unit. discount_percent: type: number description: Discount percent. category: enum: - sale - return description: >- The category for the order line item, to indicate a product sale or return. name: type: string description: The name of the order line item. type: enum: - product - fee - services description: The type of the order line item. list_unit_price: type: number description: The list price per unit for the order line item. product_code: type: string description: The product code for the order line item. purchase_order_number: type: string description: >- Used by customers to specify the Purchase Order Number provided by the buyer. quantity: type: number description: The quantity of the product ordered. related_subscription_number: type: string description: Use this field to relate an order line item to an subscription. sold_to_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of a contact belonging to the billing account of the order line item. Use this field to assign and existing contact as the sold to contact of an order line item. example: 8ad0823f8040e52d0180433026b156fe tax_code: type: string description: The tax code for the order line item. unbilled_receivables_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts.. state: enum: - pending - booked - sent_to_billing - complete - canceled description: >- The state of an order line item. If you want to generate billing documents for order line items, you must set this field to `sent_to_billing`. For invoice preview, you do not need to set this field. item_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the order item. It can be user-supplied. start_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction starts. The default value of this field is the order date. example: '2022-01-01' end_date: type: string format: date description: The date the order line item transitions to complete. example: '2022-01-01' price_id: type: string description: Identifier of the price. quantity_available_for_return: type: number description: The quantity of the product ordered available for return. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. invoice_items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of invoice items. EXPANDABLE order_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the order associated with this order line item. total: type: number description: Total after discounts and taxes. subtotal: type: number description: Total before discounts and taxes are applied. quantity_fulfilled: type: number description: The quantity fulfilled. quantity_pending_fulfillment: type: number description: The quantity pending fulfillment. requires_fulfillment: type: boolean description: If true, a fulfillment is required to trigger billing. original_order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the subscription item is created through an order. This field is to standardize the booking date information to increase audit ability and traceability of data between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue. It is mapped as the booking date for a sales order line in Zuora Revenue. example: '2022-01-01' original_order_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of the original sales order for a return order line item. original_order_line_item_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of the original sales order line item for a return order line item. original_order_line_item_number: type: string description: >- The number of the original sales order line item for a return order line item. original_order_number: type: string description: The number of the original sales order for a return order line item. discount_total: type: number description: Total discount amount. list_price: type: number description: >- The extended list price for an order line item, calculated by the formula: listPrice = listPricePerUnit * quantity original_sold_to_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of a contact belonging to the billing account of the order line item that was the original sold to contact when the order line item was created. lineItemCreateRequest: type: object title: LineItemCreateRequest description: Order line items additionalProperties: false properties: unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. unit_amount: type: number description: >- The unit amount of the price. Specify this field if you want to override the original price with a per-unit price. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- The target date for the order line item to be picked up by bill run for billing. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' deferred_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. revenue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/revenue' discount_unit_amount: type: number description: >- Discount amount. Specify this field if you offer an amount-based discount. discount_percent: type: number description: >- Discount percent. Specify this field if you offer a percentage-based discount. category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- The category for the order line item, to indicate a product sale or return. state: type: string enum: - pending - booked - sent_to_billing - complete - canceled description: >- The state of an order line item. If you want to generate billing documents for order line items, you must set this field to `sent_to_billing`. For invoice preview, you do not need to set this field. type: type: string enum: - product - fee - services description: The type of the order line item. name: type: string description: The name of the order line item. item_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the order item. It can be user-supplied. list_unit_price: type: number description: The list price per unit for the order line item. product_code: type: string description: The product code for the order line item. price_id: type: string description: Identifier of the price. purchase_order_number: type: string description: >- Used by customers to specify the Purchase Order Number provided by the buyer. quantity: type: number description: >- The quantity of units, such as the number of authors in a hosted wiki service. recognized_revenue_account: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: The revenue recognition rule for the order line item. sold_to_id: type: string description: Customer address used for calculating tax. example: 8ad0823f8040e52d0180433026b156fe tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. start_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction starts. The default value of this field is the order date. example: '2022-01-01' end_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction is completed. The default value of this field is the transaction start date. Also, the value of this field should always equal or be later than the value of the `start_date` field. example: '2022-01-01' invoice_items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of invoice items. EXPANDABLE related_subscription_number: type: string description: >- Relates an order line item to a subscription when you create the order line item. billing_rule: type: string enum: - trigger_without_fulfillment - trigger_on_fulfillment description: The billing rule for the Order Line Item. required: - name - type lineItemListResponse: type: object title: LineItemListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/orderLineItem' lineItemPatchRequest: type: object title: LineItemPatchRequest description: Update an order line item additionalProperties: false properties: revenue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/orderLineItemRevenue' unit_of_measure: type: string description: A configured unit of measure. accounting_code: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. adjustment_liability_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. unit_amount: type: number description: The unit amount to be charged. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- All order line items that were unbilled on or before this date are included in future bill runs. billing_rule: enum: - trigger_without_fulfillment - trigger_on_fulfillment description: The billing rule for the order line item. contract_asset_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. contract_liability_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. discount_unit_amount: type: number description: Discount amount per unit. discount_percent: type: number description: Discount percent. category: enum: - sale - return description: Category of the order line item. name: type: string description: The name of the order line item. type: enum: - product - fee - services description: The type of the order line item. list_unit_price: type: number description: The list price per unit for the order line item. product_code: type: string description: The product code for the order line item. purchase_order_number: type: string description: >- Used by customers to specify the Purchase Order Number provided by the buyer. quantity: type: number description: The quantity of the product ordered. related_subscription_number: type: string description: Use this field to relate an order line item to an subscription. sold_to_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier of a contact belonging to the billing account of the order line item. Use this field to assign and existing contact as the sold to contact of an order line item. example: 8ad0823f8040e52d0180433026b156fe tax_code: type: string description: The tax code for the order line item. unbilled_receivables_account: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts.. state: enum: - pending - booked - sent_to_billing - complete - canceled description: >- The state of an order line item. If you want to generate billing documents for order line items, you must set this field to `sent_to_billing`. For invoice preview, you do not need to set this field. item_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the order item. It can be user-supplied. start_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date a transaction starts. The default value of this field is the order date. example: '2022-01-01' end_date: type: string format: date description: The date the order line item transitions to complete. example: '2022-01-01' orderCancellationRequest: type: object title: OrderCancellationRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: cancel_reason: type: string description: The reason for cancelling the order. ordersProcessingOption: type: object title: OrdersProcessingOption description: Processing options for the invoice or payment. additionalProperties: false properties: document_date: type: string format: date description: The date printed on billing documents. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- The target date for the order to be picked up by bill run for billing. collection_method: type: string enum: - collect_payment - create_invoice - process_refund - run_billing description: >- Specifies whether to just create an invoice, or to create an invoice and collect payment. payment_method_id: type: string description: Payment method Id used to pay billing documents. payment_gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. example: 8ad093d07ae636bb017ae97518762aa3 draft_invoice: type: boolean refund_reason_code: type: string apply_credit: type: boolean description: >- Whether to automatically apply credit memos or unapplied payments, or both to an invoice. ordersSchedulingOptions: type: object title: OrdersSchedulingOptions description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: scheduled_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the order is scheduled to be processed. orderListResponse: type: object title: OrderListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/order' orderCreateRequest: type: object title: OrderCreateRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- Category of the order to indicate a product sale or return. Default value is `sale`. custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account_data: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/accountCreateRequest' description: >- The information of the new account that owns the subscription. The subscription owner account can be different from the invoice owner account. If you specify this field, do not specify `account_id`. order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the order is signed. All the order actions under this order will use this order date as the contract effective date if the contract effective date field is skipped or its value is left as null. example: '2022-01-01' order_number: type: string description: >- The order number of the new order. If not provided, system will auto-generate a number for this order. Note: Ensure that the order number does not contain a slash. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItemCreateRequest' description: >- Order line items are non-subscription-based items created by an order, representing transactional charges such as one-time fees, physical goods, or professional service charges that are not sold as subscription services. By specifying this field, you can launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models in Zuora, in addition to subscription business models. processing_options: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ordersProcessingOption' subscriptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/postSubscriptionOrderRequest' description: >- Based on the intended order action, each item should include specific fields. For example, to create a new subscription for a new account, you must specify the `account_data` and `subscription_plans` fields at a minimum. scheduling_options: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ordersSchedulingOptions' state: type: string enum: - pending - complete - draft - canceled - scheduled - executing - failed description: The status of the order. order: type: object title: Order description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. order_number: type: string description: >- The order number of the new order. If not provided, system will auto-generate a number for this order. Note: Ensure that the order number does not contain a slash. order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the order is signed. All the order actions under this order will use this order date as the contract effective date if the contract effective date field is skipped or its value is left as null. example: '2022-01-01' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- Category of the order to indicate a product sale or return. Default value is `sale`. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account associated with this subscription. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: Information of the new account associated with the subscription. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItemListResponse' description: >- Order line items are non-subscription-based items created by an order, representing transactional charges such as one-time fees, physical goods, or professional service charges that are not sold as subscription services. By specifying this field, you can launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models in Zuora, in addition to subscription business models. subscriptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/postSubscriptionOrderResponse' description: >- Each item includes specific fields based on the intended order action. state: type: string enum: - pending - complete - draft - canceled - scheduled - executing - failed description: The status of the order. scheduled_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the order is scheduled to be processed. scheduled_date_policy: type: string description: Date policy of the scheduled order. subscriptionVersionOrder: type: object title: SubscriptionVersionOrder description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. order_number: type: string description: >- The order number of the new order. If not provided, system will auto-generate a number for this order. Note: Ensure that the order number does not contain a slash. order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the order is signed. All the order actions under this order will use this order date as the contract effective date if the contract effective date field is skipped or its value is left as null. example: '2022-01-01' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- Category of the order to indicate a product sale or return. Default value is `sale`. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItemListResponse' description: >- Order line items are non-subscription-based items created by an order, representing transactional charges such as one-time fees, physical goods, or professional service charges that are not sold as subscription services. By specifying this field, you can launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models in Zuora, in addition to subscription business models. state: type: string enum: - pending - complete - draft - canceled - scheduled - executing - failed description: The status of the order. actions: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/orderActionListResponse' refundOrderTransactions: type: object title: RefundOrderTransactions description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: number: type: string description: The number of the refund. invoice_numbers: type: array items: type: string description: The numbers of the related invoices. state: allOf: - type: object properties: succeeded: type: string readOnly: true failed: type: string readOnly: true description: The states of the refunds. refunds: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/refund' description: The related invoices. arTransactionsOrders: type: object title: ArTransactionsOrders description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memo_numbers: type: array items: type: string description: The numbers of related credit memos. credit_memos: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemo' description: The related credit memos. invoice_numbers: type: array items: type: string description: The numbers of related invoices invoices: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoice' description: The related invoices. refunds: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundOrderTransactions' description: The related refunds. payments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentTransactions' description: The related payments. orderCancelResponse: type: object title: OrderCancelResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. order_number: type: string description: >- The order number of the new order. If not provided, system will auto-generate a number for this order. Note: Ensure that the order number does not contain a slash. order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the order is signed. All the order actions under this order will use this order date as the contract effective date if the contract effective date field is skipped or its value is left as null. example: '2022-01-01' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- Category of the order to indicate a product sale or return. Default value is `sale`. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account associated with this subscription. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: Information of the new account associated with the subscription. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItemListResponse' description: >- Order line items are non-subscription-based items created by an order, representing transactional charges such as one-time fees, physical goods, or professional service charges that are not sold as subscription services. By specifying this field, you can launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models in Zuora, in addition to subscription business models. subscriptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/postSubscriptionOrderResponse' description: >- Each item includes specific fields based on the intended order action. state: type: string enum: - pending - complete - draft - canceled - scheduled - executing - failed description: The status of the order. scheduled_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the order is scheduled to be processed. scheduled_date_policy: type: string description: Date policy of the scheduled order. ar_transactions: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/arTransactionsOrders' write_offs: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/writeOff' description: The billing documents that are written off. lineItemsPreviewResponse: type: object title: LineItemsPreviewResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: mrr: type: object properties: gross_amount: type: number net_amount: type: number currency: type: string tcb: type: object properties: gross_amount: type: number net_amount: type: number currency: type: string tcv: type: object properties: gross_amount: type: number net_amount: type: number currency: type: string orderPreviewCreateRequest: type: object title: OrderPreviewCreateRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: category: type: string enum: - sale - return description: >- Category of the order to indicate a product sale or return. Default value is `sale`. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. example: description of test account account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account. It can be user-supplied. example: A-100001 account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d order_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date when the order is signed. All the order actions under this order will use this order date as the contract effective date if the contract effective date field is skipped or its value is left as null. example: '2022-01-01' order_number: type: string description: >- The order number of the new order. If not provided, system will auto-generate a number for this order. Note: Ensure that the order number does not contain a slash. line_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItemCreateRequest' description: >- Order line items are non-subscription-based items created by an order, representing transactional charges such as one-time fees, physical goods, or professional service charges that are not sold as subscription services. By specifying this field, you can launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models in Zuora, in addition to subscription business models. subscriptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/postSubscriptionOrderRequest' description: >- Based on the intended order action, each item should include specific fields. For example, to preview a new subscription for a new account, you must specify the `account_data` and `subscription_plans` fields at a minimum. account_data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionPreviewAccountRequest' number_of_periods: type: integer description: Specifies how many billing periods you want to preview. term_end: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to preview the subscription till the end of the current term. metrics: type: array items: type: string enum: - billing_documents - delta_metrics description: >- Specifies the metrics you want to preview. You can preview metrics of billing documents, the order delta metrics, or both. end_date: type: string format: date description: >- End date of the period for which you want to preview the subscription required: - metrics tier: type: object title: Tier description: Tier information for tiered prices. additionalProperties: false properties: up_to: type: number description: >- The upper bound of a tier. The lower bound of a tier is the upper bound of the previous tier plus one or some fraction of one, depending on the precision of the unit of measure. amounts: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' description: >- Prices for the tier. Only set if `charge_model` is `tiered`, `tiered_overage`, or `highwatermark_tiered`. unit_amounts: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' description: >- Per unit prices for units in the tier. Only set if `charge_model` is `tiered`, `tiered_overage`, or `highwatermark_tiered`. itemTier: type: object title: ItemTier description: Tiers information of the billing document items. additionalProperties: false properties: up_to: type: number description: >- Specifies the upper bound of the tier. The lower bound of a tier is the upper bound of the previous tier plus one. amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the price. Specify this field if you want to override the original price with a flat-fee price. unit_amount: type: number description: >- The unit amount of the price. Specify this field if you want to override the original price with a per-unit price. overage: type: object title: Overage description: An object defining how overage charges are calculated. additionalProperties: false properties: interval_count: type: integer description: >- Specifies the number of intervals used to calculate smoothed overage charges. type: type: string enum: - rolling_window - rollover description: 'Represents the overage type: one of rolling_window or rollover.' included_units: type: number description: Specifies the included units to which overage charges do not apply. credit_unused_units: type: boolean description: Specifies whether or not to credit unused units. apply_at_end_of_smoothing_period: type: boolean description: >- Indicates if the overage price is calculated at the end of the smoothing period. revenue: type: object title: Revenue description: Accounting configuration if you have Zuora Revenue enabled. additionalProperties: false properties: exclude_item_billing_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated billing document items are excluded from the revenue accounting. exclude_item_booking_from_revenue_accounting: type: boolean description: >- If set to `true`, any associated subscription items are excluded from the revenue accounting. recurring: type: object title: Recurring description: The recurring components of a price such as interval and usage. additionalProperties: false properties: recurring_on: type: string enum: - _1 - _2 - _3 - _4 - _5 - _6 - _7 - _8 - _9 - _10 - _11 - _12 - _13 - _14 - _15 - _16 - _17 - _18 - _19 - _20 - _21 - _22 - _23 - _24 - _25 - _26 - _27 - _28 - _29 - _30 - _31 - subscription_item_start_day - account_cycle_date - subscription_start_day - term_end_day - monday - tuesday - wednesday - thursday - friday - saturday - sunday description: >- Specifies on which day or the month or day of the week a customer shall be billed. 'on': type: string enum: - _1 - _2 - _3 - _4 - _5 - _6 - _7 - _8 - _9 - _10 - _11 - _12 - _13 - _14 - _15 - _16 - _17 - _18 - _19 - _20 - _21 - _22 - _23 - _24 - _25 - _26 - _27 - _28 - _29 - _30 - _31 - subscription_item_start_day - account_cycle_date - subscription_start_day - term_end_day - monday - tuesday - wednesday - thursday - friday - saturday - sunday deprecated: true x-replaced-by: recurring_on description: >- Specifies on which day or the month or day of the week a customer shall be billed. usage: type: boolean description: Indicates that this is a usage price. interval: type: string enum: - month - year - week - term - day description: Specifies the billing frequency. One of `week`, `month` or `year`. interval_count: type: integer description: >- The number of intervals (specified in the interval attribute) between subscription billings. For example, interval=month and intervalCount=3 bills every 3 months. alignment_behavior: type: string enum: - subscription_start - term_start - term_end - none description: >- Specifies how to align billing for recurring (subscription) products that start on different days. timing: type: string enum: - in_advance - in_arrears description: >- You can choose to bill in_advance or in_arrears for recurring prices. The field is not used with one-time or usage-based prices. formula: type: string readOnly: true description: >- You can choose to bill in_advance or in_arrears for recurring prices. The field is not used with one-time or usage-based prices. duration_interval: type: string enum: - day - week - month - year - subscription_term - billing_period description: Specifies the duration frequency. One of day, week, month or year. duration_interval_count: type: integer description: >- Specifies how long a customer shall be charged if this is less than the duration of the subscription rating_group: type: string enum: - billing_period - usage_start_date - usage_record - usage_upload - custom_group description: >- A rating group based on which usage records are rated. Only applicable to usage prices. prepayment: type: object title: Prepayment description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: credit_option: type: string enum: - time_based - consumption_based - full_credit description: >- The way to calculate credit. See Credit Option for more information. quantity: type: number description: The number of units included in a prepayment charge. total_quantity: type: number description: >- The total amount of units that end customers can use during a validity period when they subscribe to a prepayment charge. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. validity_period: type: string enum: - subscription_term - annual - semi_annual - quarter - month description: >- The period in which the prepayment units are valid to use as defined in a prepayment charge. drawdown: type: object title: Drawdown description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: conversion_rate: type: number description: >- The conversion rate between usage unit of measure (UOM) and drawdown unit of measure for a drawdown charge. **Note**: The `conversion_rate` and `unit_of_measure` fields need to have values or be empty at the same time. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Unit of measurement for a drawdown charge. price: type: object title: Price description: Price information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. name: type: string description: The name of the price. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. recognized_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recurring: type: object title: Recurring description: The recurring components of a price such as interval and usage. additionalProperties: false properties: recurring_on: type: string enum: - _1 - _2 - _3 - _4 - _5 - _6 - _7 - _8 - _9 - _10 - _11 - _12 - _13 - _14 - _15 - _16 - _17 - _18 - _19 - _20 - _21 - _22 - _23 - _24 - _25 - _26 - _27 - _28 - _29 - _30 - _31 - subscription_item_start_day - account_cycle_date - subscription_start_day - term_end_day - monday - tuesday - wednesday - thursday - friday - saturday - sunday description: >- Specifies on which day or the month or day of the week a customer shall be billed. 