openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: 'Public API Reference' version: '2024-09-02' description: > The Zephr Public API provides common client-side actions tied to a session cookie. Unlike the Admin API, neither users nor other resources can be dereferenced; the only data that can be accessed is owned by the user who is currently signed in. This design is used to protect other users from malicious attacks. You can find the base URL for the Public API by navigating to your site domains. To do this, select **Sites** from the **Delivery** menu, select your site, and then click the **Site Domains** button. The base URL is the Live domain. Zephr forms use the Public API by default, with relative URLs based on the base URL. tags: - name: Authentication x-displayName: Authentication - name: Braintree Payments x-displayName: Braintree Payments - name: Browser Feature Decisions x-displayName: Browser Feature Decisions - name: Decision Engine x-displayName: Decision Engine - name: Dynamic Offer Decision Engine x-displayName: Dynamic Offer Decision Engine - name: Dynamic Offer Promo Code Decision x-displayName: Dynamic Offer Promo Code Decision - name: OAuth Flow x-displayName: OAuth Flow - name: Payments x-displayName: Payments - name: Product Sharing x-displayName: Product Sharing - name: SDK Feature Decision Engine x-displayName: SDK Feature Decision Engine - name: Sessions x-displayName: Sessions - name: Stripe Payments x-displayName: Stripe Payments - name: Third-Party Authentication description: 'This section contains the API operations for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow.' x-displayName: Third-Party Authentication - name: User x-displayName: User - name: V4 Gifts description: >- Create a Gift resource for V4. Gifts can be used to provide access to a particular URL for one session only by appending a gift token ID to the URL as the `gift` path parameter. x-displayName: V4 Gifts - name: Web Analytics x-displayName: Web Analytics - name: Zephr Features x-displayName: Zephr Features - name: Component Library x-displayName: Component Library servers: - url: https://{your-domain} variables: your-domain: default: demo-site description: The domain of your site. security: - CookieBlaizeSession: [] - JwtQuery: [] - JwtHeaderXBlaizeJwt: [] - JwtHeaderXZephrJwt: [] - JwtBearer: [] - JwtCookie: [] paths: /blaize/login: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user-registration-response' examples: response: value: cookie: >- blaize_session=0123456789ABCD; Expires=Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:35:56 GMT; Path=/; message: Registration successful tracking_id: TT0123456789ABCD '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Log in to the user account operationId: Login description: Logs in to the user account. tags: - Authentication parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: blaize_session=... (optional) schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user-registration-request' /blaize/logout: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin-user-logout-response' examples: response: value: message: Session deleted '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Log out of the user account operationId: Logout description: Logs out of the user account. tags: - Authentication parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin-user-logout-request' /zephr/public/sso/v1/status: get: responses: '200': description: SSO status was retrieved successfully headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RetrieveStatusResponse' examples: response: value: status: authenticated meta: {} summary: Retrieve the SSO status operationId: Retrieve_SSO_Status description: Retrieves the SSO status and metadata of the current user. tags: - Authentication /zephr/public/sso/v1/status/meta: put: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Update the metadata operationId: Update_Meta description: Updates the SSO metadata associated with the user. tags: - Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customer-meta' example: {} /blaize/token-exchange: post: responses: '201': description: Created headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Start a passwordless authentication operationId: Start_Passwordless description: > Starts the passwordless authentication. **IMPORTANT**: For passwordless authentication, first is required to send a POST to request an email to be sent to the User’s email with a link for the user to click on to verify his email. tags: - Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/passwordless-authentication-request' get: responses: '302': description: Found headers: Location: schema: type: string Set-Cookie: schema: type: string '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Complete a passwordless authentication operationId: Complete_Passwordless description: > Completes the passwordless authentication. **IMPORTANT**: For passwordless authentication, first is required to send a POST to request an email to be sent to the User’s email with a link for the user to click on to verify his email. tags: - Authentication /blaize/users/reset: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Start a password reset operationId: Start_password_reset description: > Starts the password reset. **IMPORTANT**: To reset a user password, first is required to send a POST to request an email to be sent to the User’s email with a link for the user to click on so as to verify that he requested this password change. tags: - Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/password-reset-request' /blaize/users/reset/{state}: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Complete a password reset operationId: Complete_password_reset description: > Completes the password reset. **IMPORTANT**: To reset a user password, first is required to send a POST to request an email to be sent to the User’s email with a link for the user to click on so as to verify that he requested this password change. tags: - Authentication parameters: - name: state in: path description: Unique State identifier required: true schema: type: string requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Complete_password_resetBody' /blaize/blaize/password-reset.html: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: text/html: examples: response: value: '' summary: Return the password reset form operationId: Password_Reset_Form description: Returns the password reset form tags: - Authentication /blaize/anonymous-session: post: responses: '201': description: Created headers: Set-Cookie: schema: type: string content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cdn-anonymous-session-response' examples: response: value: message: Anonymous session created successfully tracking_id: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 summary: Create an anonymous session operationId: Anonymous_Session description: Creates an anonymous session. tags: - Authentication /blaize/users/update-email: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Start updating the current email address operationId: Start_updating_your_current_email_address description: | Starts updating user's current email address. tags: - Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: >- #/components/schemas/start-update-your-current-email-address-request /blaize/users/update-email/: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Complete updating the current email address operationId: Complete_update_your_current_email_address description: | Completes updating user's current email address. tags: - Authentication requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Complete_password_resetBody' /blaize/update-email.html: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: text/html: examples: response: value: '' summary: Return the update email request form operationId: Update_Email_Request_Form description: Returns the update email request Form. tags: - Authentication /blaize/users/change-password: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '403': description: Forbidden headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Change the user password operationId: Change_Password description: Changes the user password. tags: - Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: current_validators: type: object properties: password: type: string use_sso: type: boolean description: >- When this is present there should be no identifiers in the body. The user is identified through a blaize_session cookie. new_validators: type: object properties: password: type: string use_sso: type: boolean description: >- When this is present there should be no identifiers in the body. The user is identified through a blaize_session cookie. required: - current_validators - new_validators example: current_validators: password: mysecurepassword123 new_validators: password: mysecurepassword123 /blaize/payment/braintree/token: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string example: >- eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQW...(lots more random-looking characters)...dyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== examples: response: value: token: >- eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQW...(lots more random-looking characters)...dyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Retrieve the Braintree token operationId: Get_Braintree_Token description: |- Issues a Braintree client token for the current blaize session. This holds the user's userId if the user has an authenticated session. This token can be used to request a payment nonce. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: allowUnauthenticated in: query description: >- if tokens can be generated for unauthenticated user sessions - defaults to false required: false schema: type: boolean - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/subscriptionChargedCallback: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} summary: Create a subscription start callback operationId: Stripe_Callback_POST description: >- To use subscriptions, braintree callback must be configured to point to this endpoint. tags: - Braintree Payments /blaize/payment/braintree/subscriptions: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - token - managed-by - external-id - next-billing-time - ends - blaize-product - transaction-history - subscription-state - plan_id - plan_name - currency_code - pre_discount_price - billing_frequency_unit - billing_frequency - discounts_applied - multiphase_plan properties: token: type: string example: 8m2kc5g description: The token identifier for this payment method. managed-by: type: string example: Braintree external-id: type: string example: abc123 description: The ID for this subscription in Braintree. next-billing-time: type: string example: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' description: >- ISO-8601 formatted time at which the subscription will next be billed. ends: type: string example: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' description: >- ISO-8601 formatted time at which the subscription is expected to end. blaize-product: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription-product' transaction-history: type: array items: {} subscription-state: type: string example: active description: The subscription state, as acquired from Braintree. paid_through_date: type: string example: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' description: >- ISO-8601 formatted time up to which the subscription has been paid for. This will be `null` if the subscription has not yet been paid for. plan_id: type: string example: plan-123 description: The Braintree plan ID plan_name: type: string example: monthly-plan description: The Braintree plan name currency_code: type: string example: GBP description: The currency of the subscription price. pre_discount_price: type: number example: 50 description: The subscription price before any discounts are applied. billing_frequency_unit: type: string example: MONTH description: >- The time unit of the billing frequency, one of: YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, DAY. billing_frequency: type: number example: 1 description: >- The frequency at which the subscription is billed, in the units specified by billing_frequency_unit. discounts_applied: type: boolean example: true description: If the subscription has any applied discounts. multiphase_plan: type: boolean example: true description: If the subscription plan has multiple phases. examples: response: value: token: 8m2kc5g managed-by: Braintree external-id: abc123 next-billing-time: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' ends: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' blaize-product: id: one-month-one-off label: One month access description: One month access transaction-history: - human-readable-amount: $2.34 time: '' currency: $ cents: 234 cycle: month cycleCount: 1 taxRate: taxPercent: 15 isTaxInclusive: false displayName: VAT active: false subscription-state: active paid_through_date: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' plan_id: plan-123 plan_name: monthly-plan currency_code: GBP pre_discount_price: 50 billing_frequency_unit: MONTH billing_frequency: 1 discounts_applied: true multiphase_plan: true '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: List the Braintree subscriptions of a user operationId: List_User_Braintree_Subscriptions description: Lists all Braintree subscriptions for the logged-in user. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}: patch: responses: '204': description: No Content headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Update the Braintree subscription operationId: Update_Braintree_Subscription description: > Updates a Braintree subscription by ID. This operation currently only supports updating the payment method for a subscription, sending the payment method token or nonce. