openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: '2024-06-03' title: 'Collections API Reference' x-logo: url: description: > # Introduction This is the REST API reference for Zuora Collections. This reference provides detailed descriptions about functions, requests, and responses of the APIs for the following two component apps. Rest APIs for other component apps will be included in this reference when they are released. - Advanced Payment Manager - Collections Window - Configurable Payment Retry - Notes - Statement Generator **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( # Authentication Advanced Payment Manager, Collections Window, Configurable Payment Retry, and Statement Generator use basic authentication. The user name is your email address for logging in to Zuora. The password is the API token shown in the Collections feature's settings. Notes use API-token only for authentication. Alternatively, you can use "API-Token" as the header key and the API token shown in the Setting of Notes as the value. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( # Base URLs Base URLs for different components are different. Click the drop-down arrow at the end of an endpoint to display the full endpoint. tags: - name: Advanced Payment Manager description: > Advanced Payment Manager APIs use basic authentication. The user name is the email address that you use for logging in Zuora. The password is the API token that is shown in the settings of Advanced Payment Manager. Before you use the APIs, ensure that you have completed the initial configurations of Advanced Payment Manager. To learn more about the configuration and usage of Advanced Payment Manager, see [Advanced Payment Manager]( **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( - name: Collections Window description: > Collections Window APIs use basic authentication. The user name is the email address that you use for logging in Zuora. The password is the API token that is shown in the settings of Collections Window. To learn more about the configuration and usage of Collections Window, see [Collections Window]( **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( - name: Configurable Payment Retry description: > Configurable Payment Retry APIs use basic authentication. The user name is the email address that you use for logging in Zuora. The password is the API token that is shown in the settings of Configurable Payment Retry. To learn more about the configuration and usage of Configurable Payment Retry, see [Configurable Payment Retry]( - name: Notes description: > Notes APIs use API-token only for authentication. You need to use "API-Token" as the header key and the api token that is shown in the Setting of Notes as the value. To learn more about the configuration and usage of Notes, see [Notes]( **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( - name: Statement Generator description: > Statement Generator APIs use basic authentication. The user name is the email address that you use for logging in Zuora. The password is the API token that is shown in the settings of Statement Generator. To learn more about the configuration and usage of Statement Generator, see [Statement Generator]( **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( paths: # Start of Advanced Payment Manager operations /api/v1/subscription_payment_runs/{payment_run_id}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_PaymentRun summary: Get a payment run description: > Gets details about a particular payment run based on a payment run id in Advanced Payment Manager. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Advanced Payment Manager parameters: - in: path name: payment_run_id required: true schema: type: integer description: The payment run ID. A payment run id in Advanced Payment Manager is different from a payment run id in Zuora. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETPaymentRunResponse" examples: response: value: success: true id: 6 status: Complete target_date: 2018-01-02 filter: Account.Currency = 'CAD' payment_run_schedule_id: Adhoc invoices_held: {} metrics: documents: 0 payments: 0 failed: 0 skipped: 0 amount: 0 credit: 0 /api/v1/subscription_payment_runs: post: servers: - url: description: > Creates a payment run to be executed immediately. You must specify the **target_date** field. You can specify one or more filters to determine which receivables are to be paid in the payment run. If you use a custom filter, you cannot use other filters. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( summary: Create a payment run operationId: POST_PaymentRun tags: - Advanced Payment Manager requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTPaymentRun" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTPaymentRunResponse" application/json: examples: response: value: id: 6 success: "true" /api/v1/payment_run_schedules: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_PaymentRunSchedules summary: Get all payment run schedules description: | Retrieves all payment run schedules in Advanced Payment Manager. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Advanced Payment Manager responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETPaymentRunSchedulesResponse" examples: response: value: success: true size: 3 schedules: - id: 6 status: Active filter: Account.BillCycleDay = 8 schedule: At 6:00 AM, only on Monday and Tuesday post: servers: - url: description: | Creates a payment run schedule. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( summary: Create a payment run schedule operationId: POST_PaymentRunSchedule tags: - Advanced Payment Manager requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTPaymentRunSchedule" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse" application/json: examples: response: value: id: 6 success: "true" "/api/v1/payment_run_schedules/{schedule_id}": get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_PaymentRunSchedule summary: Get a payment run schedule description: | Gets details about a particular payment run schedule. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Advanced Payment Manager parameters: - in: path name: schedule_id required: true schema: type: integer description: The schedule ID responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETPaymentRunScheduleResponse" examples: response: value: success: true id: 6 status: Active filter: Account.BillCycleDay = 8 schedule: At 6:00 AM, only on Monday and Tuesday put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_PaymentRunSchedule summary: Update a payment run schedule description: | Updates details about a particular payment run schedule. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Advanced Payment Manager parameters: - in: path name: schedule_id required: true schema: type: integer description: The schedule ID requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PUTPaymentRunSchedule" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse" examples: response: value: id: 6 success: true delete: servers: - url: operationId: DELETE_PaymentRunSchedule summary: Cancel a payment run schedule description: | Cancels a payment run schedule. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Advanced Payment Manager parameters: - in: path name: schedule_id required: true schema: type: integer description: The schedule ID responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DELETEPaymentRunScheduleResponse" examples: response: value: success: true # start of Statement Generator operations /api/v1/fetch_statement?statement_number={statement_number}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Statement summary: Get a statement description: | Gets details about a particular statement. The statement will be available for download in the response. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Statement Generator parameters: - in: path name: statement_number required: true schema: type: integer description: The statement number responses: "200": description: "" /api/v1/fetch_statements?account_id={account_id}&count={count}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Statements summary: Get multiple statements description: | Gets multiple statements for a specified account. The links to the downloadable statements will be included in the response. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Statement Generator parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: integer description: The ID of the account - in: path name: count required: true schema: type: integer description: The number of statements you want to retrieve. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETStatementsResponse" examples: response: value: success: true count: 2 statements: - statement_name: "STA00000232.pdf" statement_time: "12/19/2018 11:19:26 EST" s3_link: "" starting_date: "2018-05-01T00:00:00.000-04:00" ending_date: "2018-12-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" - statement_name: "STA00000076.pdf" statement_time: "12/19/2018 11:13:57 EST" s3_link: "" starting_date: "2018-08-01T00:00:00.000-04:00" ending_date: "2018-12-19T00:00:00.000-05:00" /api/v1/fetch_settings: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Settings summary: Get Statement Generator settings description: | Gets several key settings of Statement Generator, including the available templates, whether Invoice Settlement is enabled on the tenant, the name of the default template, and the statement cycle being used. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Statement Generator responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETStatementSettingsResponse" examples: response: value: success: true templates: - name: "Default Template" - name: "Template for end consumers" default_template: "Default Template" default_cycle: "Month" /api/v1/run: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_AdhocStatementRun summary: Create an ad hoc statement run description: | Create an ad hoc statement run. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Statement Generator requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTAdhocStatementRun" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTAdhocStatementRunResponse" examples: response: value: success: true code: 200 message: "Success" statement_number: "STA00000008" /api/v1/execute: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_CustomStatementRun summary: Create a custom statement run description: | Create a custom statement run. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Statement Generator requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTCustomStatementRun" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/POSTCustomStatementRunResponse" examples: response: value: success: true code: 200 message: "Success" execution_number: "2" report_file: "" # start of Notes operations /api/v1/notes?object={object}¬esId={notesId}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_NotesObject summary: Get a Notes object description: | Gets a Notes object by its object type and ID. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: query required: true name: object schema: type: string example: "Accounts" description: The object type. The value can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window. - in: query required: true name: notesId schema: type: string example: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" description: The ID of the Notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type. - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesObject" example: success: true data: id: 113 object: "Accounts" notesId: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" notesParentId: "Account Name Example" createdAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updatedAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" /api/v1/notes: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_NotesObject summary: Create a Notes object description: | Creates a Notes object. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: type: object properties: notes: type: object properties: object: type: string description: The type of the object. It can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window. notesId: type: string description: The ID of the notes object that you need to specify. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type. notesParentId: type: string description: The ID of the parent object. For "Accounts" object, this parameter is the account name that the Notes object is created for. example: notes: object: "Accounts" notesId: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" notesParentId: "Account Name Example" required: true responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesObject" example: success: true data: id: 113 object: "Accounts" notesId: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" notesParentId: "Account Name Example" createdAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updatedAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" /api/v1/notes/comments?notesId={notesId}¬esParentId={notesParentId}&object={object}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Comments summary: Get comments description: | Gets comments for a Notes object. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: query required: true name: notesId schema: type: string example: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" description: The ID of the Notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type. - in: query required: true name: notesParentId schema: type: string example: "Account Name Example" description: The ID of the parent object. For Accounts object type, the notesParentId is an account name. - in: query required: true name: object schema: type: string example: "Accounts" description: The object type. The value can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window. - in: query name: start_date schema: type: string example: "2020-12-01" description: | The start date of the period within which the comments are exported. - in: query name: end_date schema: type: string example: "2020-12-31" description: | The end date of the period within which the comments are exported. - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesObjectWithComment" example: success: true data: id: 113 object: "Accounts" notesId: "2c92c0f866a9a8fe0166bd04878b2867" notesParentId: "Account Name Example" createdAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updatedAt: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" comments: - id: 121 body: "Call Customer please" image: null attachment: null attachmentSize: null createdAt: "2020-02-12T19:26:07.624Z" updatedAt: "2020-02-12T19:26:07.624Z" user: id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connectIdentity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstName: "Vina" lastName: "Lim" fullName: "Vina Lim" platformRole: "ADMIN" timeZone: "America/New_York" createdAt: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updatedAt: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalationUser: "Vina LimEscalation" escalationUserId: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" approvalAmount: 0.0 avatar: "" replies: - id: 57 body: "Thank you for contacting @vina@megan.sbx " image: null attachment: null attachmentSize: null createdAt: "2020-02-12T19:26:17.952Z" updatedAt: "2020-02-12T19:26:17.968Z" user: id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connectIdentity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstName: "Vina" lastName: "Lim" fullName: "Vina Lim" platformRole: "ADMIN" timeZone: "America/New_York" createdAt: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updatedAt: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalationUser: "Vina LimEscalation" escalationUserId: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" approvalAmount: 0.0 avatar: "" pagination: page: 1 per_page: 5 total_filterd_records: 1 total_records: 1 /api/v1/tasks?allTasks={allTasks}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Tasks summary: Get all tasks description: | Gets all beta tasks. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: query required: true name: allTasks schema: type: boolean example: true description: Whether you want to get all tasks. This parameter must be set to true at this moment. - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesTasksResponse" example: success: true data: tasks: - id: 113 task: "Call Customer" description: "Call customer" dueDate: "2020-02-01T00:00:00.000Z" completedAt: null createdAt: "2020-01-30T19:58:39.896Z" updatedAt: "2020-01-30T20:01:04.844Z" reminderDate: "2020-01-31T00:00:00.000Z" notifications: null status: "ESCALATED" comment: "" autoEscalation: null createdBy: id: 5 username": "vina@megan.sbx" connectIdentity": "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email": "" firstName": "Vina" lastName": "Lim" fullName": "Vina Lim" platformRole": "ADMIN" timeZone": "America/New_York" createdAt": "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updatedAt": "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalationUser": "Vina LimEscalation" escalationUserId": "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" approvalAmount": 0.0 avatar: "" assignTo: id: 2 username": "vina@megan.sbx" connectIdentity": "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d425555" email": "" firstName": "Vina" lastName": "Lim" fullName": "Vina Lim" platformRole": "ADMIN" timeZone": "America/New_York" createdAt": "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updatedAt": "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalationUser": "Vina LimEscalation" escalationUserId": "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d425666" approvalAmount": 0.0 avatar: "" /api/v1/groups: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Groups summary: Get all groups description: | Gets all groups and users in the groups. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesGroupsResponse" example: success: true groups: id: 113 name: "NYC Office" description: "Engineers in NYC" created_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updated_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" users: - id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connect_identity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstname: "Vina" lastname: "Lim" platformrole: "ADMIN" timezone: "America/New_York" created_at: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updated_at: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalation_user_id: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" escalation_user: "Vina LimEscalation" approval_amount: 0.0 image: url: "" post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_Groups summary: Create a group description: | Creates a group. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesCreateGroupBody" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesCreateGroupResponse" example: success: true id: 113 name: "NYC Office" description: "Engineers in NYC" created_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updated_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" users: - id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connect_identity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstname: "Vina" lastname: "Lim" platformrole: "ADMIN" timezone: "America/New_York" created_at: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updated_at: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalation_user_id: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" escalation_user: "Vina LimEscalation" approval_amount: 0.0 image: url: "" /api/v1/groups/{group_name}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Group summary: Get a group and its users description: | Gets a group and all of its users. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: path required: true description: The name of the group. name: group_name schema: type: string example: "NYC Office" - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesGroupsResponse" example: success: true groups: id: 113 name: "NYC Office" description: "Engineers in NYC" created_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updated_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" users: - id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connect_identity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstname: "Vina" lastname: "Lim" platformrole: "ADMIN" timezone: "America/New_York" created_at: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updated_at: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalation_user_id: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" escalation_user: "Vina LimEscalation" approval_amount: 0.0 image: url: "" put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_Group summary: Update a group description: | Updates information about an existing group. The operation returns the updated group information and all of its users. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: query required: true description: The name of the group. name: group_name schema: type: string example: "NYC Office" - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" requestBody: content: application/json; charset=utf-8: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesUpdateGroupBody" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesCreateGroupResponse" example: success: true id: 113 name: "NYC Office" description: "Engineers in NYC" created_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updated_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" users: - id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connect_identity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstname: "Vina" lastname: "Lim" platformrole: "ADMIN" timezone: "America/New_York" created_at: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updated_at: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalation_user_id: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" escalation_user: "Vina LimEscalation" approval_amount: 0.0 image: url: "" delete: servers: - url: operationId: DELETE_Group summary: Delete a group description: | Deletes an existing group. The operation returns the deleted group information and all of its users. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Notes parameters: - in: query required: true description: The name of the group. name: group_name schema: type: string example: "NYC Office" - in: header required: true name: API-Token description: The API token that is shown in the settings of Notes. It is a 64-digit hex number. schema: type: string example: "a48865e51c3f4610de8f319bdd7bf691b2aaad827ed31ad1dd6847e617200666" # requestBody: # content: # application/json; charset=utf-8: # schema: # $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesDeleteGroupBody" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesCreateGroupResponse" example: success: true id: 113 name: "NYC Office" description: "Engineers in NYC" created_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" updated_at: "2020-02-12T21:50:59.774Z" users: - id: 5 username: "vina@megan.sbx" connect_identity: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f7" email: "" firstname: "Vina" lastname: "Lim" platformrole: "ADMIN" timezone: "America/New_York" created_at: "2020-01-09T13:41:05.662Z" updated_at: "2020-01-30T15:46:17.063Z" escalation_user_id: "2c92c0f96512a90f01651a566d4250f8" escalation_user: "Vina LimEscalation" approval_amount: 0.0 image: url: "" /api/v1/accounts/{account_id}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Account summary: Get an account description: | Gets details about a particular account. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: The account ID. example: "2c92c0f86680fd090166a578754812bd" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CollectionAccount" examples: response: value: name: "Testing Account" zuora_id: "2c92c0f863f2b1680163f579b7e705da" in_collections: true collections_agent: 2018-01-02 account_currency: "CAD" home_currency: "USD" amount_due_account_currency: 15540.0 amount_due_home_currency: 800.55 last_open_invoice_date: "2018-06-12" average_debt_age: "194.4 days" statuses: In Collections: true Pending: false In Dispute: false Paid In Full: false /api/v1/accounts: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_Accounts summary: Get all accounts description: | Gets all accounts that are currently or have been in collection. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETCollectionAccountsResponse" examples: response: value: accounts: - name: "Testing Account" zuora_id: "2c92c0f863f2b1680163f579b7e705da" in_collections: true collections_agent: 2018-01-02 account_currency: "CAD" home_currency: "USD" amount_due_account_currency: 15540.0 amount_due_home_currency: 800.55 last_open_invoice_date: "2018-06-12" average_debt_age: "194.4 days" statuses: In Collections: 0 Pending: 0 In Dispute: 0 Paid In Full: 0 pagination: page: 1 page_length: 20 next_page: "" /api/v1/users/{email}: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_CollectionsAgent summary: Get a collections agent by email description: | Gets details about a collections agent, including the amount in collections, and the statuses of the accounts that this agent is assigned to. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window parameters: - in: path name: email required: true schema: type: string description: The email of the collections agent. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CollectionAgent" examples: response: value: name: "Testing User" email: "" zuora_identity_id: "2c92c0f96178a7a901619b10f5d12345" amount_in_collections: 800.55 accounts: 2 account_statuses: In Collections: 1 Pending: 0 In Dispute: 1 Paid In Full: 0 /api/v1/users: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_CollectionsAgents summary: Get all collections agents description: | Gets the details of all collections agents. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETCollectionAgentsResponse" examples: response: value: accounts: - name: "Testing User" email: "" zuora_identity_id: "2c92c0f96178a7a901619b10f5d12345" amount_in_collections: 800.55 accounts: 2 account_statuses: In Collections: 1 Pending: 0 In Dispute: 1 Paid In Full: 0 pagination: page: 1 page_length: 20 next_page: "" /api/v1/collections_info: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_CollectionsInfo summary: Get an overview of collections description: | Gets an overview of the collections. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CollectionsInfo" examples: response: value: accounts_in_collections: 24 home_currency: "USD" total_debt: "8379.78" largest_debts: - "Test Account - 12438.00 USD" - "Jimmy John - 8000.00 USD" - "James Smith - 2450.55 USD" - "Bob Roberts - 1000.00 USD" - "Jim Reynolds - 829.00 USD" oldest_debts: - "Test Account - 2662 days" - "Jimbo - 1494 days" - "Steve Smith - 942 days" - "Jason Williams - 678 days" - "Will Jasons - 365 days" statuses: In Collections: 24 Pending: 2 In Dispute: 5 Paid in Full: 0 #start of Collections Window operations /api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/update_status: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_Account summary: Update account status description: | Updates the status of an account. You must use the two query parameters to specify the status that you want to update, and the new value of the status. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: The account ID. example: "2c92c0f86680fd090166a578754812bd" - in: query name: status required: true schema: type: string description: The status that you want to update for the specified account. All statuses must be in lower case. Use underscore instead of space to define the status. example: "in_dispute" - in: query name: value schema: type: boolean description: The new value of the status. 0 indicates false, while 1 indicates true. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether the operation is successful. examples: response: value: success: true /api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/update_agent: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_AccountAgent summary: Update account agent description: | Updates the collections agent that is displayed within the UI of Collections Window, and the custom field for the agent displayed in account details in the Zuora UI. **Note**: The Collections Window, Notes, Advanced Payment Manager, Payment Plans, and Statement Generator features are entering end of support on June 3, 2024. For more information, please refer to the [Product and Feature End of Support page]( tags: - Collections Window parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: The account ID. example: "2c92c0f86680fd090166a578754812bd" - in: query name: agent_email required: true schema: type: string description: The email of the agent. example: "" responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether the operation is successful. examples: response: value: success: true # Start of Configurable Payment Retry operations /api/v1/payments/active_invoice_cycle_information/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_ActiveInvoiceCycle summary: Get active retry cycles for an invoice description: > Gets information of active retry cycles that have not been completed for an invoice in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: invoice_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an invoice. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETActiveInvoiceCycleResponse" /api/v1/payments/active_debit_memo_cycle_information/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_ActiveDebitMemoCycle summary: Get active retry cycles for a debit memo description: > Gets information of active retry cycles that have not been completed for a debit memo in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: debit_memo_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of a debit memo. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETActiveDebitMemoCycleResponse" /api/v1/payments/active_account_cycle_information/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_ActiveAccountCycle summary: Get active retry cycles for an account description: > Gets information of active retry cycles that have not been completed for an account in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an account. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETActiveAccountCycleResponse" /api/v1/payments/invoice_cycle_history/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_InvoiceCycleHistory summary: Get retry cycle history for an invoice description: > Gets information of all retry cycles for an invoice in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: invoice_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an invoice. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETInvoiceCycleHistoryResponse" /api/v1/payments/debit_memo_cycle_history/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_DebitMemoCycleHistory summary: Get retry cycle history for a debit memo description: > Gets information of all retry cycles for a debit memo in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: debit_memo_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of a debit memo. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETDebitMemoCycleHistoryResponse" /api/v1/payments/account_cycle_history/: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_AccountCycleHistory summary: Get retry cycle history for an account description: > Gets information of all retry cycles for an account in Configurable Payment Retry. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an account. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETAccountCycleHistoryResponse" /api/v1/payments/execute_invoice_payment/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_ExecuteInvoicePayment summary: Execute invoice payment description: > For all active retry cycles associated with an invoice, schedules the next payment retry attempt to occur in the next hourly payment processor run. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: invoice_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an invoice. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs enqueued for processing: [290, 291]" } /api/v1/payments/execute_debit_memo_payment/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_ExecuteDebitMemoPayment summary: Execute debit memo payment description: > For all active retry cycles associated with a debit memo, schedules the next payment retry attempt to occur in the next hourly payment processor run. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: debit_memo_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of a debit memo. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs enqueued for processing: [300]" } /api/v1/payments/execute_account_payments/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_ExecuteAccountPayments summary: Execute account payments description: > For all active retry cycles associated with an account, schedules the next payment retry attempt to occur in the next hourly payment processor run. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an account. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs enqueued for processing: [310, 311, 312]" } /api/v1/payments/execute_payments: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_ExecutePayments summary: Execute payments description: > For all active retry cycles associated with the invoice, debit memo, and/or account IDs provided, schedules the next payment retry attempt to occur in the next hourly payment processor run. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: account_ids: type: array description: IDs of accounts. debit_memo_ids: type: array description: IDs of debit memos. invoice_ids: type: array description: IDs of invoices. example: { "account_ids": [ "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdcbf55ad5e62" ], "invoice_ids": [ "2c92c0fa7853052701785a38c6622473", "2c92c0fa7849b40a01784bc5de0f760f" ], "debit_memo_ids": [ "2c92c0fa7853052701785a38f3bb267f" ] } responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs enqueued for processing: [100, 101, 110, 111, 121]" } /api/v1/payments/remove_invoice_from_retry_cycle/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_RemoveInoviceFromCycle summary: Remove an invoice from retry cycle description: > Stops any active retry cycles associated with the invoice provided. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: invoice_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an invoice. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs have been removed from the retry cycle: [290, 291]" } /api/v1/payments/remove_debit_memo_from_retry_cycle/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_RemoveDebitMemoFromCycle summary: Remove a debit memo from retry cycle description: > Stops any active retry cycles associated with the debit memo provided. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: debit_memo_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of a debit memo. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs have been removed from the retry cycle: [301]" } /api/v1/payments/remove_account_from_retry_cycle/: put: servers: - url: operationId: PUT_RemoveAccountFromCycle summary: Remove an account from retry cycle description: > Stops any active retry cycles associated with the account provided. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry parameters: - in: path name: account_id required: true schema: type: string description: ID of an account. responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payments with the following IDs have been removed from the retry cycle: [310, 311, 312]" } /api/v1/payments/submit_failed_payment: post: servers: - url: operationId: POST_SubmitPaymentToCycle summary: Submit a payment to retry cycle description: > This API request submits a failed payment to the Configurable Payment Retry retry cycle. The request adds the failed payment to the existing CPR retry cycle. If no CPR retry cycle exists, this request creates a new one and adds the failed payment. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payment_id: type: string description: ID of a failed payment. example: { "payment_id": "2c92c0867849d42301784bc9ce806c31" } responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Indicates whether the operation is successful. message: type: string description: The response message. example: { "success": true, "message": "Payment entered into retry process" } /api/v1/metrics/baseline: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_BaselineMetrics summary: Get baseline metrics description: > Gets baseline metrics for Configurable Payment Retry, including Retry Success Rate and trend, Document Success Rate and trend, and Average Days Outstanding and trend. See Response Schema for detailed descriptions of the metrics. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETBaselineMetricsResponse" /api/v1/metrics/amount_recovered: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_AmountRecovered summary: Get the Amount Recovered metrics description: > Gets the Amount Recovered metrics, including the total amount recovered and the amount recovered over the last 30 days broken down by currency. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETAmountRecoveredResponse" /api/v1/metrics/customer_group_over_time: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_DocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroup summary: Get the Document Success Rate metrics by customer group description: > Gets the Document Success Rate timeseries for each customer group over the past 6 months. The data of the current month will not be included. For example, if it is April 15th today, the data for April will not be included. Data for March and earlier will be shown. tags: - Configurable Payment Retry responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETDocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroupResponse" /api/v1/metrics/customer_group: get: servers: - url: operationId: GET_CustomerGroupMetrics summary: Get the Customer Group metrics description: > Gets the following metrics for each customer group that is in the active status: - Document Success Rate and trend - Retry Success Rate - Average Attempts tags: - Configurable Payment Retry responses: "200": description: "" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GETCustomerGroupMetricsResponse" components: schemas: GETCustomerGroupMetricsResponse: type: object properties: customer_groups: type: array description: | An array containing the following information for each customer group. - Customer group ID - Customer group name - Whether Smart Retry is enabled for this customer group - Document Success Rate indicating the percentage of billing documents that are successfully collected - The trend of change in Document Success Rate over the last 30 days - Retry Success Rate indicating the percentage of the successful payment attempts - Average Attempts indicating the average number of attempts required to recover funds success: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully. If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to `true`. All expected fields will be present but the value will be `null`. example: { "customer_groups": [ { "id": 1, "name": "batch22", "smart_retry": false, "document_success_rate": "17.17", "document_success_rate_trend": "up", "retry_success_rate": "21.76", "average_attempts": "4.11" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Smart Retry", "smart_retry": true, "document_success_rate": "74.17", "document_success_rate_trend": "down", "retry_success_rate": "81.21", "average_attempts": "1.32" }, { "id": 4, "name": "All Remaining Customers", "smart_retry": false, "document_success_rate": "16.35", "document_success_rate_trend": "up", "retry_success_rate": "15.21", "average_attempts": "3.32" } ], "success": true } GETDocumentSuccessRateByCustomerGroupResponse: type: object properties: customer_groups: type: array description: | An array containing the Document Success Rate timeseries for each customer group represented by the customer group ID. A timeseries over the past 6 months is present in the format of `: `. The data of the current month is not included. For example, if it is April 15th today, the data