'on': type: string enum: - _1 - _2 - _3 - _4 - _5 - _6 - _7 - _8 - _9 - _10 - _11 - _12 - _13 - _14 - _15 - _16 - _17 - _18 - _19 - _20 - _21 - _22 - _23 - _24 - _25 - _26 - _27 - _28 - _29 - _30 - _31 - subscription_item_start_day - account_cycle_date - subscription_start_day - term_end_day - monday - tuesday - wednesday - thursday - friday - saturday - sunday deprecated: true x-replaced-by: recurring_on description: >- Specifies on which day or the month or day of the week a customer shall be billed. usage: type: boolean description: Indicates that this is a usage price. interval: type: string enum: - month - year - week - term - day description: >- Specifies the billing frequency. One of `week`, `month` or `year`. interval_count: type: integer description: >- The number of intervals (specified in the interval attribute) between subscription billings. For example, interval=month and intervalCount=3 bills every 3 months. alignment_behavior: type: string enum: - subscription_start - term_start - term_end - none description: >- Specifies how to align billing for recurring (subscription) products that start on different days. timing: type: string enum: - in_advance - in_arrears description: >- You can choose to bill in_advance or in_arrears for recurring prices. The field is not used with one-time or usage-based prices. formula: type: string readOnly: true description: >- You can choose to bill in_advance or in_arrears for recurring prices. The field is not used with one-time or usage-based prices. duration_interval: type: string enum: - day - week - month - year - subscription_term - billing_period description: >- Specifies the duration frequency. One of day, week, month or year. duration_interval_count: type: integer description: >- Specifies how long a customer shall be charged if this is less than the duration of the subscription rating_group: type: string enum: - billing_period - usage_start_date - usage_record - usage_upload - custom_group description: >- A rating group based on which usage records are rated. Only applicable to usage prices. start_event: type: string enum: - contract_effective - service_activation - customer_acceptance - specific_date description: Specifies when to start billing your customer. tiers_mode: type: string enum: - graduated - volume - high_watermark_volume - high_watermark_graduated - graduated_with_overage deprecated: true description: Specifies the mode for tiered prices. apply_discount_to: type: array items: type: string enum: - one_time - recurring - usage description: Any combination of one_time, recurring and plan. tiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tier' description: >- Price information for different tiers. When creating or updating tiered prices, you must specify this field and the `tiers_mode` field. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. quantity: type: number description: Quantity of the product to which your customers subscribe. min_quantity: type: number description: >- The minimum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `max_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. max_quantity: type: number description: >- The maximum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `min_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. discount_level: type: string enum: - account - subscription - plan description: >- Specifies at what level a discount should be applied: account, subscription, or plan. revenue_recognition_rule: type: string enum: - on_invoice - daily_over_time description: >- Determines when to recognize the revenue for this charge. You can choose to recognize upon invoicing or daily over time. stacked_discount: type: boolean description: >- This field is only applicable for the Percentage Discount price. This field indicates whether the discount is to be calculated as stacked discount. Possible values are as follows: For more information, see Stacked discounts amounts: type: object additionalProperties: type: number example: USD: 10 GBP: 15 unit_amounts: type: object additionalProperties: type: number example: USD: 10 GBP: 15 discount_amounts: type: object additionalProperties: type: number example: USD: 10 GBP: 15 discount_percent: type: number description: >- Discount percent. Specify this field if you offer a percentage-based discount. price_base_interval: type: string enum: - month - billing_period - week description: >- Specifies the base interval of a price. If not provided, this field defaults to `billing_period`. overage: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/overage' deprecated: true revenue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/revenue' accounting_code: type: string description: >- An active accounting code defined in **Finance Settings > Configure Accounting Codes** in your Zuora tenant. prepayment: type: object title: Prepayment description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: credit_option: type: string enum: - time_based - consumption_based - full_credit description: >- The way to calculate credit. See Credit Option for more information. quantity: type: number description: The number of units included in a prepayment charge. total_quantity: type: number description: >- The total amount of units that end customers can use during a validity period when they subscribe to a prepayment charge. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. validity_period: type: string enum: - subscription_term - annual - semi_annual - quarter - month description: >- The period in which the prepayment units are valid to use as defined in a prepayment charge. drawdown: type: object title: Drawdown description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: conversion_rate: type: number description: >- The conversion rate between usage unit of measure (UOM) and drawdown unit of measure for a drawdown charge. **Note**: The `conversion_rate` and `unit_of_measure` fields need to have values or be empty at the same time. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Unit of measurement for a drawdown charge. taxable: type: boolean price_change_percentage: type: number description: >- The percentage to increase or decrease the price of a termed subscription's renewal. price_change_option: type: string enum: - latest_catalog_pricing - percentage - none default: none description: >- Applies an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. price_increase_option: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to apply an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. plan_id: type: string description: Specify the ID of a plan to which this price is associated. plan_number: type: string description: >- Specify the number of a plan to which this price is associated. This field is required if plan_id is not supplied custom_field_per_unit_rate: type: string writeOnly: true description: >- Name of the custom field that will be used to set a per unit rate under the `Pre-Rated Per Unit` charge model custom_field_total_amount: type: string writeOnly: true description: >- Name of the custom field that will be used to set a total amount under the `Pre-Rated` charge model active: type: boolean deprecated: true description: Whether the price can be used for new purchases. charge_type: type: string description: The type of charge. Can be `one_time`,`recurring`, or `usage`. charge_model: type: string description: >- The charge model of the price, which determines how users are charged. Common charge models include flat fee, per-unit, volume, and tiered prices. priceListResponse: type: object title: PriceListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/price' pricePatchRequest: type: object title: PricePatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. name: type: string description: The name of the price. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. recognized_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recurring: $ref: '#/components/schemas/recurring' start_event: type: string enum: - contract_effective - service_activation - customer_acceptance - specific_date description: Specifies when to start billing your customer. tiers_mode: type: string enum: - graduated - volume - high_watermark_volume - high_watermark_graduated - graduated_with_overage deprecated: true description: Specifies the mode for tiered prices. apply_discount_to: type: array items: type: string enum: - one_time - recurring - usage description: Any combination of one_time, recurring and plan. tiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tier' description: >- Price information for different tiers. When creating or updating tiered prices, you must specify this field and the `tiers_mode` field. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. quantity: type: number description: Quantity of the product to which your customers subscribe. min_quantity: type: number description: >- The minimum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `max_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. max_quantity: type: number description: >- The maximum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `min_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. discount_level: type: string enum: - account - subscription - plan description: >- Specifies at what level a discount should be applied: account, subscription, or plan. revenue_recognition_rule: type: string enum: - on_invoice - daily_over_time description: >- Determines when to recognize the revenue for this charge. You can choose to recognize upon invoicing or daily over time. stacked_discount: type: boolean description: >- This field is only applicable for the Percentage Discount price. This field indicates whether the discount is to be calculated as stacked discount. Possible values are as follows: For more information, see Stacked discounts amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' unit_amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' discount_amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' discount_percent: type: number description: >- Discount percent. Specify this field if you offer a percentage-based discount. price_base_interval: type: string enum: - month - billing_period - week description: >- Specifies the base interval of a price. If not provided, this field defaults to `billing_period`. overage: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/overage' deprecated: true revenue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/revenue' accounting_code: type: string description: >- An active accounting code defined in **Finance Settings > Configure Accounting Codes** in your Zuora tenant. prepayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/prepayment' drawdown: $ref: '#/components/schemas/drawdown' taxable: type: boolean price_change_percentage: type: number description: >- The percentage to increase or decrease the price of a termed subscription's renewal. price_change_option: type: string enum: - latest_catalog_pricing - percentage - none default: none description: >- Applies an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. price_increase_option: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to apply an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. product: type: object title: Product description: Product information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the product can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date on which the product can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the product. type: type: string enum: - base - add_on - other description: The type of product. sku: type: string description: The sku identifier of the product. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. active: type: boolean description: Whether the product can be used for new purchases. plans: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/planListResponse' readOnly: true description: A list of plans. productListResponse: type: object title: ProductListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/product' priceCreateRequest: type: object title: PriceCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. name: type: string description: The name of the price. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. recognized_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_accounting_code: type: string maxLength: 100 description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recurring: $ref: '#/components/schemas/recurring' start_event: type: string enum: - contract_effective - service_activation - customer_acceptance - specific_date default: contract_effective description: Specifies when to start billing your customer. tiers_mode: type: string enum: - graduated - volume - high_watermark_volume - high_watermark_graduated - graduated_with_overage deprecated: true description: Specifies the mode for tiered prices. apply_discount_to: type: array items: type: string enum: - one_time - recurring - usage description: Any combination of one_time, recurring and plan. tiers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tier' description: >- Price information for different tiers. When creating or updating tiered prices, you must specify this field and the `tiers_mode` field. tax_code: type: string description: >- A tax code identifier. If a `tax_code` of a price is not provided when you create or update a price, Zuora will treat the charged amount as non-taxable. If this code is provide, Zuora considers that this price is taxable and the charged amount will be handled accordingly. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- If this field is set to `true`, it indicates that amounts are inclusive of tax. unit_of_measure: type: string description: >- A configured unit of measure. This field is required for per-unit prices. quantity: type: number description: Quantity of the product to which your customers subscribe. min_quantity: type: number description: >- The minimum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `max_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. max_quantity: type: number description: >- The maximum quantity for a price. Specify this field and the `min_quantity` field to create a range of quantities allowed in a price. discount_level: type: string enum: - account - subscription - plan description: >- Specifies at what level a discount should be applied: account, subscription, or plan. revenue_recognition_rule: type: string enum: - on_invoice - daily_over_time description: >- Determines when to recognize the revenue for this charge. You can choose to recognize upon invoicing or daily over time. stacked_discount: type: boolean description: >- This field is only applicable for the Percentage Discount price. This field indicates whether the discount is to be calculated as stacked discount. Possible values are as follows: For more information, see Stacked discounts amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' unit_amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' discount_amounts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/money' discount_percent: type: number description: >- Discount percent. Specify this field if you offer a percentage-based discount. price_base_interval: type: string enum: - month - billing_period - week default: billing_period description: >- Specifies the base interval of a price. If not provided, this field defaults to `billing_period`. overage: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/overage' deprecated: true revenue: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/revenue' accounting_code: type: string description: >- An active accounting code defined in **Finance Settings > Configure Accounting Codes** in your Zuora tenant. prepayment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/prepayment' drawdown: $ref: '#/components/schemas/drawdown' taxable: type: boolean price_change_percentage: type: number description: >- The percentage to increase or decrease the price of a termed subscription's renewal. price_change_option: type: string enum: - latest_catalog_pricing - percentage - none default: none description: >- Applies an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. price_increase_option: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to apply an automatic price change when a termed subscription is renewed. plan_id: type: string description: Specify the ID of a plan to which this price is associated. plan_number: type: string description: >- Specify the number of a plan to which this price is associated. This field is required if plan_id is not supplied custom_field_per_unit_rate: type: string writeOnly: true description: >- Name of the custom field that will be used to set a per unit rate under the `Pre-Rated Per Unit` charge model custom_field_total_amount: type: string writeOnly: true description: >- Name of the custom field that will be used to set a total amount under the `Pre-Rated` charge model required: - name planPatchRequest: type: object title: PlanPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the plan can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the plan can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the plan. plan_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the plan. It can be user-supplied. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. active_currencies: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of 3-letter ISO-standard currency codes representing active currencies for the plan. plan: type: object title: Plan description: Plan information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the plan can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the plan can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the plan. plan_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the plan. It can be user-supplied. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. active_currencies: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of 3-letter ISO-standard currency codes representing active currencies for the plan. product_id: type: string description: Identifier of the product associated with this plan. active: type: boolean description: Whether the plan can be used for new purchases. product: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/product' description: The product associated with this plan. sku: type: string description: >- The product sku. This field is only availble for customers using high speed cache. prices: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/priceListResponse' readOnly: true description: A list of prices. planListResponse: type: object title: PlanListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/plan' planCreateRequest: type: object title: PlanCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the plan can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which the plan can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the plan. plan_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the plan. It can be user-supplied. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. active_currencies: type: array items: type: string description: >- A list of 3-letter ISO-standard currency codes representing active currencies for the plan. product_id: type: string description: Identifier of the product associated with this plan. required: - product_id - name productPatchRequest: type: object title: ProductPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the product can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date on which the product can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the product. type: type: string enum: - base - add_on - other description: The type of product. sku: type: string description: The sku identifier of the product. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. productCreateRequest: type: object title: ProductCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. start_date: type: string format: date description: The date from which the product can be used for new purchases. end_date: type: string format: date description: >- The date on which the product can no longer be used for new purchases. name: type: string description: The name of the product. type: type: string enum: - base - add_on - other description: The type of product. sku: type: string description: The sku identifier of the product. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. required: - name billingDocument: type: object title: BillingDocument description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the billing document. account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the billing document. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the billing document is due. example: '2023-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the billing document takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: >- Reason for issuing this billing document. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice billing document from which this credit memo or debit memo billing document is created. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo billing document from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo`. pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. type: type: string enum: - credit_memo - debit_memo - invoice description: >- The type of billing document. Can be one of the credit memo, debit memo, or invoice. billing_document_number: type: string readOnly: true description: >- A human-readable identifier for the billing document; may be user-supplied. amount_refunded: type: number description: The amount of this billing document item refunded. state_transitions: allOf: - type: object properties: posted_time: type: string readOnly: true canceled_time: type: string readOnly: true posted_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the Zuora user who posted the billing document. state: type: string enum: - draft - open - uncollectible - failed description: The status of the billing document. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The account that owns the billing document. EXPANDABLE items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of billing document items. total: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount. subtotal: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount exclusive of tax. tax: type: number readOnly: true description: The total tax amount. balance: type: number readOnly: true deprecated: true description: >- The total balance remaining. This field is deprecated. Use `remaining_balance` field. remaining_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: The total balance remaining. amount_paid: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount paid. paid: type: boolean readOnly: true description: >- Whether payment was successfully collected for this invoice. An invoice can be paid with a payment or a credit memo. past_due: type: boolean readOnly: true description: Whether payment is past due. billingDocumentListResponse: type: object title: BillingDocumentListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocument' billingDocumentCreateRequest: type: object title: BillingDocumentCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the billing document. account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the billing document. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the billing document is due. example: '2022-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the billing document takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: >- Reason for issuing this billing document. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice billing document from which this credit memo or debit memo billing document is created. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo billing document from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo`. pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. type: type: string enum: - credit_memo - debit_memo - invoice description: >- The type of billing document. Can be one of the credit memo, debit memo, or invoice. items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItemCreateRequest' description: Information of all billing document items. apply: type: boolean description: Whether to automatically apply the billing document upon posting. post: type: boolean description: >- Whether to automatically post a billing document after it is created. required: - type billingDocumentItemPaymentApplicationRequest: type: object title: BillingDocumentItemPaymentApplicationRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice item or a debit memo item. amount: type: number description: The amount applied to this billing document item or taxation item. taxation_item_id: type: string description: The identifier of a taxation item. required: - id - amount billingDocumentPaymentApplicationRequest: type: object title: BillingDocumentPaymentApplicationRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the billing document to which the credit memo, payment, or refund is applied. type: type: string enum: - debit_memo - invoice description: The type of billing document. amount: type: number description: The amount applied to this billing document. billing_document_number: type: string readOnly: true description: >- A human-readable identifier for the billing document; may be user-supplied. items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItemPaymentApplicationRequest' description: >- The billing document items (invoice items or debit memo items or taxation items) to which the payment is applied. required: - type - id - amount invoice: type: object title: Invoice description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the invoice. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the invoice. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the invoice is due. example: '2023-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the invoice takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the invoice is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. currency: type: string description: >- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. This field is available only if you have the [Multiple Currencies]( feature enabled. invoice_number: type: string readOnly: true description: A human-readable identifier for the invoice; may be user-supplied. state_transitions: allOf: - type: object properties: posted_time: type: string readOnly: true canceled_time: type: string readOnly: true posted_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the Zuora user who posted the invoice. state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - open - canceled - failed description: The status of the invoice. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The account that owns the invoice. EXPANDABLE items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of invoice items. total: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount. subtotal: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount exclusive of tax. tax: type: number readOnly: true description: The total tax amount. balance: type: number readOnly: true deprecated: true description: >- The total balance remaining. This field is deprecated. Use `remaining_balance` field. remaining_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: The total balance remaining. paid: type: boolean readOnly: true description: >- Whether payment was successfully collected for this invoice. An invoice can be paid with a payment or a credit memo. past_due: type: boolean readOnly: true description: Whether payment is past due. bill_to_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: ID of the bill-to contact. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d payment_terms: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: The name of payment term associated with the invoice. bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: The billing address for the customer. billing_document_settings: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/flexibleBillingDocumentSettings' description: The billing document settings for the customer. sold_to_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: ID of the sold-to contact. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d sold_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: The selling address for the customer. flexibleBillingDocumentSettings: type: object title: FlexibleBillingDocumentSettings description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: template_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: >- Identifier of the invoice template associated with this customer. Not applicable for debit memos or credit memos. example: 2c92c08b6a8c978f016a9e0084622b62 sequence_set_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: ID of the billing document sequence set. invoiceListResponse: type: object title: InvoiceListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoice' invoiceCreateRequest: type: object title: InvoiceCreateRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the invoice. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the invoice. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the invoice is due. example: '2022-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the invoice takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the invoice is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. currency: type: string description: >- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. This field is available only if you have the [Multiple Currencies]( feature enabled. items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItemCreateRequest' description: Information of all invoice items. post: type: boolean description: Whether to automatically post an invoice after it is created. invoicePatchRequest: type: object title: InvoicePatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the billing document is due. example: '2022-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the billing document takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' invoiceReverseRequest: type: object title: InvoiceReverseRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: document_date: type: string format: date description: The date that appears on the credit memo. example: '2023-01-01' apply_date: type: string format: date example: '2023-01-01' invoiceItemCreateRequest: type: object title: InvoiceItemCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: >- Amount (in the currency specified) of the invoice item. This should always be equal to unit_amount * quantity. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_end: type: string format: date description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' service_start: type: string format: date description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the invoice item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. taxation_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItemCreateRequest' description: List of taxation items. unit_amount: type: number description: Unit amount (in the currency specified) of the invoice item. booking_reference: type: string description: The booking reference for this invoice item. price_id: type: string description: The identifier of the price this invoice item is associated with. purchase_order_number: type: string description: The purchase order number associated with this invoice item. tax_code: type: string description: The designated tax code. document_item_date: type: string format: date-time description: The date when the invoice item takes effect example: '2023-12-19T14:52:28-06:00' name: type: string description: >- Name of the invoice item displayed to customers on billing documents. accounting_code: type: string custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' required: - service_start - amount payInvoiceRequest: type: object title: PayInvoiceRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: The amount of the payment. account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the account that owns the invoice. Either `account_id` or `account_number` is required. account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the invoice. Either `account_number` or `account_id` is required. authorization_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. bank_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. payment_date: type: string format: date description: The date and time when the payment takes effect. payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this payment. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize this payment. gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this payment is not handled by Zuora. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' required: - currency invoiceItem: type: object title: InvoiceItem description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. amount: type: number description: The total amount of this invoice item. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the deferred revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Liability. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the recognized revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Charges or Overage Charges. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_end: type: string description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. accounts_receivable_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. discount_item: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that the item is a discount item. applied_to_item_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of an invoice item or a debit memo item that this discount item or credit memo item is applied to. service_start: type: string description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. accounting_code: type: string invoice_id: type: string description: The identifier of the invoice associated with this invoice item. sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. subscription_id: type: string description: The identifier of the subscription associated with the invoice item. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- This specifies if the invoice item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. remaining_balance: type: number description: The remaining balance of this invoice item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. unit_amount: type: number description: Unit amount (in the currency specified) of the invoice item. booking_reference: type: string description: The booking reference for this invoice item. name: type: string description: >- Name of the invoice item displayed to customers on billing documents. document_item_date: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the invoice item was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. price_id: type: string description: The identifier of the price this invoice item is associated with. purchase_order_number: type: string description: The purchase order number associated with this invoice item. tax: type: number description: The amount of tax applied to the invoice item. tax_code: type: string description: The designated tax code. subscription_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier the subscription item associated with this invoice item. taxation_items: type: object title: TaxationItemListResponse description: Information of the taxation items. additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItem' invoice: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoice' description: The invoice the item belongs to. EXPANDABLE line_item: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/lineItem' description: The order line item associated with this invoice item. EXPANDABLE subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription' readOnly: true description: List of customer subscriptions. subscription_item: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionItem' description: >- The expandable subscription item associated with this billing document item. invoiceItemListResponse: type: object title: InvoiceItemListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoiceItem' writeOffItemsRequest: type: object title: WriteOffItemsRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. service_end: type: string format: date description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' service_start: type: string format: date description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this invoice item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. id: type: string description: The unique identifier of the invoice item. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' writeOffRequest: type: object title: WriteOffRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the invoice takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: Reason for issuing this credit memo custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' invoice_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/writeOffItemsRequest' description: Information of all invoice items. debitMemo: type: object title: DebitMemo description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the billing document is due. example: '2023-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the debit memo takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: >- Reason for issuing this debit memo. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice from which this credit memo or debit memo is created. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo`. pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether this billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code debit_memo_number: type: string readOnly: true description: >- A human-readable identifier for the billing document; may be user-supplied. amount_refunded: type: number description: The amount of this billing document item refunded. state_transitions: allOf: - type: object properties: posted_time: type: string readOnly: true canceled_time: type: string readOnly: true posted_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the Zuora user who posted the debit memo. state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - open - canceled - failed description: The status of the debit memo. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The account that owns the billing document. EXPANDABLE items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of debit memo items. total: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount. subtotal: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount exclusive of tax. tax: type: number readOnly: true description: The total tax amount. balance: type: number readOnly: true deprecated: true description: >- The total balance remaining. This field is deprecated. Use `remaining_balance` field. remaining_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: The total balance remaining. amount_paid: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount paid. paid: type: boolean readOnly: true description: >- Whether payment was successfully collected for this invoice. An invoice can be paid with a payment or a credit memo. past_due: type: boolean readOnly: true description: Whether payment is past due. bill_to_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: ID of the bill-to contact. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d payment_terms: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: The name of payment term associated with the invoice. bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: The billing address for the customer. billing_document_settings: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/flexibleBillingDocumentSettings' description: The billing document settings for the customer. debitMemoListResponse: type: object title: DebitMemoListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/debitMemo' debitMemoCreateRequest: type: object title: DebitMemoCreateRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the debit memo is due. example: '2022-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the debit memo takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: >- Reason for issuing this debit memo. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice from which this credit memo or debit memo is created. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo`. pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether this billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItemCreateRequest' description: Information of all billing document items. apply: type: boolean description: Whether to automatically apply the billing document upon posting. post: type: boolean description: >- Whether to automatically post a billing document after it is created. debitMemoPatchRequest: type: object title: DebitMemoPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: pay: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the billing document is automatically picked up for processing in the corresponding payment run. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. due_date: type: string format: date description: The date on which payment for the billing document is due. example: '2022-01-01' document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the billing document takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: >- Reason for issuing this billing document. This field is applicable only if the `type` field is set to `credit_memo` or `debit_memo`. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' debitMemoItem: type: object title: DebitMemoItem description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. amount: type: number description: The total amount of this debit memo item. subtotal: type: number description: The total amount of this debit memo item exclusive of tax. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the deferred revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Liability. on_account_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code that maps to an on account in your accounting system. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the recognized revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Charges or Overage Charges. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_end: type: string description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this debit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. service_start: type: string description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this debit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. accounts_receivable_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. discount_item: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that the item is a discount item. applied_to_item_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of an invoice item that this debit memo item is applied to. accounting_code: type: string sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- This specifies if the debit memo item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. remaining_balance: type: number description: The remaining balance of this debit memo item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. unit_amount: type: number description: Unit amount of the debit memo item. name: type: string description: >- Name of the billing document item displayed to customers on the billing document. price_id: type: string description: The identifier of the price this debit memo item is associated with. purchase_order_number: type: string description: The purchase order number associated with this debit memo item. tax: type: number description: The amount of tax applied to the debit memo item. tax_code: type: string description: The designated tax code. subscription_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the subscription associated with the debit memo item. subscription_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier the subscription item associated with this debit memo item. invoice_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice item associated with this debit memo item. document_item_date: type: string format: date-time description: The date when the debit memo item takes effect. example: '2022-01-01T07:08:12-07:00' taxation_items: type: object title: TaxationItemListResponse description: Information of the taxation items. additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItem' debit_memo: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/debitMemo' description: The related debit memo. EXPANDABLE debit_memo_id: type: string description: The related debit memo id. subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription' readOnly: true description: List of customer subscriptions. subscription_item: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionItem' description: >- The expandable subscription item associated with this billing document item. payDebitMemoRequest: type: object title: PayDebitMemoRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: The amount of the payment. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. account_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the debit memo. authorization_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. currency: type: string description: >- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. This field is available only if you have the [Multiple Currencies]( feature enabled and are creating a debit memo from a charge. bank_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. payment_date: type: string format: date description: The date and time when the payment takes effect. payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this payment. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize this payment. gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this payment is not handled by Zuora. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' required: - currency debitMemoItemListResponse: type: object title: DebitMemoItemListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/debitMemoItem' creditMemo: type: object title: CreditMemo description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the account that owns the credit memo. **Either this field or `account_number` is required when creating credit memos from a price(charge in the v1 API).** account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the credit memo. **Either this field or `account_id` is required when creating credit memos from a price(charge in the v1 API).** example: RC-00020831 description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the credit memo takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: Reason for issuing this credit memo invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice billing document from which this credit memo is created. **Required when creating credit memos from an invoice.** transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. currency: type: string description: >- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. This field is available only if you have the [Multiple Currencies]( feature enabled and are creating a credit memo from a charge. credit_memo_number: type: string readOnly: true description: >- A human-readable identifier for the billing document; may be user-supplied. amount_refunded: type: number description: The amount this billing document refunded. state_transitions: allOf: - type: object properties: posted_time: type: string readOnly: true canceled_time: type: string readOnly: true posted_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the Zuora user who posted the billing document. state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - canceled - failed description: The status of the billing document. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The account that owns the billing document. EXPANDABLE items: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoItemListResponse' readOnly: true description: List of billing document items. EXPANDABLE total: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount. subtotal: type: number readOnly: true description: The total amount exclusive of tax. tax: type: number readOnly: true description: The total tax amount. balance: type: number readOnly: true deprecated: true description: >- The total balance remaining. This field is deprecated. Use `remaining_balance` field. remaining_balance: type: number readOnly: true description: The total balance remaining. applied_to: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoAppliedToResponse' readOnly: true bill_to_id: type: string nullable: true x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(NullableFieldAdapter.class)' description: ID of the bill-to contact. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d bill_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' readOnly: true description: The billing address for the customer. billing_document_settings: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/flexibleBillingDocumentSettings' description: The billing document settings for the customer. creditMemoListResponse: type: object title: CreditMemoListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemo' creditMemoCreateRequest: type: object title: CreditMemoCreateRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: account_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the account that owns the credit memo. **Either this field or `account_number` is required when creating credit memos from a price(charge in the v1 API).** account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account that owns the credit memo. **Either this field or `account_id` is required when creating credit memos from a price(charge in the v1 API).** example: RC-00020831 description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the credit memo takes effect. example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: Reason for issuing this credit memo invoice_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice billing document from which this credit memo is created. **Required when creating credit memos from an invoice.** transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. currency: type: string description: >- 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. This field is available only if you have the [Multiple Currencies]( feature enabled and are creating a credit memo from a charge. items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoItemCreateRequest' description: Information of all credit memo items. apply: type: boolean description: Whether to automatically apply the billing document upon posting. post: type: boolean description: >- Whether to automatically post a billing document after it is created. creditMemoItem: type: object title: CreditMemoItem description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. amount: type: number description: The total amount of this credit memo item. subtotal: type: number description: The total amount of this credit memo item exclusive of tax. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the deferred revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Liability. on_account_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code that maps to an on account in your accounting system. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: >- The accounting code for the recognized revenue, such as Monthly Recurring Charges or Overage Charges. credit_memo: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemo' description: The related credit memo. EXPANDABLE credit_memo_id: type: string description: The related credit memo id. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_end: type: string description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. service_start: type: string description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the associated charge is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that charge. accounts_receivable_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. discount_item: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that the item is a discount item. applied_to_item_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of an invoice item that this credit memo item is applied to. accounting_code: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- This specifies if the credit memo item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. remaining_balance: type: number description: The remaining balance of this credit memo item. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. unit_amount: type: number description: Unit amount of the credit memo item. name: type: string description: >- Name of the credit memo item displayed to customers on the billing document. price_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the price this credit memo item is associated with. purchase_order_number: type: string description: The purchase order number associated with this credit memo item. tax: type: number description: The amount of tax applied to the credit memo item. tax_code: type: string description: The designated tax code. subscription_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the subscription associated with the credit memo item. subscription_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier the subscription item associated with this credit memo item. invoice_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice item associated with this credit memo item. document_item_date: type: string format: date-time description: The date when the credit memo item takes effect. example: '2022-01-01T07:08:12-07:00' taxation_items: type: object title: TaxationItemListResponse description: Information of the taxation items. additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItem' subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription' readOnly: true description: List of customer subscriptions. subscription_item: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscriptionItem' description: >- The expandable subscription item associated with this billing document item. creditMemoItemListResponse: type: object title: CreditMemoItemListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoItem' creditMemoItemCreateRequest: type: object title: CreditMemoItemCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: >- Amount of the credit memo item. This should always be equal to unit_amount * quantity. Required when creating credit memos from an invoice. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. deferred_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. recognized_revenue_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the revenue recognition rule governing the revenue schedule. quantity: type: number description: The number of units of this item. service_end: type: string format: date description: >- The end date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' service_start: type: string format: date description: >- The start date of the service period associated with this credit memo item. If the price for the associated subscription item is a one-time fee, then this date is the date of that subscription item. example: '2022-01-01' sku: type: string description: >- The unique SKU (stock keeping unit) of the product associated with this item. tax_inclusive: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether the credit memo item amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax. unit_of_measure: type: string description: Specifies the units used to measure usage. taxation_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/taxationItemCreateRequest' description: List of taxation items. unit_amount: type: number description: Unit amount of the credit memo item. price_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the price this credit memo item is associated with. Required when creating credit memos from a price(charge in the v1 API). purchase_order_number: type: string description: >- The purchase order number associated with this billing document item. tax_code: type: string description: The designated tax code. name: type: string description: >- Name of the billing document item displayed to customers on the billing document. **Required when creating credit memos from an invoice** invoice_item_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the invoice item associated with this credit memo item. **Required when creating credit memos from an invoice.** accounting_code: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' required: - service_start refundCreditMemoItemRequest: type: object title: RefundCreditMemoItemRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of the credit memo item. amount: type: number description: Refund amount. tax_item_id: type: string description: Identifier of the credit memo taxation item. required: - amount refundCreditMemoTaxationItemRequest: type: object title: RefundCreditMemoTaxationItemRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of the credit memo taxation item. amount: type: number description: Refund amount. required: - amount refundCreditMemoRequest: type: object title: RefundCreditMemoRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of the credit memo taxation item amount: type: number description: Refund amount. credit_memo_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundCreditMemoItemRequest' description: The credit memo items where the refund is applied. taxation_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundCreditMemoTaxationItemRequest' description: The taxation items of the credit memo where the refund is applied. required: - amount creditMemoAppliedToResponse: type: object title: CreditMemoAppliedToResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: billing_document_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo. id: type: string description: Identifier of the credit memo application amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the payment that is applied to the specific billing document item or taxation item. billing_document: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocument' description: The related billing document. billing_document_type: type: string enum: - debit_memo - invoice description: >- The type of billing document. Can be one of the debit memo or invoice. creditMemoItemApplicationRequest: type: object title: CreditMemoItemApplicationRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memo_item_id: type: string description: The identifier of the credit memo item to apply. amount: type: number description: >- The credit memo amount applied to this billing document item or taxation item. credit_memo_taxation_item_id: type: string description: The identifier of the credit memo taxation item to apply. taxation_item_id: type: string description: The identifier of a taxation item. id: type: string description: The identifier of an invoice item or debit memo item. required: - amount applyUnapplyCreditMemo: type: object title: ApplyUnapplyCreditMemo description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: effective_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the credit memo is applied example: '2023-01-01' billing_documents: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoApplicationRequest' description: Array of billing documents to apply this credit memo to. required: - billing_documents creditMemoApplicationRequest: type: object title: CreditMemoApplicationRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the invoice or debit memo to which the credit memo is applied. type: type: string enum: - debit_memo - invoice description: The type of billing document, one of invoice or debit_memo. amount: type: number description: The credit memo amount applied to this billing document. items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/creditMemoItemApplicationRequest' description: >- The billing document items (invoice items or debit memo items or taxation items) to which the credit memo is applied. required: - type - id - amount creditMemoPatchRequest: type: object title: CreditMemoPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: apply: type: boolean description: Whether to automatically apply the billing document upon posting. document_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the credit memo is applied example: '2023-01-01' reason_code: type: string description: Reason for issuing this credit memo transfer_to_accounting: type: boolean description: Whether to transfer to an external accounting system. exclude_from_auto_apply_rules: type: boolean description: >- Indicates whether to exclude this credit memo from the rule of automatically applying it to invoices. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string associated with the object. Often useful for displaying to users. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' refund: type: object title: Refund description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. amount: type: number description: Refund amount. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value refund_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the refund takes effect. refund_method_type: type: string enum: - cash - check - wire_transfer - pay_pal - credit_card - cc_ref - ach_debit - debit_card - other payment_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier for the payment, either `payment_number` or `payment_id. reason_code: type: string description: User-provided reason for the refund. statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this refund is not handled by Zuora. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile refunds between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. second_reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. bank_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. unapplied_payment_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. payment_method_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this refund. credit_memo: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundCreditMemoRequest' description: The related credit memo. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the customer this refund is for, if one exists. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The account that owns the refund gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize the payments that are made with this payment method. If you do not set this field, Zuora will use one of the following payment gateways instead: The default payment gateway of the customer account that owns the payment method, if the payment method is associated with a customer account or the default payment gateway of your Zuora tenant. comment: type: string description: Comments about the refund. gateway_response: type: string readOnly: true description: Message returned by the payment gateway for this refund. gateway_response_code: type: string readOnly: true description: Code returned by the payment gateway for this refund. gateway_state: type: string enum: - marked_for_submission - submitted - settled - not_submitted - failed readOnly: true description: The payment gateway state of the refund. payment_method: type: object title: PaymentMethod description: Payment method information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string enum: - paypal_express - paypal_express_native - paypal_adaptive - card - cc_ref - ach_debit - sepa_debit - betalings_debit - autogiro_debit - bacs_debit - au_becs_debit - nz_becs_debit - pad_debit - apple_pay - wire_transfer - check - cash - other - paypal - adyen_google_pay - adyen_apple_pay description: >- The type of the payment method. An additional hash is included on the payment method with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the payment method type. custom_type: type: string description: >- The custom type of the payment method from Universal Payment Connector. account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' readOnly: true description: The customer account associated with this payment method. billing_details: type: object title: BillingDetails description: >- Billing information associated with the payment method that may be used or required by specific payment method types. additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string description: Customer full name or business name. example: Amy Lawrence address: type: object title: AddressFieldDefinitions description: Address information used in billing details. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: >- Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States state: type: string description: The state, county, province, or region. example: GA postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string ip_address: type: string nullable: true description: >- The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer. example: bank_identification_number: type: string card: type: object title: GetCardList description: Credit card information. additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' paypal_express_native: type: object title: PaypalExpressNative description: >- If it is a `paypal_express_native` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express Native payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: >- Email address associated with the payment method. This is required with a paypal_express_checkout or a paypal_adaptive payment method. required: - baid paypal_express: type: object title: PaypalExpress description: >- If it is a `paypal_express` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method required: - baid - email paypal_adaptive: type: object title: PaypalAdaptive description: >- If it is a `paypal_adaptive` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Adaptive payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: preapproval_key: type: string description: PayPal preapproval key. example: 2G4EPFSD email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method. example: required: - preapproval_key - email sepa_debit: type: object title: SepaDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `sepa_debit`, this hash contains details about the SEPA bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: IBAN: type: string description: >- International Bank Account Number used to create the SEPA Debit payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. business_identification_code: type: string description: The BIC code used with the Sepa Debit payment method. required: - IBAN cc_ref: type: object title: CcRef description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `cc_ref`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: second_token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data. This field is conditionally required only when `token` is being used to represent a gateway customer profile. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. card: type: object title: CcRefCard description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: >- One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' required: - token apple_pay: type: object title: ApplePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. payment_id: type: string description: >- The ID of newly processed payment. Only available in the response of the Create Payment Method API request. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. google_pay: type: object title: GooglePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. ach_debit: type: object title: AchDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `ach_debit`, this hash contains details about the ACH bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. bank_aba_code: type: string description: The nine-digit routing number or ABA number used by banks. bank_account_name: type: string description: >- The name of the account holder, which can be either a person or a company. bank_account_type: type: string enum: - business_saving - business_checking - checking - saving description: The type of bank account associated with the payment method. bank_name: type: string description: Name of the bank associated with this bank account. bank_account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. required: - bank_aba_code - bank_account_type - bank_account_name - bank_account_number - bank_name betalings_debit: type: object title: BetalingsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `betalings_debit`, this hash contains details about the Betalingsservice bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: >- The identity number used for Betalingsservice (Direct Debit DK). bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - bank_code autogiro_debit: type: object title: AutogiroDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `autogiro_debit`, this hash contains details about the Autogiro bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Autogiro (Direct Debit SE). branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - branch_code bacs_debit: type: object title: BacsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `bacs_debit`,, this hash contains details about the BACS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - bank_code au_becs_debit: type: object title: AuBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `au_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code nz_becs_debit: type: object title: NzBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `nz_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS-NZ bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code pad_debit: type: object title: PadDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `pad_debit`, this hash contains details about the PAD bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code state: type: string enum: - active - closed - scrubbed description: The state of the payment method. auto_generated: type: boolean use_default_retry_rule: type: boolean existing_mandate: type: boolean last_failed_sale_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_status: type: string number_of_consecutive_failures: type: integer total_number_of_processed_payments: type: integer total_number_of_error_payments: type: integer refund_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier for this object; may be user-supplied. state_transitions: type: object title: RefundStateTransitions description: The timestamps at which the object's state was updated. additionalProperties: false properties: canceled_time: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date and time (ISO 8601 UTC format) when the refund was canceled. refunded_time: type: string format: date-time state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - processing - processed - error - canceled readOnly: true description: The state of the refund. gateway_reconciliation_reason: type: string readOnly: true description: Gateway reconciliation reason. gateway_reconciliation_status: type: string readOnly: true description: Gateway reconciliation state. payout_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the payout from the payment gateway. applied_to: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundsAppliedToResponse' readOnly: true refundCreateRequest: type: object title: RefundCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: amount: type: number description: Refund amount. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value refund_date: type: string format: date description: The date when the refund takes effect. refund_method_type: type: string enum: - cash - check - wire_transfer - pay_pal - credit_card - cc_ref - ach_debit - debit_card - other payment_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier for the payment, either `payment_number` or `payment_id. reason_code: type: string description: User-provided reason for the refund. statement_descriptor: type: string maxLength: 35 description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string maxLength: 20 description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this refund is not handled by Zuora. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile refunds between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. second_reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. bank_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. on_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. unapplied_payment_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' payment_method_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this refund. credit_memo: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundCreditMemoRequest' description: The related credit memo. billing_documents: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentPaymentApplicationRequest' description: >- Indicates to which billing documents (invoices or debit memos) is the refund applied. required: - amount refundPatchRequest: type: object title: RefundPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. reason_code: type: string description: User-provided reason for the refund. bank_account_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. unapplied_payment_account: type: string description: An active account in your Zuora Chart of Accounts. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' refundListResponse: type: object title: RefundListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refund' refundsAppliedToResponse: type: object title: RefundsAppliedToResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: billing_document_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo. id: type: string description: Identifier of the refund application. billing_document: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocument' description: The related billing document. amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the payment that is applied to the specific billing document item or taxation item. billing_document_type: type: string enum: - credit_memo - invoice description: >- The type of billing document. Can be one of the credit memo or invoice. payment: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment' items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/refundAppliedToItemResponse' description: The related credit memo item. refundAppliedToItemResponse: type: object title: RefundAppliedToItemResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: credit_memo_item_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo item. id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment application item. amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the payment that is applied to the specific billing document item. taxation_item_id: type: string description: Identifier of a taxation item. paymentPatchRequest: type: object title: PaymentPatchRequest description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. paymentCreateRequest: type: object title: PaymentCreateRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customFields' custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the customer account associated with this payment. account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account associated with this payment. It can be user-supplied. amount: type: number description: The total amount of the payment. authorization_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. payment_date: type: string format: date description: The date and time when the payment takes effect. payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this payment. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize this payment. gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. second_reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this payment is not handled by Zuora. currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. billing_documents: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentPaymentApplicationRequest' description: >- Indicates to which billing documents (invoices or debit memos) are the payment applied. required: - payment_date - payment_method_id - currency - amount payment: type: object title: Payment description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. description: type: string description: >- An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. reference_id: type: string description: >- Transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. account_id: type: string description: Identifier of the customer account associated with this payment. account_number: type: string description: >- Human-readable identifier of the account associated with this payment. It can be user-supplied. amount: type: number description: The total amount of the payment. authorization_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the authorization transaction from the payment gateway. payment_date: type: string format: date description: The date and time when the payment takes effect. payment_method_id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment method used to create this payment. gateway_id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the payment gateway that Zuora will use to authorize this payment. gateway_order_id: type: string description: >- A merchant-specified natural key value that can be passed to the payment gateway when a payment is created. If not specified, the payment number will be passed in instead. second_reference_id: type: string description: >- A second transaction identifier returned by the payment gateway if there is an additional transaction for the refunds. You may use this field to reconcile payments between your payment gateway and Zuora Payments. gateway_options: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: key: value statement_descriptor: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. statement_descriptor_phone: type: string description: A payment gateway-specific field used by Orbital, Vantiv and Verifi. external: type: boolean description: If true, indicates that this payment is not handled by Zuora. currency: type: string description: 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code. account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' description: The customer account associated with this payment. amount_applied: type: number description: The total amount applied. remaining_balance: type: number description: The total remaining balance. amount_refunded: type: number description: The total amount refunded. state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - processing - processed - error - canceled readOnly: true description: The state of the payment. payout_id: type: string description: Identifier of the payout associated with this payment. payment_number: type: string description: Human-readable identifier for this object; may be user-supplied. gateway_response_code: type: string description: Code returned by the payment gateway for this payment. payment_method: type: object title: PaymentMethod description: Payment method information. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier for the object. updated_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who last updated the object updated_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was last updated in ISO 8601 UTC format. created_by_id: type: string readOnly: true description: Unique identifier of the Zuora user who created the object created_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time when the object was created in ISO 8601 UTC format. custom_fields: type: object title: CustomFields description: >- Set of user-defined fields associated with this object. Useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. x-extra-field-annotation: '@JsonAdapter(CustomFieldAdapter.class)' additionalProperties: type: string custom_objects: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/listCustomObjectResponse' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object' readOnly: true description: The custom objects associated with a Zuora standard object. type: type: string enum: - paypal_express - paypal_express_native - paypal_adaptive - card - cc_ref - ach_debit - sepa_debit - betalings_debit - autogiro_debit - bacs_debit - au_becs_debit - nz_becs_debit - pad_debit - apple_pay - wire_transfer - check - cash - other - paypal - adyen_google_pay - adyen_apple_pay description: >- The type of the payment method. An additional hash is included on the payment method with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the payment method type. custom_type: type: string description: >- The custom type of the payment method from Universal Payment Connector. account_id: type: string description: A customer account identifier. example: 2c92c0f86a8dd422016a9e7a70116b0d account: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/account' readOnly: true description: The customer account associated with this payment method. billing_details: type: object title: BillingDetails description: >- Billing information associated with the payment method that may be used or required by specific payment method types. additionalProperties: false properties: name: type: string description: Customer full name or business name. example: Amy Lawrence address: type: object title: AddressFieldDefinitions description: Address information used in billing details. additionalProperties: false properties: line1: type: string description: Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name). example: 3333 Piedmont Rd NE line2: type: string description: >- Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building). example: Suite 1150 city: type: string description: City, district, suburb, town, or village. example: Atlanta country: type: string description: The country of the contact's address. example: United States state: type: string description: The state, county, province, or region. example: GA postal_code: type: string description: ZIP or postal code. example: '30305' email: type: string description: Customer email address. example: phone: type: string description: Customer phone (including extension). example: (888)976-9056 maximum_payment_attempts: type: number description: >- Maximum number of consecutive failed retry payment attempts using this payment method before retries are stopped. example: 6 payment_retry_interval: type: integer description: The retry interval in hours. example: 3 device_session_id: type: string ip_address: type: string nullable: true description: >- The IP address from which the Mandate was accepted by the customer. example: bank_identification_number: type: string card: type: object title: GetCardList description: Credit card information. additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' paypal_express_native: type: object title: PaypalExpressNative description: >- If it is a `paypal_express_native` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express Native payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: >- Email address associated with the payment method. This is required with a paypal_express_checkout or a paypal_adaptive payment method. required: - baid paypal_express: type: object title: PaypalExpress description: >- If it is a `paypal_express` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Express payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: baid: type: string description: >- Identifier of a PayPal billing agreement. For example, I-1TJ3GAGG82Y9. email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method required: - baid - email paypal_adaptive: type: object title: PaypalAdaptive description: >- If it is a `paypal_adaptive` payment method, this hash contains details about the PayPal Adaptive payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: preapproval_key: type: string description: PayPal preapproval key. example: 2G4EPFSD email: type: string description: Email address associated with the payment method. example: required: - preapproval_key - email sepa_debit: type: object title: SepaDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `sepa_debit`, this hash contains details about the SEPA bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: IBAN: type: string description: >- International Bank Account Number used to create the SEPA Debit payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. business_identification_code: type: string description: The BIC code used with the Sepa Debit payment method. required: - IBAN cc_ref: type: object title: CcRef description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `cc_ref`, this hash contains details about the Credit Card Reference Transactions payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: second_token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data. This field is conditionally required only when `token` is being used to represent a gateway customer profile. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. card: type: object title: CcRefCard description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: brand: type: string enum: - visa - mastercard - american_express - discover - jcb - diners description: Card brand. expiry_month: type: number description: >- One or two digit expiration month (1-12) of the credit card. example: 10 expiry_year: type: number description: >- Two- or four-digit number representing the card's expiration year. example: 2024 last_4: type: string readOnly: true description: The last four digits of the card number. example: '2042' required: - token apple_pay: type: object title: ApplePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. payment_id: type: string description: >- The ID of newly processed payment. Only available in the response of the Create Payment Method API request. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. google_pay: type: object title: GooglePay description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `apple_pay`, this hash contains details about the Apple Pay payment method. See [Supported payment methods]( for payment gateways that support this type of payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: card: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/getCardList' description: >- Credit card information. When providing a card number, you must meet the requirements for PCI compliance. We strongly recommend using Zuora.js instead of interacting with this API directly. token: type: string description: >- A gateway unique identifier that replaces sensitive payment method data or represents a gateway's unique customer profile. When `token` is used to represent a customer profile, `second_token` is conditionally required for representing the underlying tokenized payment method. ach_debit: type: object title: AchDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `ach_debit`, this hash contains details about the ACH bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. bank_aba_code: type: string description: The nine-digit routing number or ABA number used by banks. bank_account_name: type: string description: >- The name of the account holder, which can be either a person or a company. bank_account_type: type: string enum: - business_saving - business_checking - checking - saving description: The type of bank account associated with the payment method. bank_name: type: string description: Name of the bank associated with this bank account. bank_account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. required: - bank_aba_code - bank_account_type - bank_account_name - bank_account_number - bank_name betalings_debit: type: object title: BetalingsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `betalings_debit`, this hash contains details about the Betalingsservice bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: >- The identity number used for Betalingsservice (Direct Debit DK). bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - bank_code autogiro_debit: type: object title: AutogiroDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `autogiro_debit`, this hash contains details about the Autogiro bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. identity_number: type: string description: The identity number used for Autogiro (Direct Debit SE). branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - identity_number - branch_code bacs_debit: type: object title: BacsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `bacs_debit`,, this hash contains details about the BACS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - bank_code au_becs_debit: type: object title: AuBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `au_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code nz_becs_debit: type: object title: NzBecsDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `nz_becs_debit`, this hash contains details about the BECS-NZ bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code pad_debit: type: object title: PadDebit description: >- If the `type` of the payment method is `pad_debit`, this hash contains details about the PAD bank account. additionalProperties: false properties: account_number: type: string description: The bank account number of the account holder. branch_code: type: string description: >- Identifier of the bank branch associated with this bank account. bank_code: type: string description: Identifier of the bank associated with this bank account. mandate: type: object title: Mandate description: >- The mandate information for the Credit Card, Credit Card Reference Transaction, ACH, or Bank Transfer payment method. additionalProperties: false properties: id: type: string description: >- Identifier of the single- or multi-use mandate generated by the payment gateway. reason: type: string description: Reason for the mandate. state: type: string enum: - active - canceled - expired - agreed readOnly: true description: >- The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment. required: - account_number - branch_code - bank_code state: type: string enum: - active - closed - scrubbed description: The state of the payment method. auto_generated: type: boolean use_default_retry_rule: type: boolean existing_mandate: type: boolean last_failed_sale_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_time: type: string format: date-time last_transaction_status: type: string number_of_consecutive_failures: type: integer total_number_of_processed_payments: type: integer total_number_of_error_payments: type: integer gateway_response: type: string description: Message returned by the payment gateway for this payment. gateway_reconciliation_status: type: string description: Gateway reconciliation state. gateway_reconciliation_reason: type: string description: Gateway reconciliation reason. gateway_state: type: string enum: - marked_for_submission - submitted - settled - not_submitted - failed readOnly: true description: The payment gateway state of the payment. applied_to: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentsAppliedToResponse' readOnly: true payment_schedule_items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentScheduleItem' state_transitions: type: object title: PaymentStateTransitions description: The timestamps at which the object's state was updated. additionalProperties: false properties: canceled_time: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date and time (ISO 8601 UTC format) when the payment was canceled. gateway_state_transitions: type: object title: GatewayStateTransitions description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: marked_for_submission_time: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: >- The date and time (ISO 8601 UTC format) when the payment was marked for submission. settled_time: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date and time (ISO 8601 UTC format) when the payment was settled. submitted_time: type: string format: date-time description: >- The date and time (ISO 8601 UTC format) when the payment was submitted. paymentsAppliedToResponse: type: object title: PaymentsAppliedToResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: billing_document_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo. id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment application. amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the payment that is applied to the specific billing document item or taxation item. billing_document: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocument' description: The related billing document. billing_document_type: type: string enum: - debit_memo - invoice description: >- The type of billing document. Can be one of the debit memo or invoice. state: type: string enum: - draft - posted - processing - processed - error - canceled readOnly: true items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paymentAppliedToBillingItemResponse' description: The related billing document item. paymentApplyUnapplyRequest: type: object title: PaymentApplyUnapplyRequest description: '' additionalProperties: false properties: effective_date: type: string format: date description: The date and time when the payment takes effect. billing_documents: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentPaymentApplicationRequest' description: >- Indicates to which billing documents (invoices or debit memos) are the payment applied. required: - billing_documents paymentListResponse: type: object title: PaymentListResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: next_page: type: string nullable: true data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment' paymentAppliedToBillingItemResponse: type: object title: PaymentAppliedToBillingItemResponse description: '' nullable: false additionalProperties: false properties: billing_document_item_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo item. id: type: string description: Identifier of the payment application item. billing_document_item: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/billingDocumentItem' description: The related billing document item. amount: type: number description: >- The amount of the payment that is applied to the specific billing document item. billing_document_id: type: string description: Identifier of an invoice or a debit memo. taxation_item_id: type: string description: Identifier of a taxation item. writeOffSuscriptionRequest: type: object title: WriteOffSuscriptionRequest description: >- The financial information of the credit memo items generated to write off the invoice balance. additionalProperties: false properties: on_account_accounting_code: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. deferred_revenue_accounting_code: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. recognized_revenue_accounting_code: type: string description: An active accounting code in your Zuora chart of accounts. revenue_recognition_rule_name: type: string description: Name of the revenue recognition rule that you want to apply. processingOptions: type: object title: ProcessingOptions description: Processing options for the invoice or payment. additionalProperties: false properties: document_date: type: string format: date description: The date printed on billing documents. target_date: type: string format: date description: >- The target date for the order to be picked up by bill run for billing. collection_method: type: string enum: - collect_payment - create_invoice - process_refund - run_billing description: >- Specifies whether to just create an invoice, or to create an invoice and collect payment. payment_method_id: type: string description: Payment method Id used to pay billing documents. draft_invoice: type: boolean payment_gateway_id: type: string refund_reason_code: type: string term: type: object title: Term description: Term information of the subscription. additionalProperties: false properties: interval_count: type: integer minimum: 1 description: >- The number of intervals in a term. For example, interval=year and interval_count=1 represents a 1 year term. interval: type: string enum: - day - week - month - year description: >- Unit in which term duration is defined. One of day, week, month or year. start_date: type: string format: date description: Date when the subscription term starts. example: '2020-01-01' type: type: string enum: - evergreen - termed description: Type of the subscription. Can be either `termed` or `evergreen`. end_date: type: string format: date description: Date when the subscription term ends. example: '2023-01-01' startOn: type: object title: StartOn description: >- Container for the contract effective, service activation, and customer acceptance dates of the order action or subscription.