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: subscriptionId in: path description: Subscription ID required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payment_method_token: type: string description: >- Payment method token referencing a payment method in Braintree. payment_method_nonce: type: string description: >- Payment method nonce referencing a payment method in Braintree. example: payment_method_token: alpha123token payment_method_nonce: alpha123token delete: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '409': description: Conflict headers: {} summary: Cancel the Braintree subscription operationId: Cancel_Braintree_Subscription description: Cancels a Braintree subscription by ID. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: subscriptionId in: path description: Subscription ID required: true schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/buy: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 description: New grant of product bundle to user examples: response: value: grant_id: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Create a Braintree buy (one-off) operationId: Braintree_Buy_one-off description: > Uses the payment info captured by the braintree drop-in UI and encoded in the payment nonce to create a braintree customer and issue a one-off payment. When braintree responds successfully, the logged-in user will be granted all entitlements in the product's associated bundle. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug price_point_id: type: string description: Price Point Id/slug payment_nonce: type: string description: Payment method nonce from Braintree drop-in UI required: - product_id - price_point_id - payment_nonce example: product_id: lifetime-membership price_point_id: gold-package payment_nonce: >- eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQW...(lots more random-looking characters)...dyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== /zephr/payment/braintree/payment-methods: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_methods' examples: response: value: - token: 8m2kc5g default: false card_type: Visa card_holder_name: John Rambo card_number_masked: 654321******0987 expiration_date: 07/22 expired: false expiring_soon: false in_use: false last_4: '1111' nonce: 086128f3-04c2-069e-78d2-3f4de98508e5 type: CreditCard zipcode: '123456' '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: List Braintree payment methods operationId: Braintree_List_User_Payment_Methods description: >- Lists the Braintree payment method details associated with the logged-in user. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_method' examples: response: value: token: 8m2kc5g default: false card_type: Visa card_holder_name: John Rambo card_number_masked: 654321******0987 expiration_date: 07/22 expired: false expiring_soon: false in_use: false last_4: '1111' nonce: 086128f3-04c2-069e-78d2-3f4de98508e5 type: CreditCard zipcode: '123456' '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Create a Braintree payment method operationId: Braintree_Create_User_Payment_Method description: >- Creates the Braintree payment method with the associated vaulted nonce, for the authenticated user. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payment_method_nonce: type: string example: aa583cb8...and other characters...3a43796ef8e5 description: The vaulted nonce associated with the new payment method /zephr/payment/braintree/payment-methods/{paymentMethodToken}: patch: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_method' examples: response: value: token: 8m2kc5g default: false card_type: Visa card_holder_name: John Rambo card_number_masked: 654321******0987 expiration_date: 07/22 expired: false expiring_soon: false in_use: false last_4: '1111' nonce: 086128f3-04c2-069e-78d2-3f4de98508e5 type: CreditCard zipcode: '123456' '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Update a Braintree payment method operationId: Braintree_Update_User_Payment_Method description: >- Updates the Braintree payment method details associated with the logged-in user. The details to update must first be captured from Braintree in a nonce and vaulted. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: paymentMethodToken in: path description: The unique ID of the payment method required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payment_method_nonce: type: string example: aa583cb8...and other characters...3a43796ef8e5 description: The vaulted nonce associated with the update payment method delete: responses: '204': description: No Content headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Delete the Braintree payment method operationId: Braintree_Delete_User_Payment_Method description: Deletes the Braintree payment method associated with the provided token. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: paymentMethodToken in: path description: The unique ID of the payment method required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /zephr/payment/braintree/default-payment-method: put: responses: '204': description: No Content headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Set the default Braintree payment method operationId: Braintree_Set_User_Default_Payment_Method description: |- Sets the Braintree default payment method for the logged-in user. This must be a valid payment method already associated with the user. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: payment_method_token: type: string example: payment-method-123 description: >- The unique ID of the payment method to be set as default for the user /zephr/payment/braintree/plans: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: plan-id: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_plan' examples: response: value: plan-id: id: annual-plan name: Sports+ Membership Annual currency_code: USD base_price: 10.2 billing_interval_unit: MONTH billing_interval: 3 billing_cycles: 12 trial_duration_unit: DAY trial_duration: 30 discounts: - id: annual-discount name: Sports+ Membership Discount description: This is a discount description amount: '9.99' billing_cycles: '6' current_billing_cycle: '4' zephr_product_id: product-123 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: List all Braintree plans operationId: Braintree_List_Plans description: |- Lists the plans associated with the identified product. The product ID is required. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: product_id in: query description: Product ID required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/promo-code: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - code - discount - paymentOptions properties: code: type: string example: promo-123 description: The promo code identifier. discount: type: number example: 20 description: The discount amount. paymentOptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo-code-payment-options' description: The list of payment options. examples: response: value: code: promo-123 discount: 20 paymentOptions: - slug: plan-123 currency: $ pricePointId: cost-123 originalPrice: 3.45 discountPrice: 2 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '403': description: Forbidden headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Get a Braintree Promo Code operationId: Braintree_Get_Promo_Code description: Gets a Braintree promo code. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: code in: query description: promo code to lookup by ID required: true schema: type: string - name: paymentForm in: query description: payment form to lookup by slug required: true schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/addons: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/add-ons' examples: response: value: - id: add-123 label: Easy Add-on value: 12 type: PERCENT paymentOptions: - slug: plan-123 currency: $ addonPrice: 12.34 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '403': description: Forbidden headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: List Braintree add-ons operationId: Braintree_List_Add-ons description: Lists the Braintree add-ons. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: paymentForm in: query description: payment form to lookup by slug required: true schema: type: string - name: promoCode in: query description: promo code to lookup by ID required: true schema: type: string /blaize/payment/braintree/subscribe: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 description: New grant of product bundle to user examples: response: value: grant_id: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Start the Braintree subscription (Deprecated) operationId: Start_Braintree_Subscription_Deprecated description: >- ** (Deprecated - use the "/zephr/subscribe" operation intead)** Uses the payment info captured by the braintree drop-in UI and encoded in the payment nonce to create a braintree customer in with a recurring payment. When braintree responds successfully, the logged-in user will be temporarily granted all entitlements in the product's associated bundle. tags: - Braintree Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug payment_nonce: type: string description: Payment method nonce from Braintree drop-in UI skip_trial_period: type: boolean description: >- Whether or not to skip any trial period that may be associated with this subscription. This should be `null` or not set to use the configured trial period. start_date: type: string description: >- ISO 8601 date format which determines when the subscription will start. When the attribute is passed, the value must be in the future. Otherwise, the subscription is expected to start immediately. required: - product_id - payment_nonce example: product_id: premium-access-monthly-recurring payment_nonce: >- eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQW...(lots more random-looking characters)...dyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== skip_trial_period: true start_date: '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z' /zephr/feature-decisions: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/browser-features-response' examples: response: value: featureResults: featureX: blaize.transform.resource('...') resources: uiComponents: M-eRFAot:


accessDetails: authenticated: false accessDecisions: W28U8Z: false entitlements: W28U8Z: usedInDecision: false decrementedInDecision: false credits: W28U8Z: usedInDecision: false decrementedInDecision: false totalCredits: 0 remainingCredits: 0 meters: W28U8Z: usedInDecision: false decrementedInDecision: false totalCredits: 0 remainingCredits: 0 trialTrackingDetails: - entitlementId: W28U8Z entitlementType: entitlement trackCreditsUsed: false trackCreditsRemaining: false creditsUsedKey: creditsUsed creditsRemainingKey: creditsRemaining trials: pLvjuu: totalCredits: 1 remainingCredits: 0 tracker: '' reportInDataLayer: true dataLayerCreditsUsedKey: trial-pLvjuu-creditsUsed dataLayerCreditsRemainingKey: trial-pLvjuu-creditsRemaining decrementedInDecision: true usedInDecision: true timeTrials: xCoYJr: reportInDataLayer: true trialDurationUnits: HOURS trialDuration: 1 entryTime: 2024-02-08T08:48:33.056008906Z[UTC] trackerHits: 1 timeRemainingInTrial: 0 dataLayerTrialDurationKey: trial-xCoYJr-trialDuration dataLayerTrialDurationUnitsKey: trial-xCoYJr-trialDurationUnits dataLayerTrackerEntryTimeKey: trial-xCoYJr-trackerEntryTime dataLayerTrackerHitsKey: trial-xCoYJr-trackerHits dataLayerTrialTimeRemainingKey: trial-xCoYJr-trialTimeRemaining activeInDecision: true testGroups: 6663d5ea-d1db-4104-893e-65a21a92e32e: B activeProducts: ["example product"] summary: Execute Browser feature decisions operationId: Browser_Feature_Decisions description: >- Zephr HTML Features can be run in the browser by calling this API directly or using the Zephr Browser SDK. For compatibility with CDN, any web headers (Referrer, User-Agent) will be accepted and passed onto the rule engine. tags: - Browser Feature Decisions parameters: - name: Cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: blaize_session=... schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: featureIds: type: array description: Array of HTML Feature IDs items: {} session: type: string description: Zephr Session ID referer: type: string description: Browser referer path: type: string description: Request path, defaults to "/" content_metadata: type: object properties: content_id: type: string description: >- Content ID, used to perform requests to a 3rd party API for additional content information used in making a decision giftToken: type: string description: >- Token to provide access to content for one session jwt: type: string description: >- A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims customData: type: object description: Custom data to be used in Feature HTML browser rule. Accepts a JSON object required: - featureIds example: featureIds: - featureX session: xxx-xxx-xxx referer: path: /x.html content_metadata: content_id: xxx-xxx-xxx giftToken: xxx-xxx-xxx jwt: xxx-xxx-xxx customData: key: value /blaize/decision-engine: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-decision-response' examples: response: value: status: '301' body: Redirecting to login page... headers: Location: /login.html '409': description: Conflict headers: {} summary: Execute the Decision Engine operationId: POST_Decision_Engine description: > The Blaize Decision Engine can be invoked via the Public API to calculate an HTTP Response based upon Request-Level Rules created in the Admin Console. This functionality is built into the Blaize Dynamic CDN but the API variant is useful for CMS or edge side integrations. tags: - Decision Engine requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: path: type: string http_method: type: string session: type: string foreign_keys: type: object properties: {} description: Foreign system and ID used to identify the user request_headers: type: object properties: User-Agent: type: string content_metadata: type: object properties: publishedDate: type: string jwt: type: string btr: type: string description: 'MD5-hex-encoding of: path + "|" + trusted referrer secret' required: - path example: path: /x.html http_method: POST session: xxx-xxx-xxx foreign_keys: {} request_headers: User-Agent: content_metadata: publishedDate: jwt: xxx-xxx-xxx btr: 17e74b9e49e66282e55d4b7ec73de951 get: responses: '200': description: >- Response status and body are determined by the executed rule. If there is an error executing the rule, a 200 will be returned. headers: {} summary: Retrieve the Decision Engine operationId: GET_Decision_Engine description: >- For compatibility with CDN, any web headers (Referrer, User-Agent) will be accepted and passed onto the rule engine tags: - Decision Engine parameters: - name: path in: query description: >- Uniquely identifies the content Zephr is making a decision about. Request rules can be configured to only execute when the request path matches a provided regular expression. required: true schema: type: string - name: session in: query description: >- Zephr Session ID - same as the blaize_session cookie used by the CDN and authentication endpoints required: true schema: type: string - name: in: query description: >- Foreign ID used to identify the user. The foreign system is parsed as the remainder of the parameter key name following 'foreign_id.' required: true schema: type: string - name: content_id in: query description: | Passed as `metadata.content_id` to the Content API template, used to perform requests to a 3rd party API for additional content information used in making a decision required: true schema: type: string - name: jwt in: query description: A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims required: true schema: type: string - name: btr in: query description: >- A trusted referrer token. If Zephr generates a matching token using path, passed-in Referer header and a configured secret, all entitlements used in this decision will be temporarily granted for this request required: true schema: type: string /zephr/public/decisions/v2/dynamic-offers: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/dynamic-offer-decision-response' '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Process dynamic offer decisions operationId: Process_dynamic_offer_decisions description: > The Dynamic Offer Decision Engine can be invoked via the Public API to calculate a decision output response based upon each property rule under the Dynamic Offer created in the Zephr Console. tags: - Dynamic Offer Decision Engine requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: dynamic_offer: type: object properties: slug: type: string description: Dynamic Offer slug inputs: type: object properties: {} description: >- Custom inputs configured in Dynamic Offer. This can be any single layer map of key-value pairs. required: - slug description: >- The dynamic offer to evaluate, must specify the slug of the dynamic offer, and any custom input to be used in the rules session: type: string description: Zephr Session ID, required for trials foreign_keys: type: object properties: {} description: Foreign system and ID used to identify the user ip: type: string description: Client IP address, defaults to request IP user_agent: type: string description: Client user agent jwt: type: string description: >- A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims path: type: string description: Request path, required for trials if used required: - dynamic_offer example: dynamic_offer: slug: offerX inputs: {} session: xxx-xxx-xxx foreign_keys: {} ip: x.x.x.x user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11)... jwt: xxx-xxx-xxx path: /x.html /zephr/public/decisions/v2/dynamic-offers/{offerId}/validations/{validationId}: get: responses: "200": description: OK headers: { } content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/dynamic-offer-decision-response" "400": description: Bad Request headers: { } "404": description: Not Found headers: { } summary: Validate dynamic offer decisions operationId: Validate_dynamic_offer_decisions description: | The Dynamic Offer Decision Engine can be tested via this endpoint to calculate a decision output response based on the criteria of the provided validation ID. Validation criteria is configured on the Zephr Console and determines the version of the dynamic offer being used. tags: - Dynamic Offer Decision Engine parameters: - name: offerId in: path description: Dynamic Offer ID required: true schema: type: string - name: validationId in: path description: Dynamic Offer Validation ID required: true schema: type: string /zephr/public/decisions/v1/promo-codes: post: responses: "200": description: OK headers: { } content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/dynamic-offer-decision-response" "400": description: Bad Request headers: { } "404": description: Not Found headers: { } summary: Process promo code decisions operationId: Process_promo_code_decisions description: | The Promo Code decision would execute the discount rule defined behind the given promo code, which is configured from the Zephr console. The decision request would require a list of relevant products with its pricing data, typically it would have come from a Dynamic Offer decision response. The Promo Code decision would generate decision response like a regular Dynamic Offer, but with the discount output according to the Promo Code's discount rule. Alternatively, if configured and the feature is enabled, this api can execute a dynamic offer rule that is linked to this promo code. Selected products are not required for executing promo codes using this method. Parameters supplied to the dynamic offers decisions api can also be supplied to this api for this promo code flow (session, foreign_keys, etc) tags: - Dynamic Offer Promo Code Decision requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: promo_code: type: string description: The Promo Code, generated from the Zephr console selected_products: type: array nullable: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo-code-decision-request-selected-product' session: type: string nullable: true description: Zephr Session ID, required for trials foreign_keys: type: object nullable: true properties: { } description: Foreign system and ID used to identify the user ip: type: string nullable: true description: Client IP address, defaults to request IP user_agent: type: string nullable: true description: Client user agent jwt: type: string nullable: true description: >- A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims path: type: string nullable: true description: Request path, required for trials if used /blaize/oauth/state: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/oauth-state-response' examples: response: value: message: State initialized summary: Start an OAuth flow operationId: Start_POST description: Starts the OAuth flow. tags: - OAuth Flow requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: start_url: type: string target_url: type: string example: start_url: target_url: /blaize/oauth/google/callback: get: responses: '302': description: Found headers: Location: schema: type: string Set-Cookie: schema: type: string summary: Create a callback for the Google OAuth flow operationId: Google_GET description: Callback for Google OAuth Flow. tags: - OAuth Flow parameters: - name: code in: query description: OAuth code required: true schema: type: string /blaize/oauth/facebook/callback: get: responses: '302': description: Found headers: Location: schema: type: string Set-Cookie: schema: type: string summary: Create a callback for the Facebook OAuth flow operationId: Facebook_GET description: Callback for Facebook OAuth flow. tags: - OAuth Flow parameters: - name: code in: query description: OAuth code required: true schema: type: string /blaize/oauth/linkedin/callback: get: responses: '302': description: Found headers: Location: schema: type: string Set-Cookie: schema: type: string summary: Create a callback for the Linkedin OAuth flow operationId: Linkedin_GET description: Callback for Linkedin OAuth flow. tags: - OAuth Flow parameters: - name: code in: query description: OAuth code required: true schema: type: string /zephr/subscribe: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 description: New grant of product bundle to user client_secret: type: string example: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj` description: >- (Stripe) reference to Stripe payment required to process payment in front end payment_intent_id: type: string example: pi_1GYZYWLgUJT2XNPAYQMomeqf description: >- (Stripe) reference to the payment intent if payment requires confirmation examples: response: value: grant_id: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 client_secret: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj` payment_intent_id: pi_1GYZYWLgUJT2XNPAYQMomeqf '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Start the subscription operationId: Start_Subscription description: > Uses the payment info captured by the payment provider drop-in UI and create a customer with a recurring payment. When the payment provider responds successfully, the logged-in user will be temporarily granted all entitlements in the product's associated bundle. tags: - Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug plan_id: type: string description: Plan Id/slug discount_code: type: string description: Discount/promotion code vendor_fields: type: object properties: payment_nonce: type: string description: (Stripe) Payment method nonce from Braintree drop-in UI skip_trial_period: type: boolean description: >- (Braintree) Whether or not to skip any trial period that may be associated with this subscription. This should be `null` or not set to use the configured trial period. start_date: type: string description: >- (Braintree) ISO 8601 date format which determines when the subscription will start. When the attribute is passed, the value must be in the future. Otherwise, the subscription is expected to start immediately. payment_method: type: string description: (Stripe) Payment method from Stripe Elements UI vault_payment_method: type: boolean description: >- (Braintree) If the payment nonce requires vaulting, for example if Google Pay is being used. Defaults to false. description: Parameters specific to the payment provider in use required: - product_id example: product_id: premium-access-monthly-recurring plan_id: plan-5 discount_code: SAVE10 vendor_fields: payment_nonce: >- eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQW...(lots more random-looking characters)...dyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== skip_trial_period: true start_date: '2021-01-01T00:00:00Z' payment_method: pm_123456789 vault_payment_method: false /zephr/subscriptions/:subscriptionId: patch: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 description: New grant of product bundle to user examples: response: value: grant_id: 33d576c7-d036-40e7-8141-8a91998a5c79 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Update the subscription operationId: Change_Subscription description: >- Updates an existing subscription to change the associated product and plan. Updating the subscription may modify the price of the subscription, and if so the balance will be billed immediately at a pro-rated amount. Parameters specific to the vendor may be specified to change the payment method for the subscription. Changing to a plan with a different billing frequency from the existing subscription is not supported for some payment providers (Braintree). tags: - Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug plan_id: type: string description: Plan Id/slug vendor_fields: type: object properties: payment_nonce: type: string description: >- (Braintree) Payment method nonce from Braintree drop-in UI. If not specified, the existing payment method on the subscription will be retained. description: Parameters specific to the payment provider in use navigated_from: type: string description: >- Specify where the request was made from. Used as data to pass to change subscription webhooks. required: - product_id - plan_id - vendor_fields example: product_id: premium-access-monthly-recurring plan_id: plan-5 vendor_fields: payment_nonce: eyJ2ZXmsaW5nQWdyZWmVubW8iOiJvZmYifQ== navigated_from: /some/path /zephr/public/products/v1/shares: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/product_sharing_response' examples: response: value: owned_products: - product_id: product-1 product_label: Gold Product sharing_limit: 3 shares: member_email: sharing_id: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 status: active created_at: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' member_products: - product_id: product-1 product_label: Gold Product sharing_id: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 status: active shared_by_email: created_at: '2021-05-17T04:31:33Z' meta_data: {} summary: Retrieve the product sharing summary operationId: Get_Product_Sharing_Summary description: >- Retrieves a summary of the products that the current user shares with other users, and products that are shared with the current user. tags: - Product Sharing /zephr/public/products/v1/shares/{sharing_id}: delete: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Delete the product sharing by ID operationId: Delete_User_Product_Sharing description: >- Deletes a user product share by ID. Pending invites and accepted shares can be deleted. Invoking this method will increase the number of shares that the user has available for the given product. If the sharing_id represents an accepted product sharing, the member used will immediately lose access to the product that was shared with them (unless they have separately granted access to the same product). The member user will also receive