for April will not be included. Data for March and earlier will be shown. success: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully. If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to `true`. All expected fields will be present but the value will be `null`. example: { "customer_groups": { "1": { "05_21": "17.53", "04_21": "13.21", "03_21": "14.92", "02_21": "8.99", "01_21": "34.25", "12_20": "12.30", }, "2": { "05_21": "11.11", "04_21": "7.87", "03_21": "26.00", "02_21": "11.06", "01_21": "13.43", "12_20": "17.92", }, "4": { "05_21": "11.13", "04_21": "9.17", "03_21": "17.20", "02_21": "19.06", "01_21": "12.43", "12_20": "15.92", } }, "success": true } GETAmountRecoveredResponse: type: object properties: currency: type: array description: | An array containing the following information for each available currency. If no payment of a given currency has been processed over the last 30 days, the currency will not appear in the array. - The total amount recovered to date - The amount recovered over the last 30 days success: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully. If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to `true`. All expected fields will be present but the value will be `null`. example: { "currency": { "USD": { "total_amount": "77515.21", "last_30_days": "1100.01" }, "EUR": { "total_amount": "337.19", "last_30_days": "17.17" }, "CAD": { "total_amount": "123954.10", "last_30_days": "5132.87" } }, "success": true } GETBaselineMetricsResponse: type: object properties: retry_success_rate: type: number description: | The percentage of successful payment attempts for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far. Retry Success Rate = Number of successful retry payment attempts / Total number of retry payments attempted Payment attempts here are any payment attempts executed by Configurable Payment Retry, excluding the initial payment run. retry_success_rate_trend: type: string description: | The trend of change in Retry Success Rate over the last 30 days. document_success_rate: type: number description: | The percentage of billing documents that are successfully collected, for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far. Document Success Rate = Number of billing documents collected / Total number of billing documents attempted Billing documents collected are any invoices and debit memos that were paid through the payment attempt initiated by Configurable Payment Retry. document_success_rate_trend: type: string description: | The trend of change in Document Success Rate over the last 30 days. average_days_outstanding: type: number description: | The average number of days invoices and debit memos are unpaid before collection, for all customer groups on this Configurable Payment Retry instance so far. average_days_outstanding_trend: type: string description: | The trend of change in Average Days Outstanding over the last 30 days. success: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the metrics are retrieved successfully. If no data is loaded yet, a 200 response code will be returned with the success field set to `true`. All expected fields will be present but the value will be `null`. example: { "retry_success_rate": "11.90", "retry_success_rate_trend": "down", "document_success_rate": "13.54", "document_success_rate_trend": "neutral", "average_days_outstanding": "4.76", "average_days_outstanding_trend": "up", "success": true } GETActiveInvoiceCycleResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all active retry cycles for an invoice. See the schema and example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdccdd6ce2f29", "invoice_id": "2c92c0f8778bf8cd017798168cb50e0b", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6f06d87b61", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Incomplete", "current_attempt_number": 2, "next_attempt": "2021-04-01T19:27:34.648Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0867849d42301784bc9ca076c21", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:42:20.103Z", "source": "PR-00000371", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-04-01T19:27:34.648-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } }, { "attempt_number": 2, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c09c7849d3c101784bce0d0a06d5", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:52:24.137Z", "source": "PR-00000372", "cpr_generated": true, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-19T09:53:39.845-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse: type: object title: retry cycle object properties: account_id: type: string description: | The ID of the customer account. invoice_id: type: string description: | The ID of the invoice. payment_method_id: type: string description: | The ID of the payment method. currency: type: string description: | The type of the currency used. status: type: string description: | The status of the retry cycle. current_attempt_number: type: number description: | The number of the current retry attempt. next_attempt: type: string format: date-time description: | The date and time of the next retry attempt, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. customer_group: type: string description: | The name of the customer group. attempts: type: array description: | An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETCycleElementAttemptResponse' GETCycleElementAttemptResponse: type: object title: retry attempt object properties: attempt_number: type: number description: | The number of the retry attempt. zuora_payment_id: type: string description: | The ID of the payment in Zuora Payments. time_of_execution: type: string format: date-time description: | The date and time when the retry attempt was made, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. source: type: string description: | The number of the failed payment run. cpr_generated: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the first retry attempt was generated by Configurable Payment Retry. `true` for the cases of the first retry attempt generated by CPR and the second or later attempt. `false` for the cases that the retry attempt was made by the payment run or an external source during retry cycles. success: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the retry attempt is successful. amount_collected: type: number description: | The amount collected in this retry attempt. action_info: type: object description: | Information about the action of the retry attempt. properties: action: type: string description: | The action taken in the retry attempt. retry_info: type: object description: | Information about the next retry attempt. properties: next: type: string format: date-time description: | The date and time of the next retry attempt as determined by `criteria`, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. criteria: type: string description: | The criteria defined in the retry configuration in the CPR UI, to specify whether the next retry will occur in an incremental time or at a specific time or day. mapping_info: type: object description: | Information about the response code mapping for the retry attempt. properties: label: type: string description: | The response code label, can be `Hard Decline`, `Soft Decline`, `System Error`, or custom labels. level: type: string description: | The response code level for the payment gateway, can be `Code` or `Description`. customer_group_id: type: number description: | The ID of the customer group. gateway_info: type: object description: | Information about the payment gateway. properties: id: type: string description: | The ID of the payment gateway. code: type: string description: | The response code from the gateway. response: type: string description: | The response message from the gateway. GETActiveDebitMemoCycleResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all active retry cycles for a debit memo. See the schema and example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f868e161e70168e25eb51d755f", "debit_memo_id": "2c92c0fa7853052701785a38f3bb267f", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f8774f1afe01775f6e533c4c06", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Incomplete", "current_attempt_number": 2, "next_attempt": "2021-04-01T10:22:57.464Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c085785305e201785a51af791979", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-23T16:50:18.878Z", "source": "PR-00000376", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-23T07:51:30.380-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } }, { "attempt_number": 2, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0857881cf3e01788ee263b0331c", "time_of_execution": "2021-04-01T19:21:55.207Z", "source": "PR-00000380", "cpr_generated": true, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-04-01T10:22:57.464-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse: type: object title: retry cycle object properties: account_id: type: string description: | The ID of the customer account. debit_memo_id: type: string description: | The ID of the debit memo. payment_method_id: type: string description: | The ID of the payment method. currency: type: string description: | The type of the currency used. status: type: string description: | The status of the retry cycle. current_attempt_number: type: number description: | The number of the current retry attempt. next_attempt: type: string format: date-time description: | The date and time of the next retry attempt, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. customer_group: type: string description: | The name of the customer group. attempts: type: array description: | An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETCycleElementAttemptResponse' GETActiveAccountCycleResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETAccountCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all active retry cycles for an account. See the schema and example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdccdd6ce2f29", "debit_memo_id": "2c92c0fb78532b0001785a38f6427976", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6f06d87b61", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Incomplete", "current_attempt_number": 1, "next_attempt": "2021-04-01T19:27:34.473Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c085785305e201785a5199a6192d", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-23T16:50:18.878Z", "source": "PR-00000376", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-23T07:51:27.521-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time", }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] }, { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdccdd6ce2f29", "invoice_id": "2c92c0fa7853052701785a38c6622473", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6f06d87b61", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Incomplete", "current_attempt_number": 1, "next_attempt": "2021-04-01T19:27:34.436Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c085785305e201785a519d85193b", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-23T16:50:18.878Z", "source": "PR-00000376", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-23T07:51:28.161-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time", }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETAccountCycleElementResponse: type: object title: retry cycle object properties: account_id: type: string description: | The ID of the customer account. invoice_id: type: string description: | The ID of the invoice. debit_memo_id: type: string description: | The ID of the debit memo. payment_method_id: type: string description: | The ID of the payment method. currency: type: string description: | The type of the currency used. status: type: string description: | The status of the retry cycle. current_attempt_number: type: number description: | The number of the current retry attempt. next_attempt: type: string format: date-time description: | The date and time of the next retry attempt, in `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss` format. customer_group: type: string description: | The name of the customer group. attempts: type: array description: | An array containing information of the retry attempts that have been made. See the schema and example for details. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETCycleElementAttemptResponse' GETInvoiceCycleHistoryResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETInvoiceCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for an invoice. See the example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdcbf55ad5e62", "invoice_id": "2c92c0fa7849b3ff01784bc5e8ee18b5", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6cf2fb726a", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Complete", "current_attempt_number": 1, "next_attempt": null, "customer_group": "Testing Group", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0867849d42301784bc9ce806c31", "time_of_execution": "2021-04-01T19:11:21.639Z", "source": "PR-00000370", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Stop" }, "retry_info": {}, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 5 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] }, { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdcbf55ad5e62", "invoice_id": "2c92c0fa7849b3ff01784bc5e8ee18b5", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6cf2fb726a", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Complete", "current_attempt_number": 2, "next_attempt": null, "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0867849d42301784bc9ce806c31", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:42:20.103Z", "source": "PR-00000371", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-19T09:43:28.670-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } }, { "attempt_number": 2, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c09c7849d3c101784bcdfc010671", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:52:24.137Z", "source": "PR-00000372", "cpr_generated": true, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Stop" }, "retry_info": {}, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETDebitMemoCycleHistoryResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETDebitMemoCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for a debit memo. See the example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f868e161e70168e25eb51d755f", "debit_memo_id": "2c92c0fa7853052701785a38f3bb267f", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f8774f1afe01775f6e533c4c06", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Complete", "current_attempt_number": 2, "next_attempt": null, "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c085785305e201785a51af791979", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-23T16:50:18.878Z", "source": "PR-00000376", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-23T07:51:30.380-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time", "api_updated_retry_time": "2021-03-26T14:27:21.107-04:00" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } }, { "attempt_number": 2, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0857881cf3e01788ee263b0331c", "time_of_execution": "2021-04-01T19:21:55.207Z", "source": "PR-00000378", "cpr_generated": true, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Stop" }, "retry_info": {}, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETAccountCycleHistoryResponse: type: object properties: cycles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/GETAccountCycleElementResponse' description: | An array containing information of all completed retry cycles for an account. See the example for details. example: { "cycles": [ { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdcbf55ad5e62", "invoice_id": "2c92c0fa7849b3ff01784bc5e8ee18b5", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6cf2fb726a", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Complete", "current_attempt_number": 3, "next_attempt": "2021-03-19T18:53:39.641Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c0867849d42301784bc9ce806c31", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:42:20.103Z", "source": "PR-00000371", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-19T09:43:28.670-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } }, { "attempt_number": 2, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c09c7849d3c101784bcdfc010671", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-19T18:52:24.137Z", "source": "PR-00000372", "cpr_generated": true, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Stop" }, "retry_info": {}, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] }, { "account_id": "2c92c0f96bd69165016bdcbf55ad5e62", "invoice_id": "2c92c0fb78532b0f01785a38cede190a", "payment_method_id": "2c92c0f9774f2b3e01775f6cf2fb726a", "currency": "USD", "status": "Cycle Incomplete", "current_attempt_number": 1, "next_attempt": "2021-03-24T19:34:20.254Z", "customer_group": "All Remaining Customers", "attempts": [ { "attempt_number": 1, "zuora_payment_id": "2c92c085785305e201785a51aae41969", "time_of_execution": "2021-03-23T16:50:18.878Z", "source": "PR-00000376", "cpr_generated": false, "success": false, "amount_collected": "0.0", "action_info": { "action": "Retry" }, "retry_info": { "next": "2021-03-23T07:51:30.316-09:00", "criteria": "incremental_time" }, "mapping_info": { "label": "Hard Decline", "level": "code", "customer_group_id": 1 }, "gateway_info": { "id": "2c92c0f85e2d19af015e3a61d8947e5d", "code": "insufficient_funds", "response": "Your card has insufficient funds." } } ] } ] } GETPaymentRunResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. id: type: integer description: | The ID of the payment run in Advanced Payment Manager. status: type: string description: | The status of the payment run. target_date: type: string format: date description: | The target date of the payment run, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. filter: type: string description: | The filter that is used for the payment run. payment_run_schedule_id: type: string description: > The ID of the payment run schedule. If this is not a scheduled payment run, the value is **Adhoc**. invoices_held: type: object description: | Invoices that are held by the payment run for manual processing. metrics: type: object description: | Metrics of the payment runs after completion. errors: type: array description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. items: {} POSTPaymentRun: type: object properties: target_date: type: string format: date description: > The target date of the payment run to be created, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. billrun: type: string description: > A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. batch: type: string description: > A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. currency: type: string description: > A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. payment_gateway: type: string description: > A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. bill_cycle_day: type: string description: > A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. custom: type: string description: > A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in the payment run. It cannot be used with other filters. example: target_date: "2019-02-04" currency: CAD POSTPaymentRunResponse: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: | The ID of the payment run in Advanced Payment Manager. success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. errors: type: array items: type: string description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. GETPaymentRunSchedulesResponse: type: object properties: schedules: type: array items: type: object description: | An array containing all available schedules. size: type: integer description: | The number of schedules retrieved. success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. errors: type: array description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. items: {} GETPaymentRunScheduleResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. id: type: integer description: | The ID of the payment run schedule in Advanced Payment Manager. status: type: string description: | The status of the payment run schedule. filter: type: string format: date description: | The filter that is defined in the payment run schedule. schedule: type: string description: | The schedule that is defined for this payment run schedule. errors: type: array description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. items: {} POSTPaymentRunSchedule: type: object properties: frequency: type: string description: | The frequency of payment runs in the schedule. enum: - Daily - Weekly - Monthly day: type: string description: > The day of a month when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if **frequency** is **Monthly**. Allowed values are 1-31 or **L** (the last day of a month). day_of_week: type: array items: type: integer description: > An array of days in a week when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if **frequency** is **Weekly**. Allowed integers are 1-7. 