an email notifying them that they have been removed from the product. This email is configurable in admin console. tags: - Product Sharing parameters: - name: sharing_id in: path description: The ID of the user product share to delete required: true example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 schema: type: string /zephr/public/products/v1/shares/invitations/emails: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - sharing_id properties: sharing_id: type: string example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 description: The ID of the created product share examples: response: value: sharing_id: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '403': description: Forbidden headers: {} '409': description: Conflict headers: {} summary: Create a product sharing invite via Email operationId: Create_Product_Sharing_Invite_via_Email description: >- Creates a new user product share and send it via email. The exact contents of this email are configurable in the admin console. The email may include a link composed of the required attribute `base_url` and an additional path parameter `sharing_id`. It is expected that the specified `base_url` will direct invite recipients to a page that allows them to accept the invite and register/login. Custom metadata can also be passed to this method, which will be made available in the invitation email template and any later calls to access the publicly available share data. This metadata can be used, for example, to include the product owner's first name and a personalised message that is shown to the recipient in the invitation email and in a screen that allows the recipient to accept the invite. Invoking this method will reduce the number of shares that the user has available for the given product. The specified product must be shareable, the current user must have active grants for the product and must not have already exceeded the configured maximum number of shares for the product. tags: - Product Sharing requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: The ID of the product that is being shared email_address: type: string description: The email address to send the invite to base_url: type: string description: >- The invite link destination URL. The path parameter 'sharing_id=xxx' will be added to this URL. Other path parameters and anchors are accepted. meta_data: type: object properties: {} description: >- Extra information for the user product share, which can be included in the sent email required: - product_id - email_address - base_url example: product_id: product-1 email_address: base_url: /zephr/public/products/v1/shares/invitations/tokens: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - sharing_id properties: sharing_id: type: string example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 description: The ID of the created product share examples: response: value: sharing_id: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '403': description: Forbidden headers: {} '409': description: Conflict headers: {} summary: Create a product share invite token operationId: Create_Product_Share_Invite_Token description: >- Creates a new user product share. Invoking this method will reduce the number of shares that the user has available for the given product. The returned token sharing ID can later be passed to the accept invite method. Custom metadata can also be passed to this method, which will be made available in later calls to access the publicly available share data. This metadata can be used, for example, to include the product owner's first name and a personalised message that is shown to the recipient in a screen that allows the recipient to accept the invite. Invoking this method will reduce the number of shares that the user has available for the given product. The specified product must be shareable, the current user must have active grants for the product and must not have already exceeded the configured maximum number of shares for the product. tags: - Product Sharing requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: The ID of the product that is being shared meta_data: type: object description: Extra information for the user product share required: - product_id example: product_id: product-1 /zephr/public/products/v1/shares/invitations/{sharing_id}: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string example: product-1 description: The ID of the product that is shared product_label: type: string example: Gold Product description: The label of the product that is shared meta_data: type: object properties: {} description: >- Extra information for the user product share, defined at the point of creation examples: response: value: product_id: product-1 product_label: Gold Product meta_data: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '429': description: Too Many Requests headers: {} summary: Retrieve the product share invite public data operationId: Get_Product_Share_Invite_Public_Data description: >- Retrieves the publicly accessible data relating to a user product share invite. This can be used to inform the invitee of the details of the product that is being shared, and any meta_data added at the point of invite creation, such as the name of the user that sent the invite. This endpoint is not authenticated. The information provided by this endpoint is available to anyone with a valid `sharing_id`. Invoking this endpoint too rapidly will result in a 429 error response. tags: - Product Sharing parameters: - name: sharing_id in: path description: The ID of the user product sharing invite required: true example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 schema: type: string put: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '409': description: Conflict headers: {} summary: Accept a product share invite operationId: Accept_Product_Share_Invite description: >- Accepts a product sharing invite. The current user will gain access to the product linked to the sharing invite. The user that send the invite must have an active grant for the product at the point of acceptance. If the current user already has a product share for the same product from the same product owner, an error code 409 will be returned and the invite will not be accepted. tags: - Product Sharing parameters: - name: sharing_id in: path description: The ID of the user product sharing invite required: true example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 schema: type: string /zephr/decide: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/feature-decisions-response' examples: response: value: results: - sdkFeatureSlug: featureX outputType: ENUM outputValue: 'YES' error: '500: Internal error ...' '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Process multiple decisions operationId: Process_multiple_decisions description: > Processes multiple decisions. The SDK Feature Decision Engine can be invoked via the Public API to calculate a decision output response based upon Feature SDK Rules created in the Zephr Console. tags: - SDK Feature Decision Engine requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: features: type: array description: >- The list of features to evaluate. This must be contain at least one element. Features are evaluated sequentially, in the order they are provided. items: {} session: type: string description: Zephr Session ID, required for trials foreign_keys: type: object properties: {} description: Foreign system and ID used to identify the user ip: type: string description: Client IP address, defaults to request IP user_agent: type: string description: Client user agent jwt: type: string description: >- A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims dry_run_mode: type: boolean default: false description: A flag to indicate where the decision request would persist states such as user entitlement, segments, test groups, etc. required: - features example: features: - slug: featureX path: /x.html content_id: xxx-xxx-xxx inputs: {} session: xxx-xxx-xxx foreign_keys: {} ip: x.x.x.x user_agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11)... jwt: xxx-xxx-xxx /zephr/decision-engine: post: responses: '200': description: Raw parameter response headers: {} content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/feature-decision-response' summary: Process a single decision operationId: Process_single_decision description: > Processes single decision. The SDK Feature Decision Engine can be invoked via the Public API to calculate a decision output response based upon Feature SDK Rules created in the Zephr Console. This endpoint is used by the Zephr SDK but can be called directly for custom integrations. tags: - SDK Feature Decision Engine parameters: - name: raw in: query description: Should output raw value required: true schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: sdkFeatureSlug: type: string description: Feature SDK slug session: type: string description: Zephr Session ID, required for trials foreign_keys: type: object properties: {} description: Foreign system and ID used to identify the user ip: type: string description: Client IP address, defaults to request IP userAgent: type: string description: Client user agent path: type: string description: Request path, required for trials contentId: type: string description: >- Content ID, used to perform requests to a 3rd party API for additional content information used in making a decision jwt: type: string description: >- A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims ...: type: string description: Custom inputs configured in Feature SDK rule required: - sdkFeatureSlug example: sdkFeatureSlug: featureX session: xxx-xxx-xxx foreign_keys: {} ip: x.x.x.x userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11)... path: /x.html contentId: xxx-xxx-xxx jwt: xxx-xxx-xxx get: responses: '200': description: Raw parameter response headers: {} content: '*/*': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/feature-decision-response' summary: Retrieve a single decision operationId: Get_single_decision description: >- For compatibility with CDN, any web headers (Referrer, User-Agent) will be accepted and passed onto the rule engine tags: - SDK Feature Decision Engine parameters: - name: sdkFeatureSlug in: query description: Feature SDK slug required: true example: featureX schema: type: string - name: session in: query description: Zephr Session ID, required for trials required: true example: xxx-xxx-xxx schema: type: string - name: in: query description: >- Foreign ID used to identify the user. The foreign system is parsed as the remainder of the parameter key name following 'foreign_id.' required: true example: xxx-xxx-xxx schema: type: string - name: ip in: query description: Client IP address, defaults to request IP required: true example: x.x.x.x schema: type: string - name: userAgent in: query description: Client user agent required: true example: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11)... schema: type: string - name: path in: query description: Request path, required for trials required: true example: /x.html schema: type: string - name: content_id in: query description: >- Content ID, used to perform requests to a 3rd party API for additional content information used in making a decision required: true example: xxx-xxx-xxx schema: type: string - name: jwt in: query description: A Json Web Token, may include identity or product holding claims required: true example: xxx-xxx-xxx schema: type: string - name: raw in: query description: Should output raw value required: true schema: type: boolean default: false /zephr/public/sessions/v1/sessions: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Session' examples: response: value: - id: aba22-a5mfh- startDate: '2011-11-11T11:11:11.000' deviceType: pc deviceName: Google Nexus 5 ip: browser: Chrome os: Android city: Huston geoState: Texas country: USA isRequestingSession: true summary: List all the user sessions operationId: List_User_Sessions description: Lists of all sessions for the current user and site. tags: - Sessions /zephr/public/sessions/v1/sessions/{sessionId}: delete: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} summary: Delete the session by ID operationId: Delete_Session description: >- Deletes a session by ID. Returns a 404 if the specified session does not exist or does not belong to the current user. tags: - Sessions parameters: - name: sessionId in: path description: The ID of the session to delete required: true example: 0nasdj-aso25-6454 schema: type: string /zephr/public/sessions/v1/sessions&except-current: delete: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} summary: Delete all other sessions operationId: Delete_All_Other_Sessions description: >- Deletes all sessions for the current user and site apart from the session used to make the request. tags: - Sessions parameters: - name: except-current in: query required: false schema: type: boolean /blaize/payment/stripe/publicKey: get: responses: '200': description: A stripe public key for the tenant. headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: string examples: keyFound: value: pk_live_PFghBsstUo5FwUGcXBiNvIkY00X1YHtpnJ summary: A stripe tenant public key is found. keyNotFound: value: No Stripe public key found summary: A stripe tenant public key is not found. summary: Retrieve the Stripe public key operationId: getStripePublicKey description: >- This API endpoint fetches the public key associated with a tenant for payment processing. If the user is authenticated and the tenant has a configured Stripe public key, the endpoint will return the Stripe public key in a String format. tags: - Stripe Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: >- The session cookie is employed to ascertain whether a user is already authenticated or has an active session. required: true example: blaize_session=57685913-7365-4dae-a425-1c2c2f72cc0 