1 stands for Monday. 2 stands for Tuesday, etc. hour: type: integer description: > The hour of a day when payment runs need to be performed. Allowed values are 1-23. billrun: type: string description: > A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. batch: type: string description: > A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. currency: type: string description: > A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. payment_gateway: type: string description: > A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. bill_cycle_day: type: string description: > A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. custom: type: string description: > A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. It cannot be used with other filters. example: frequency: Weekly days_of_week: - 2 - 3 hour: 2 currency: CAD PUTPaymentRunSchedule: type: object properties: frequency: type: string description: | The frequency of payment runs in the schedule. enum: - Daily - Weekly - Monthly day: type: string description: > The day of a month when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if **frequency** is **Monthly**. Allowed values are 1-31 or **L** (the last day of a month). day_of_week: type: array items: type: integer description: > An array of days in a week when payment runs need to be performed. Required only if **frequency** is **Weekly**. Allowed integers are 1-7. 1 stands for Monday. 2 stands for Tuesday, etc. hour: type: integer description: > The hour of a day when payment runs need to be performed. Allowed values are 1-23. billrun: type: string description: > A bill run name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. batch: type: string description: > A batch name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. currency: type: string description: > A three-character currency code that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. payment_gateway: type: string description: > A payment gateway name that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. bill_cycle_day: type: string description: > A bill cycle day value that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. Valid only if the custom filter is not used. custom: type: string description: > A custom ZOQL query that is used to determine what receivables should be included in payment runs in this schedule. It cannot be used with other filters. example: currency: USD POSTPaymentRunScheduleResponse: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: | The ID of the payment run schedule in Advanced Payment Manager. success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. errors: type: array items: type: string description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. DELETEPaymentRunScheduleResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. errors: type: array items: type: string description: > Errors that occur in the operation. Available only when **success** is **false**. GETStatementsResponse: type: object properties: statements: type: array items: type: object description: | An array containing the requested number of statements of the specified account. Every object contains an Amazon S3 link. You can click the links to view and download the statements. The links will expire in 10 minutes. success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. count: type: integer description: | The number of statements retrieved. GETStatementSettingsResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. templates: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the template. description: | An array containing all available templates. advanced_ar: type: boolean description: | Whether Invoice Settlement is enabled on the tenant. default_template: type: string description: | The name of the default template. default_cycle: type: string description: | The statement cycle being used. POSTAdhocStatementRun: type: object properties: starting_date: type: string format: date description: > The starting date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY. ending_date: type: string format: date description: > The ending date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY. template_name: type: string description: > The name of the template to be used in the statement run. advanced_ar: type: boolean description: > Specifies whether Invoice Settlement is enabled on the tenant. account_id: type: string description: > The ID of the account for which the statement run is created. attach_to_account: type: boolean description: | Indicates whether the generated statement is attached to the account. required: - starting_date - ending_date - template_name - advanced_ar - account_id example: starting_date: "05-01-2018" ending_date: "08-01-2018" template_name: "Default Name" advanced_ar: false account_id: "2c92c0f964eaa3ec0164fad1eab730d6" attach_to_account: true POSTAdhocStatementRunResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. code: type: integer description: | The response code. message: type: string description: | The response message. statement_number: type: string description: | The number of the statement. POSTCustomStatementRun: type: object properties: starting_date: type: string format: date description: > The starting date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY. ending_date: type: string format: date description: > The ending date of the time period for which the statement is generated, in the format of MM-DD-YYYY. batch: type: string description: > The billing batch of accounts the statements need to be generated for. mode: type: string description: > The mode in which the run has to be executed. enum: - open_invoices - open_balance - no_invoice - no_invoice_w_balance - custom required: - starting_date - ending_date - batch - mode example: starting_date: "05-01-2018" ending_date: "08-01-2018" batch: "Batch40" mode: "custom" POSTCustomStatementRunResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: | Whether the operation is successful. code: type: integer description: | The response code. message: type: string description: | The response message. execution_number: type: string description: | The serial number of the execution. report_file: type: string description: | The URL pointing to the report of the run. # start of the Notes definitions # Notes object definition NotesObject: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether this operation is successful or not. data: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the Notes object. object: type: string description: The type of the object. It can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window. notesId: type: string description: The ID of the Notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type. notesParentId: type: string description: The ID of the parent object. For "Accounts" object, this parameter is the account name that the Notes object is created for. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The time and date when this Notes object is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last time and date when the Notes object is updated. NotesObjectWithComment: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether this operation is successful or not. data: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the Notes object. object: type: string description: The type of the object. It can be "Accounts" or "Invoices" for Collections Window. notesId: type: string description: The ID of the notes object. It is an account number (32-digit hex) for Accounts object type, and an invoice number for Invoices object type. notesParentId: type: string description: The ID of the parent object. For "Accounts" object, this parameter is the account name that the Notes object is created for. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The time and date when this Notes object is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last time and date when the Notes object is updated. comments: type: array description: The array of comments for this Notes object. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesComment' # definition for Notes user NotesUser: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the Notes user. username: type: string description: The user name. connectIdentity: type: string description: The connect ID of the user. It must be a 32-digit hex number. email: type: string description: The email address of the user. firstName: type: string description: The first name. lastName: type: string description: The last name. fullName: type: string description: The full name of the user. platformRole: type: string description: The Platform role of the user. timeZone: type: string description: The time zone setting for the user. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The time and date when this user record is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last time and date when the user record is updated. escalationUser: type: string description: The full name of the user that is configured to handle escalations for the current user. escalationUserId: type: string description: The ID of the escalation user. It must be a 32-digit hex number. approvalAmount: type: number description: The amount of money that this user is allowed to approve. avatar: type: string description: The link to the avatar image file for the user. # definition for comments and replies NotesReply: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the reply. body: type: string description: The body of the reply. image: type: string description: The link to the image file. The value is null if no image files are available. attachment: type: string description: The link to the attachment. The value is null if no attachments are available. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The time and date when the reply is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last time and date when the reply is updated. user: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' NotesComment: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the comment. body: type: string description: The body of the comment. image: type: string description: The link to the image file. The value is null if no image files are available. attachment: type: string description: The link to the attachment. The value is null if no attachments are available. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The time and date when this comment is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last time and date when the comment is updated. user: description: The creator of the comment. $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' replies: type: array description: An array of replies. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesReply" # definition for tasks NotesTasksResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether this operation is successful. data: type: object description: The actual tasks data. properties: tasks: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the task. task: type: string description: The title of the task. description: type: string description: Additional details about the task. dueDate: type: string format: time-date description: The due date and time of the task. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The date and time when this task is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last date and time when the task is updated. reminderDate: type: string format: time-date description: The data and time when a reminder about this task needs to be sent. notifications: type: string description: The message to be sent as notifications. It can be null if no message is defined. status: type: string description: The status of the task. comment: type: string description: The comment about the task. autoEscalation: type: string description: The automatic escalation setting for the task. createdBy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' assignTo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' pagination: type: object properties: page: type: integer description: The number of the current page. per_page: type: integer description: The number of results on each page. total_filtered_records: type: integer description: The total number of filtered records. total_records: type: integer description: The total number of records. NotesTasks: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the task. task: type: string description: The title of the task. description: type: string description: Additional details about the task. dueDate: type: string format: time-date description: The due date and time of the task. createdAt: type: string format: time-date description: The date and time when this task is created. updatedAt: type: string format: time-date description: The last date and time when the task is updated. reminderDate: type: string format: time-date description: The data and time when a reminder about this task needs to be sent. notifications: type: string description: The message to be sent as notifications. It can be null if no message is defined. status: type: string description: The status of the task. comment: type: string description: The comment about the task. autoEscalation: type: string description: The automatic escalation setting for the task. createdBy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' assignTo: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotesUser' # notes groups NotesGroup: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of the Notes group. name: type: string description: The name of the group. description: type: string description: Additional information about the group. created_at: type: string format: time-date description: The date and time when the group was created. updated_at: type: string format: time-date description: The last date and time when the group was updated. users: type: array description: A list of all users in the group. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesUser" NotesGroupsResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether this operation is successful. groups: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesGroup" NotesCreateGroupBody: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the group that you want to create. description: type: string description: Additional information about the group. NotesUpdateGroupBody: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The new name of the group. description: type: string description: The new description about the group. NotesDeleteGroupBody: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the group that has been deleted. description: type: string description: The description of the group. NotesCreateGroupResponse: type: object properties: success: type: boolean description: Whether the operation is successful. id: type: integer description: The ID of the Notes group. name: type: string description: The name of the group. description: type: string description: Additional information about the group. created_at: type: string format: time-date description: The date and time when the group was created. updated_at: type: string format: time-date description: The last date and time when the group was updated. users: type: array description: An array of users in the group. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NotesUser" # start of collections window schemas ResultsPagination: type: object description: The pagination information. properties: page: type: integer description: The current page. page_length: type: integer description: The number of result on each page. next_page: type: string description: The link to the next page of results. CollectionAccount: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the account. zuora_id: type: string description: The Zuora ID of the account. in_collections: type: boolean description: Whether the account is in collections. account_currency: type: string description: The currency that is currently used by the account. home_currency: type: string description: The home currency of the tenant. amount_due_account_currency: type: number description: The amount that is due for the account in the account currency. amount_due_home_currency: type: number description: The amount that is due for the account in the tenant home currency. last_open_invoice_date: type: string format: date description: The last open invoice date. average_debt_age: type: number description: The average age of all the debt of the account. statuses: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CollectionStatuses" CollectionStatuses: type: object description: The status of the account. properties: In Collections: type: boolean description: Whether this account is in collections. Pending: type: boolean description: Whether this account is pending. In Dispute: type: boolean description: Whether this account is in dispute. Paid In Full: type: boolean description: Whether this account has paid in full. CollectionAgent: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of the agent. email: type: string description: The email of the agent. zuora_identity_id: type: string description: The Zuora ID of the agent. amount_in_collections: type: number description: The total amount of debt for accounts that are assigned to the user. accounts: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are assigned to the user. account_statuses: type: object properties: In Collections: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in collections. Pending: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are pending. In Disputes: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in dispute. Paid in Full: type: integer description: The number of accounts that have paid in full. GETCollectionAgentsResponse: type: object properties: accounts: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CollectionAgent" pagination: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ResultsPagination" GETCollectionAccountsResponse: type: object properties: accounts: type: array description: The array of accounts. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CollectionAccount' pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResultsPagination' CollectionsInfo: type: object properties: accounts_in_collections: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in collections. home_currency: type: string description: The home currency of the tenant. total_debt: type: number description: The total debt of all accounts that are in collections. largest_debts: type: array description: The five largest debts that are in collections. items: type: string description: An account number and the amount due for the account. oldest_debts: type: array description: The five oldest debts that are in collections. items: type: string description: An account number and the amount due for the account. statuses: type: object properties: In Collection: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in collections. Pending: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in pending status. In Dispute: type: integer description: The number of accounts that are in dispute. Paid In Full: type: integer description: The number of accounts that have paid in full.