schema: type: string /zephr/payment/stripe/setupIntentSecret: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: clientSecret: type: string example: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj description: >- reference to Stripe payment required to process payment in front end examples: response: value: clientSecret: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj summary: Create a Stripe setup intent secret operationId: Create_Stripe_Setup_Intent_Secret description: Creates the client secret to update card details tags: - Stripe Payments parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /blaize/payment/stripe/subscription/confirmation: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 description: New grant of product bundle to user examples: response: value: grant_id: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 summary: Start the Stripe subscription confirmation operationId: Start_Stripe_Subscription_Confirmation description: >- If a payment requires confirmation (3dSecure etc), the payment is confirmed in the front end. tags: - Stripe Payments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: subscriptionId: type: string example: subscriptionId: sub_H8eIeMFwMawg6w /zephr/payment/stripe/updateSubscription: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} summary: Update the Stripe subscription operationId: Update_Stripe_Subscription description: >- Updates the payment method in the subscription. Payment method id will be provided by stripe on updating card details in the front end. tags: - Stripe Payments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: subscription_id: type: string payment_method_id: type: string required: - subscription_id - payment_method_id example: subscription_id: sub_H8eIeMFwMawg6w payment_method_id: pm_2KrMmOCvDgIhZCB6u0Yn7COE /blaize/payment/stripe/buy: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string example: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 description: New grant of product bundle to user client_secret: type: string example: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj` description: >- reference to Stripe payment required to process payment in front end payment_intent_id: type: string example: pi_1GYZYWLgUJT2XNPAYQMomeqf description: >- reference to the payment intent if payment requires confirmation examples: response: value: grant_id: aa583cb8-51d1-4bd9-9ec7-3a43796ef8e5 client_secret: src_client_secret_QfsM25CJ2uCMon72MiOmUNTj` payment_intent_id: pi_1GYZYWLgUJT2XNPAYQMomeqf summary: Create a Stripe one-off payment operationId: Stripe_Buy description: >- Uses the payment method collected by Stripe Elements to create a one off payment tags: - Stripe Payments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug price_point_id: type: string description: Price Point Id/slug payment_method: type: string description: Payment method from Stripe Elements UI payment_intent_id: type: string description: PaymentIntent id returned after confirming a card payment required: - product_id - price_point_id - payment_method example: product_id: lifetime-membership price_point_id: gold-package payment_method: pm_123456789 payment_intent_id: pi_1GYZYWLgUJT2XNPAYQMomeqf /blaize/payment/stripe/subscriptionChargedCallback: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} summary: Create a webhook for Stripe subscription charged operationId: WebHook description: >- To use subscriptions, Stripe Webhooks for `invoice.payment_succeeded` must be configured to point to this endpoint. tags: - Stripe Payments /zephr/payment/stripe/subscription/{subscriptionId}/change-previews: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: '*/*': schema: type: object properties: total: type: number example: 5000 description: >- The total amount of the prorate invoice in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence). sub_total: type: number example: 4500 description: >- The total amount of the prorate invoice minus tax in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence). '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Preview the Stripe subscription change operationId: Stripe_Change_Subscription_Preview description: >- Generates a preview of the invoice that Stripe will create for the customer if their subscription is changed to a new plan. The invoice will be a prorated invoice for the price difference between current and new subscription plans for the remainder of the current billing period. The invoice will be billed immediately upon changing subscription. The invoice amount may be negative if the customer is changing to a lower-priced plan. Note: This method does not modify the user's subscription. tags: - Stripe Payments parameters: - name: subscriptionId in: path description: The ID of the Stripe subscription to change. required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: plan_id: type: string description: The new Stripe price plan ID. required: - plan_id example: plan_id: price_H8eIeMFwMawg6w /zephr/payment/stripe/create-subscription-previews: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: '*/*': schema: type: object properties: total: type: number example: 5000 description: >- The total amount the user will be initially charged for the subscription in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence), i.e. for a monthly subscription, the first month's cost. sub_total: type: number example: 4500 description: >- The total amount minus tax for the initial charge in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence). tax: type: number example: 500 description: >- The tax amount for the initial charge in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence). discount: type: number description: >- The discount amount for the initial charge in the relevant currency's lowest denomination (e.g. pence). '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Preview the Stripe subscription price operationId: Stripe_Preview_Create_Subscription_Price description: >- Generates a preview of the total price and tax amount that Stripe will charge the customer if they create a new subscription for the specified plan. Note: This method does not create any entities in Stripe and does not result in any payments being made. tags: - Stripe Payments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: The ID of the new Zephr product. plan_id: type: string description: The new Stripe price plan ID. promo_code: type: string description: >- The Stripe promo code that will be attached to the subscription. billing_country: type: string description: The user's billing country, for tax calculation purposes. billing_post_code: type: string description: >- The user's billing postal code, for tax calculation purposes. required: - product_id - plan_id example: product_id: zephr-prod-1 plan_id: price_H8eIeMFwMawg6w promo_code: discount15 billing_country: US billing_post_code: '90210' /blaize/payment/stripe/subscribe: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/stripe_start_response_body' summary: Start the Stripe subscription (Deprecated) operationId: Start_Stripe_Subscription description: >- (Deprecated - use [/zephr/subscribe](#payments-start-subscription-post)) Uses the payment method info captured by the Stripe Elements UI to create a Stripe customer with a recurring payment. When Stripe responds successfully, the logged-in user will be temporarily granted all entitlements in the product's associated bundle. tags: - Stripe Payments requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: Product Id/slug payment_method: type: string description: Payment method from Stripe Elements UI required: - product_id - payment_method example: product_id: premium-access-monthly-recurring payment_method: pm_123456789 /zephr/oauth2: get: responses: '302': description: Found headers: Location: schema: type: string summary: Start an authorization code flow operationId: Start_OAuth2_Flow description: >- Starts OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow. The resource owner will be authenticated and be presented with the third-party application access request. tags: - Third-Party Authentication parameters: - name: client_id in: query description: Zephr Site Oauth2 Client ID required: true schema: type: string - name: response_type in: query description: Must be set to `code`. required: true schema: type: string - name: redirect_uri in: query description: Client's redirection endpoint. Must be an absolute URI. required: true schema: type: string - name: scope in: query description: The scope of the access request. required: true schema: type: string - name: state in: query description: >- An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. required: true schema: type: string /zephr/oauth2/grant: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: Location: schema: type: string content: '*/*': schema: type: object properties: state: type: string description: State (string) code: type: string description: Authorization code (string) '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} content: '*/*': schema: type: object properties: state: type: string description: State (string) error: type: string description: Error type (string) summary: Grant the access request operationId: Grant description: >- The resource owner will consent or deny the third party application access request, and Zephr will return an authorization code upon user's consent. tags: - Third-Party Authentication requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: client_id: type: string description: Zephr Site Oauth2 Client ID response_type: type: string description: Must be set to `code` redirect_uri: type: string description: Client's redirection endpoint. Must be an absolute URI scope: type: string description: >- The scope of the access request. Supported scopes: user.account:read, user.profile:read and user.profile:update state: type: string description: >- An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback allow: type: boolean description: Resource owner consent required: - client_id - response_type - redirect_uri - scope - state - allow example: client_id: '1234567890' response_type: code redirect_uri: scope: user.account:read user.profile:read state: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwsyz allow: true /blaize/register: post: responses: '200': description: OK. The user was registered successfully. headers: Set-Cookie: description: The authenticated user session. schema: type: string example: >- blaize_session=443ed68f-0b44-4f32-8443-553d584cb0dd; Expires=Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:35:56 GMT; Path=/; "\0Set-Cookie": description: The user tracking id. schema: type: string example: >- blaize_tracking_id=b117093c-e1f7-4ee0-8dda-6b5205f7fbee; Expires=Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:35:56 GMT; Path=/; content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user-register-response' '400': description: >- Bad Request. The request included invalid syntax or was missing required parameters. This could alternatively be attributed to the absence of a user email address in the request body. headers: {} summary: Register a user operationId: Register description: >- This endpoint enables clients to initiate the creation of a new user account. If a contact with an identical email address already exists, that contact will be elevated to the status of a registered user. Essential attributes like `identifiers.email_address` and `validators.password` are mandatory for this endpoint. If any of these attributes are absent, registration attempts will trigger an error. Upon a successful request, session cookies like blaize_session and blaize_tracking_id are generated and included in the response header. tags: - User requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user-register-request' /blaize/forget-me: post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delete-user-response' examples: response: value: message: User deleted successfully '500': description: Internal Server Error headers: {} summary: Delete the user data operationId: Forget_Me description: >- Deletes user related data like sessions, elasticSearch data, O2Auth tokens by the provided `user_id` in the session cookie. tags: - User parameters: - name: Cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string /blaize/account: get: responses: '200': description: OK. The user account was successfully retrieved. headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user-public-account' examples: response: value: identifiers: email_address: "" tracking_id: "5fac49a6-e423-4ac1-b0ad-d678979344222" email_verified: true '401': description: Unauthorized. The user lacks authentication, preventing retrieval of account details due to either an invalid `blaize_session` cookie header in the request or its absence. headers: { } '404': description: Account not found. The request included a valid `blaize_session` cookie header, but no account was located matching the provided authentication credentials. summary: Retrieve the account operationId: Retrieve_Account description: This endpoint is used to retrieve a user's core account details. The user's account details are returned in JSON format, including `email_address`, `tracking_id` and `email_verified`. If the request lacks valid authentication credentials, a 401 Unauthorized response is returned. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: The cookie header to retrieve a user's session details and ascertain whether the user is authenticated or not. If this is not provided, the user will be unauthorized by default. required: true example: blaize_session=fac49a6-e423-4ac1-b0ad-d6789793444545 schema: type: string - name: authorization in: header description: The oauth2 authorization header to retrieve a user's account details and ascertain whether the user is authenticated or not. If this is not provided, the user will be unauthorized by default. required: true example: Authorization=bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9 schema: type: string /blaize/profile: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/attributes' examples: response: value: first_name: Joe surname: Blow '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Retrieve the profile operationId: Retrieve_Profile description: Retrieves the user's profile. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string put: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Save the profile operationId: Save_Profile description: Creates or updates the user's profile. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Save_ProfileBody' post: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Update the profile operationId: Update_Profile_POST description: Updates the user's profile, merging with any exist fields. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Save_ProfileBody' patch: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Update the profile operationId: Update_Profile_Patch description: Updates the user's profile, merging with any exist fields. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/Save_ProfileBody' /blaize/profile/{appId}: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/extended-profile' examples: jsonExample: summary: JSON Object value: first_name: John last_name: Doe user_details: email_address: employment: company: Zuora job_title: Software Engineer consent_prefs: email: false sms: true interests: - Reading - Coding - Hiking arrayExample: summary: JSON Array value: - first_name: John last_name: Doe user_details: email_address: - job_title: Software Engineer '400': description: Bad Request. Returned if the appId is invalid. headers: {} '401': description: Unauthorized. Returned if no valid session was provided. headers: {} '404': description: Not Found. Returned if the appId is not found. headers: {} summary: Retrieve Extended Profile operationId: ExtendedProfile description: >- Extended Profile is used to store additional user information that is not part of the core profile. This endpoint is designed to be used for retrieving the user's Extended Profile. The body can be any valid JSON. tags: - User parameters: - name: appId in: path description: Unique, caller-provided path parameter that represents the context under which the end user's data is stored within a tenant. This cannot start with '_restricted'. required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string put: responses: '200': description: >- Extended Profile is used to store additional user information that is not part of the core profile. This endpoint is designed to be used for updating the user's Extended Profile. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: "User extended profile updated" headers: {} '400': description: >- Bad Request. Returned if the appID or the provided body content is invalid. headers: {} '401': description: >- Unauthorized. Returned if no valid session was provided. headers: {} summary: Save Extended Profile operationId: SaveExtendedProfile description: >- Extended Profile is used to store additional user information that is not part of the core profile. This endpoint will create an Extended Profile for the App ID if one did not exist already, or overwrite an existing Extended Profile for the App ID. The body can be any valid JSON. tags: - User parameters: - name: appId in: path description: Unique, caller-provided path parameter that represents the context under which the end user's data is stored within a tenant. This cannot start with '_restricted'. required: true schema: type: string - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: '`blaize_session=...` (string)' schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/extended-profile' examples: jsonExample: summary: JSON Object value: first_name: John last_name: Doe user_details: email_address: employment: company: Zuora job_title: Software Engineer consent_prefs: email: false sms: true interests: - Reading - Coding - Hiking arrayExample: summary: JSON Array value: - first_name: John last_name: Doe user_details: email_address: - job_title: Software Engineer /blaize/authorization/challenge: post: responses: '201': description: Created headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cdn-auth-challenge-response' examples: response: value: 68cc48be-e47e-4707-8958-1249d87fca86: false '401': description: Unauthorized headers: {} summary: Create an authorization challenge operationId: Authorization_Challenge description: Authorization Challenge against array of entitlement IDs. tags: - User parameters: - name: cookie in: header description: "The session cookie." required: false example: blaize_session=5562c0cf-b07a-42d0-ac1a-c0e29735e73a;... schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: entitlementIds: type: array items: {} contentIdentifier: type: string required: - entitlementIds example: entitlementIds: - 68cc48be-e47e-4707-8958-1249d87fca86 contentIdentifier: / /blaize/schema/users: get: responses: '200': description: OK. Returns a list of schema fields. headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/blaize-schema-users-response' '401': description: Unauthorized. Returned if no valid authentication was provided. headers: {} summary: Retrieve the user schema operationId: retrieveUserSchema description: >- Retrieves the user attribute schema for the tenant. This includes all fields configured in the admin console for the user schema. tags: - User /zephr/public/gift-tokens/v1/gift-tokens: post: responses: '201': description: Created headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/v4-gift-response' examples: response: value: token: absd-acsd34-casdae-1243c claimPath: /my-path?gift=absd-acsd34-casdae-1243c '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Create a gift V4 operationId: V4_Create_Gift description: Creates a gift (V4). tags: - V4 Gifts requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: path: type: string description: >- The gift will be created for the provided path in the request body. required: - path example: path: /my-path /blaize/datalayer: get: responses: '200': description: OK headers: Cache-Control: schema: type: string description: The response cache header max-age can be configured by support, and defaults to zero seconds. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: dataLayer: type: array items: type: object additionalProperties: description: | Resolved datalayer fields. Any fields that cannot be resolved will be present as fieldKey: null. title: Resolved datalayer fields examples: Grouped-fields: value: dataLayer: - zephrActivity: logged-in: true active-sessions: 1 - zephrUserSchema: user-attribute-1: 'user-attribute-1-value' - zephrProducts: active-products: - active-product-1-id - active-product-2-id - zephrTestGroups: split-test-1: 'split-test-1-group' Ungrouped-fields: value: dataLayer: - logged-in: true - active-sessions: 1 - user-attribute-1: 'user-attribute-1-value' - active-products: - active-product-1-id - active-product-2-id - split-test-1: 'split-test-1-group' '401': description: >- Unauthorized
Returned if no valid session was provided, either anonymous or authenticated. headers: {} summary: Retrieve the datalayer operationId: Get_Datalayer description: >- Retrieves the Datalayer object for the current session. The datalayer can be used to provide contextual data when tracking user activity, for example providing values for 'User Attributes' in hotjar. The /blaize/profile endpoint is preferred for retrieving complete user profile information.
All fields configured in the admin console will be resolved against the current session and returned.
The top-level property in the response object defaults to 'dataLayer' and can be configured in the console under the data layer settings using the 'Data Layer Name' field.
Data layer fields can be grouped by their 'Entity' as configured in the console. An example of the possible groupings is included. tags: - Web Analytics /zephr/public/rule-outcomes/v1/conversions: post: responses: '201': description: OK. The user conversion data has been successfully recorded. headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request. Returned when the request is missing a blaize_tracking_id cookie. content: text/plain: schema: type: string example: Failed recording conversion for rule ID and outcome ID due to missing user tracking ID headers: {} summary: Submit user conversion data operationId: submitUserConversionData description: >- Records a user conversion. In Zephr, a conversion typically represents a user state change, such as transitioning from anonymous to registered or becoming a paying customer. This endpoint can also be used to record any event, like a user clicking on an advert. Conversions are tracked against specific rule versions and outcomes, enabling performance comparison between different outcomes.
Recording this data enables the comparison of performance of different outcomes in a rule. For example, a split test could be set up with two slightly different 'advert' outcomes that each record a conversion when a user interacts with them. After traffic has been processed by the rule, the conversion rates between the two outcomes can be compared in 'analytics' mode in the console. For example, it might show that 5% of users who saw Outcome1 clicked a button, compared to 8% for Outcome2. This analytics data can be downloaded in CSV format for further analysis.
Conversion data is only used to evaluate the performance of outcomes in rules and cannot be accessed on a per-user basis. To track if a particular registered user has interacted with an outcome, update a user attribute value.
This endpoint is only relevant where the Zephr in-rule analytics feature is enabled.
This endpoint must be called with a populated blaize_tracking_id cookie. If this cookie is missing, a 400 response code is returned. parameters: - in: cookie name: blaize_tracking_id required: true example: dc8f7f9e-2deb-4485-a9f0-34b44fc7f45e description: Zephr tracking ID cookie used to uniquely identify the user or anonymous session schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversion-request' tags: - Web Analytics /zephr/features: get: responses: '200': description: OK. The response will be an array of features. headers: {} content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/zephr-features-response-array' examples: COMMENT_TAG: value: - id: feature-live targetType: "COMMENT_TAG" label: feature-label slug: feature-slug CSS_SELECTOR: value: - id: feature-live targetType: "CSS_SELECTOR" label: feature-label slug: feature-slug cssSelector: '.feature-css-selector' summary: Retrieve the Zephr Feature operationId: Zephr_Feature description: >- Retrieves the Zephr browser features by default, or optionally with query parameter ?ruleType returns the given type, they can be html, browser, json, sdk. tags: - Zephr Features parameters: - name: ruleType in: query description: Type of the feature rule required: false schema: type: string enum: - browser - html - json - sdk /zephr/public/component-library/v1/library-components/{componentId}: get: responses: "200": description: OK headers: {} content: text/html: examples: response: value: "" "400": description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Retrieve the Component Library operationId: Component_Library description: | Components configured in the component library can be retrieved as rendered HTML. The componentId passed in the path can be versioned to reference a specific version of a library component. For example, ‘payment-form:1’, ‘payment-form:4’ or ‘payment-form:active’ to reference the default version of the component. tags: - Component Library parameters: - name: componentId in: path description: The versioned slug of the component in the library to render, as configured in the console. example: my-component:1 required: true schema: type: string /zephr/public/template-components/v1/template-components/{templateConfigId}: get: responses: "200": description: OK headers: {} content: text/html: examples: response: value: "" "400": description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Retrieve the Template Components operationId: Template_Components description: | Template components can be retrieved as rendered HTML. This endpoint is intended to be consumed by callers processing the output of an SDK TRANSFORMATION rule, where templateConfigId will identify a particular instance of a template component being used in an outcome with variables specified. tags: - Component Library parameters: - name: templateConfigId in: path description: templateConfigId required: true schema: type: string /zephr/public/ui-components/v1/ui-components/{componentId}: get: responses: "200": description: OK headers: {} content: text/html: examples: response: value: "" "400": description: Bad Request headers: {} summary: Retrieve the UI Components operationId: UI_Components description: | UI components can be retrieved as rendered HTML. This endpoint is intended to be consumed by callers processing the output of an SDK TRANSFORMATION rule, where componentId will reference a form or custom component created within an outcome of a rule. tags: - Component Library parameters: - name: componentId in: path description: componentId required: true schema: type: string components: securitySchemes: CookieBlaizeSession: description: >- This cookie is the default authentication mechanism and is set after a successful request to an endpoint such as `/blaize/login`. Such a cookie may also be obtained via other means, such as a social sign-in flow. Most endpoints in this API are sensitive to this cookie and will behave differently depending on the presence and value thereof. Some endpoints will only function for authenticated users, so this cookie or other form of authentication will be required in that case. type: apiKey in: cookie name: blaize_session JwtQuery: description: >- A JWT can be provided in a `jwt` request query parameter to Zephr. Zephr can use various forms of JWT to authenticate users. For details on this see: type: apiKey in: query name: jwt JwtHeaderXBlaizeJwt: description: >- A JWT can be provided in a `x-blaize-jwt` request header to Zephr. Zephr can use various forms of JWT to authenticate users. For details on this see: type: apiKey in: header name: x-blaize-jwt JwtHeaderXZephrJwt: description: >- A JWT can be provided in a `x-zephr-jwt` request header to Zephr. Zephr can use various forms of JWT to authenticate users. For details on this see: type: apiKey in: header name: x-zephr-jwt JwtBearer: description: >- A JWT can be provided as an HTTP bearer token in a request to Zephr. Zephr can use various forms of JWT to authenticate users. For details on this see: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT JwtCookie: description: >- A JWT can be provided as a `blaize_jwt` cookie in a request to Zephr. Zephr can use various forms of JWT to authenticate users. For details on this see: type: apiKey in: cookie name: blaize_jwt requestBodies: Complete_password_resetBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: validators: type: object properties: password: type: string use_sso: type: boolean description: >- When this is present there should be no identifiers in the body. The user is identified through a blaize_session cookie. required: - validators example: validators: password: mysecurepassword123 Save_ProfileBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string surname: type: string example: first_name: Joe surname: Blow schemas: user-registration-request: type: object properties: identifiers: type: object properties: email_address: type: string validators: type: object properties: password: type: string use_sso: type: boolean description: >- When this is present there should be no identifiers in the body. The user is identified through a blaize_session cookie. required: - identifiers - validators example: identifiers: email_address: validators: password: mysecurepassword123 user-registration-response: type: object properties: cookie: type: string example: >- blaize_session=0123456789ABCD; Expires=Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:35:56 GMT; Path=/; message: type: string example: Registration successful tracking_id: type: string example: TT0123456789ABCD admin-user-logout-request: type: object properties: where: type: string description: >- An enum of describing which sessions/devices to log out of. Options are `JUST_HERE`, `THIS_DEVICE`, `OTHER_DEVICES`, `EVERYWHERE`. These options are only valid when Single Sign-On is configured. When SSO is configured as `autoLogin`, then the default behaviour is `THIS_DEVICE`. When SSO is configured as `optIn`, then the default behaviour is `JUST_HERE`. `JUST_HERE` is not a valid option when SSO is configured as `autoLogin`. example: where: EVERYWHERE admin-user-logout-response: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Session deleted RetrieveStatusResponse: type: object required: - status properties: status: type: string example: authenticated description: >- The SSO status of the current user session. This can be: - `unknown`: The SSO token is not authenticated anywhere, or the current session is not associated with an SSO token. - `known`: The current session is anonymous, but the SSO token is authenticated on another site. - `authenticated`: The current session is authenticated through an SSO token. meta: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/customer-meta' - nullable: true type: string customer-meta: type: object properties: {} conversion-request: example: ruleId: article-22 outcomeId: graph/1#1,graph/1#2,graph/1#3,graph/2#1,graph/2#2 conversion: REGISTERED properties: ruleId: type: string description: The ID of the specific Zephr rule version that led to the outcome causing this conversion. outcomeId: type: string description: The ID of the outcome in the rule that triggered this conversion. conversion: type: string description: The type of conversion to be recorded. For example, Zephr out-of-the-box components will submit conversion strings 'REGISTERED' and 'CUSTOMER' when registering a user or when a user purchases a product. Any string can be used for custom conversions. required: - conversion - outcomeId - ruleId type: object passwordless-authentication-request: type: object required: - identifiers - delivery properties: identifiers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/identifiers' delivery: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery' password-reset-request: type: object properties: identifiers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/identifiers' required: - identifiers cdn-anonymous-session-response: type: object properties: message: type: string example: Anonymous session created successfully tracking_id: type: string start-update-your-current-email-address-request: type: object properties: new_identifiers: type: object properties: email_address: type: string required: - new_identifiers example: new_identifiers: email_address: identifiers: type: object properties: email_address: type: string example: delivery: type: object properties: method: type: string example: email destination: type: string example: action: type: string example: login redirect: type: string example: / subscription-product: type: object properties: id: type: string example: one-month-one-off description: Zephr product ID label: type: string example: One month access description: Zephr product label description: type: string example: One month access description: Description of Zephr product payment_method: type: object required: - token - default - nonce - type properties: token: type: string example: 8m2kc5g description: The token identifier for this payment method. default: type: boolean description: If this the default payment method for this user. card_type: type: string example: Visa description: In the case of a card payment method, the type of the card. card_holder_name: type: string example: John Rambo description: >- In the case of a credit card payment method, the name of the card holder. card_number_masked: type: string example: 654321******0987 description: >- In the case of a card payment method, the masked card number, compliant with PCI security standards. expiration_date: type: string example: 07/22 description: >- In the case of a card payment method, the expiration date, in the format of MM/YY or MM/YYYY. expired: type: boolean description: In the case of a card payment method, if the card has expired. expiring_soon: type: boolean description: >- In the case of a card payment method, if the card will expire within the configured number of days. in_use: type: boolean description: >- Indicates if this payment method is used by any subscriptions that have not been finalised and would be cancelled if this payment method is deleted. last_4: type: string example: '1111' description: >- In the case of a card payment method, the last four digits of the card number. nonce: type: string example: 086128f3-04c2-069e-78d2-3f4de98508e5 description: A nonce that can be used for other payment method operations. type: type: string example: CreditCard description: The payment method type. zipcode: type: string example: '123456' description: >- In the case of a card payment method, the zip code associated with the card. payment_methods: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_method' payment_plan: type: object required: - id - name - currency_code - base_price - billing_interval_unit - billing_interval - billing_cycles - zephr_product_id properties: id: type: string example: annual-plan description: The identifier for this payment plan. name: type: string example: Sports+ Membership Annual description: The name of this payment plan. currency_code: type: string example: USD description: The ISO 4217 currency code for the transaction. base_price: type: number example: 10.2 description: The price of this plan, without any discounts applied. billing_interval_unit: type: string example: MONTH description: The time measurement unit for billing interval. billing_interval: type: number example: 3 description: How many time units lapse between billing events. billing_cycles: type: number example: 12 description: How many times billing will occur. trial_duration_unit: type: string example: DAY description: >- The time measurement unit for trial duration. This will always be present if `trial_duration` is set. trial_duration: type: number example: 30 description: How long the trial period lasts. discounts: type: array items: {} description: Any discounts that may apply to this plan. zephr_product_id: type: string example: product-123 description: The Zephr product ID associated with this plan. add-ons: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/add-on' add-on: type: object properties: id: type: string label: type: string value: type: number paymentOptions: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/add-on-payment-options' add-on-payment-options: type: object properties: slug: type: string example: plan-123 description: The plan slug with which this add-on is associated. currency: type: string example: $ description: The currency symbol. addonPrice: type: number example: 12.34 promo-code-payment-options: type: object properties: slug: type: string example: plan-123 description: The plan slug with which this promo code is associated. currency: type: string example: $ description: The currency symbol. pricePointId: type: string example: cost-123 originalPrice: type: number example: 3.45 discountPrice: type: number example: 2 browser-features-response: type: object properties: featureResults: type: object properties: featureX: type: string example: blaize.transform.resource('...') description: Feature result transformations description: Map of HTML Feature IDs and feature result transformations resources: type: object properties: forms: type: object properties: {} description: Forms used in feature results paymentForms: type: object properties: {} description: Payment Forms used in feature results uiComponents: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: UI Components used in feature results example:


hostedUiComponents: type: object properties: {} description: Hosted UI Components used in feature results componentTemplates: type: object properties: {} description: Component Templates used in feature results description: Map of transformation resources accessDetails: type: object properties: authenticated: type: boolean description: Is the session authenticated accessDecisions: type: object additionalProperties: type: boolean description: Map of access decisions for this feature entitlements: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-usage-ent' description: Map of entitlement usage credits: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-usage' description: Map of credit usage meters: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-usage' trialTrackingDetails: type: array items: {} description: Array of trial tracking details trials: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-trial' timeTrials: $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-time-trial' testGroups: type: object additionalProperties: description: Map of split test id and group id activeProducts: type: array items: type: string description: Array of user's active products description: Feature access details access-details-usage-ent: description: Map of meter usage type: object properties: usedInDecision: type: boolean decrementedInDecision: type: boolean access-details-usage: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/access-details-usage-ent' - type: object properties: totalCredits: type: number remainingCredits: type: number access-details-trial: description: Map of trial usage type: object properties: totalCredits: type: number remainingCredits: type: number tracker: type: string reportInDataLayer: type: boolean dataLayerCreditsUsedKey: type: string dataLayerCreditsRemainingKey: type: string decrementedInDecision: type: boolean usedInDecision: type: boolean access-details-time-trial: description: Map of time trial usage type: object properties: reportInDataLayer: type: boolean trialDurationUnits: type: string trialDuration: type: number entryTime: type: string trackerHits: type: number timeRemainingInTrial: type: number dataLayerTrialDurationKey: type: string dataLayerTrialDurationUnitsKey: type: string dataLayerTrackerEntryTimeKey: type: string dataLayerTrackerHitsKey: type: string dataLayerTrialTimeRemainingKey: type: string activeInDecision: type: boolean access-decision-response: type: object properties: status: type: string example: '301' body: type: string example: Redirecting to login page... headers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/headers' headers: type: object properties: Location: type: string example: /login.html dynamic-offer-decision-response: type: object description: "The dynamic offer decision outcomes. Product rule output will be under the products array. Price rule output will be under each product based on where its rate plan is associated with. Discount output will be under each charge based on the discount rule condition. Any custom property rule output will be under the custom object. If you have in rule analytics enabled, there will be an outcome object returned as part of the response." properties: products: type: array description: The processed output for mainly the Product rule. Price and Discount, if present, the output of those would be nested under each product element according to the rule specification. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-response" tagline: type: string description: The tagline rule output custom: type: object description: key value pair of any custom property rule output. The key would be the property id, the value would be its rule output properties: { } outcomes: type: array description: The rule outcome for each property rule within the offer. If you wish to record user conversion data, you would need to send these outcome data back to Zephr upon when the conversion is happening. items: type: object properties: ruleId: type: string description: An identifier for the property rule outcomeId: type: string description: An identifier for the outcome of this property rule execution errors: type: array items: properties: property: type: string description: The offer property id in which the rule failed to execute error: type: string description: The error message explaining why this decision failed to resolve. Present only if there was an error. do-product-response: type: object properties: id: type: string label: type: string description: type: string features: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-feature-response" sharingLimit: type: number metadata: type: object properties: order: type: number recommended: type: boolean paymentPlans: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-price-response" attributes: type: object description: "Product Attributes you've defined in the Product catalog and application overrides that you've specified in the Product rule." do-product-feature-response: type: object description: "The Feature defined in Zephr when configuring the product in Zephr's catalog" properties: id: type: string label: type: string description: type: string type: type: string do-product-price-response: type: object description: "The price response for each returned product, it will contain data for each product's associated rate plans and their underlying charges" properties: planId: type: string planData: type: object description: "Any addition fields on the product rate plan level" properties: { } charges: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-price-charge-response" do-product-price-charge-response: type: object description: "The charge response for each rate plan returned, it will contain processed price book items under each charge and any discount available according to the output and the condition defined in the Dynamic Offer's discount rule." properties: chargeId: type: string prices: type: array description: "The prices associated with this charge, filtered/sorted according to the price rule of the Dynamic Offer" items: type: object properties: currency: type: string price: type: number chargeDefinitionData: type: object description: "Any addition fields on the product charge definition level" properties: { } chargeData: type: object description: "Any addition fields on the product rate plan charge level" properties: { } discounts: type: array description: "The discounts associated with this charge, according to the discount rule output of this Dynamic Offer." items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-price-charge-discount-response" do-product-price-charge-discount-response: type: object description: "The discount output" properties: items: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/do-product-price-charge-discount-item-response" orderType: type: string description: Specify how multiple discounts, if there is any, should be applied together enum: - SEQUENTIAL - STACKED do-product-price-charge-discount-item-response: type: object properties: order: type: number description: The order with defines the priority of this discount type: type: string description: The type of the discount enum: - FIXED - PERCENTAGE - OVERRIDE value: type: number occurrence: type: string description: The frequency this discount occurs, if it's recurring then an end policy is expected to be present enum: - ONE_OFF - RECURRING startPolicy: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - ON_CHARGE_START - AFTER_CHARGE_START offset: type: object format: nullable properties: value: type: number unit: type: string enum: - CHARGE_BILLING_PERIOD - DAY - WEEK - MONTH - YEAR endPolicy: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - ON_CHARGE_START - ON_CHARGE_END - AFTER_CHARGE_START - AFTER_DISCOUNT_START offset: type: object format: nullable properties: value: type: number unit: type: string enum: - CHARGE_BILLING_PERIOD - DAY - WEEK - MONTH - YEAR attributes: type: object description: "Discount Attributes you've defined in the Discount output within the Discount rule." oauth-state-response: type: object properties: message: type: string example: State initialized owned_products: type: array items: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: The ID of the product that is shared product_label: type: string description: The label of the product that is shared sharing_limit: type: number description: >- The maximum number of users that this product can be shared with by the owner shares: type: object properties: member_email: type: string description: >- The email of the user that this product is shared with. This will be null if this product share has not yet been accepted sharing_id: type: string description: The ID of the user product share status: type: string description: >- The status of the user product share. One of 'active', 'inactive', 'pending' created_at: type: string description: ISO-8601 formatted time at which the share was created member_products: type: array items: type: object properties: product_id: type: string description: The ID of the product that is shared product_label: type: string description: The label of the product that is shared sharing_id: type: string description: The ID of the user product share status: type: string description: >- The status of the user product share. One of 'active', 'inactive', 'pending' shared_by_email: type: string description: The email of the product owner created_at: type: string description: ISO-8601 formatted time at which the share was created meta_data: type: object properties: {} description: >- Any metadata configured for the user product share, defined at the point of creation product_sharing_response: type: object properties: member_products: $ref: '#/components/schemas/member_products' owned_products: $ref: '#/components/schemas/owned_products' feature-decisions-response: type: object required: - results properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/feature-decision-response' description: >- List of feature decision outcomes. These will be ordered as provided in the request. feature-decision-response: type: object required: - sdkFeatureSlug properties: sdkFeatureSlug: type: string example: featureX description: Feature SDK slug outputType: type: string enum: - ENUM - STRING - NUMBER - JSON - TRANSFORMATION description: Feature output type. Present if there were no errors. outputValue: type: string example: 'YES' description: | Feature output value. Present if there were no errors. - For the 'JSON_COMPONENT' output type, the response will be stringified JSON, and where ?raw is used in the request, the response will be JSON. - For the 'TRANSFORMATION' output type, the response will contain a list of transformations to be applied, including ENABLE_CONTENT, CUSTOM_COMPONENT, TEMPLATE_COMPONENT and FORM. error: type: string example: '500: Internal error ...' description: >- The error message explaining why this decision failed to resolve. Present only if there was an error. Session: type: object properties: id: type: string example: aba22-a5mfh- description: The ID of the session startDate: type: string example: '2011-11-11T11:11:11.000' description: The creation date-time of the session deviceType: type: string example: pc description: The type of device this session was created on deviceName: type: string example: Google Nexus 5 description: The name of the device this session was created on ip: type: string example: description: The IP address this session was created from browser: type: string example: Chrome description: The name of the browser that this session was created from os: type: string example: Android description: >- The operating system of the device that this session was created from city: type: string example: Huston description: The name of the city that this session was created from geoState: type: string example: Texas description: The name of the state that this session was created from country: type: string example: USA description: The name of the country that this session was created from isRequestingSession: type: boolean example: true description: >- True if this session is the session that made the request to this endpoint, otherwise false stripe_start_response_body: type: object properties: grant_id: type: string description: New grant of product bundle to user clientSecret: type: string description: reference to Stripe payment required to process payment in front end paymentIntentStatus: type: string description: status of the payment which may require further action user-register-request: type: object properties: identifiers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/identifiers' validators: $ref: '#/components/schemas/validators' attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/attributes' required: - identifiers - validators user-register-response: type: object properties: cookie: type: string message: type: string tracking_id: type: string delete-user-response: type: object properties: message: type: string user-public-account: type: object properties: identifiers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/identifiers' tracking_id: type: string example: '123' description: 456 (string) email_verified: type: boolean example: true description: A user email verification status. validators: type: object properties: password: type: string example: mysecurepassword123 use_sso: type: boolean description: >- When this is present there should be no identifiers in the body. The user is identified through a blaize_session cookie. attributes: type: object properties: first_name: type: string example: Joe surname: type: string example: Blow extended-profile: oneOf: - type: object - type: array items: anyOf: - type: string - type: number - type: integer - type: boolean - type: array items: {} - type: object cdn-auth-challenge-response: type: object properties: 68cc48be-e47e-4707-8958-1249d87fca86: type: boolean v4-gift-response: type: object properties: token: type: string example: absd-acsd34-casdae-1243c description: The token of the created gift. claimPath: type: string example: /my-path?gift=absd-acsd34-casdae-1243c description: The path that was generated for claiming the gift. zephr-features-response-array: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/zephr-features-response' zephr-features-response: type: object properties: id: type: string example: feature-live label: type: string example: feature-label slug: type: string example: feature-slug targetType: type: string enum: - CSS_SELECTOR - COMMENT_TAG nullable: true cssSelector: type: string example: '.feature-css-selector' description: 'If the feature has a `targetType` of `CSS_SELECTOR` then the response will include a `cssSelector` field.' promo-code-decision-request-selected-product: type: object properties: id: type: string description: The product identifier example: product-a payment_plan: type: object properties: provider: type: string description: The payment provider that provides the pricing data associated with the product example: 'zuora-billing' plan_id: type: string description: The payment plan identifier, typically this would be the product rate plan id charges: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo-code-decision-request-selected-product-charge' promo-code-decision-request-selected-product-charge: type: object properties: charge_definition_id: type: string description: The Product Charge Definition identifier currency: type: string description: The chosen currency against this product price: type: number description: The chosen price against this product blaize-schema-users-response: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/blaize-schema-field' blaize-schema-field: type: object properties: tenantId: type: string example: company subTenantId: type: string example: company|demo slug: type: string description: The unique identifier for the schema field. example: first-name visibility: enum: - PUBLIC description: >- The visibility of the schema field. This is used to determine who can see the field. By default, all fields are PUBLIC. Those fields are visible to all users. example: PUBLIC context: type: string description: >- The context of the schema field. It is used to group fields together into different contexts. By default, all fields are used in the `null` context. example: ZUORA_BILLING label: type: string example: First Name required: type: boolean example: true internal-description: type: string example: The first name of the user public-description: type: string example: The first name of the user validation-expression: type: string example: '[a-z]+$' input-type: enum: - text - color - number - range - time - datetime-local - date - week - month - email - tel - url - password - select - checkbox - radio - textarea - hidden example: text select-options: type: array items: type: object properties: label: type: string value: type: string default: type: boolean example: '[ {key1: value1}, {key2: value2} ]' range-start: type: number example: 0 range-end: type: number example: 100 range-step: type: number example: 1 decision-point: type: boolean description: >- The decision point of the schema field. It determines whether the field is used in the decision engine. If set to true, this field will be evaluated by the decision engine to influence the outcome of decisions. For example, a field marked as a decision point might be used to grant or deny access to a specific feature. example: true publicly-writable: type: boolean example: true form-use: type: boolean example: false