swagger: '2.0' schemes: - https host: yourHost produces: - application/json; charset=utf-8 consumes: - application/json; charset=utf-8 info: title: 'Revenue API Reference' x-logo: url: https://www.zuora.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/zuora-dev-logo-api-ref.svg version: '2021-12-21' description: | # Introduction Welcome to the reference for Zuora Revenue REST API! REST is a web-service protocol that lends itself to rapid development by using everyday HTTP and JSON technology. Zuora Revenue provides various REST APIs for data integration. Use these REST APIs to authenticate and integrate data from the source ERP systems with Zuora Revenue. All Zuora Revenue REST APIs are secured by using HTTPS. The authentication scheme is token-based authentication, which means an authenticated user must generate a token and then use it for all subsequent APIs until the token expires. This reference provides detailed descriptions about functions, requests, and responses of each REST API. Zuora Revenue REST APIs can be broadly classified into the following categories: * Authentication * Inbound * Outbound **Remember:** * The API service must be enabled for your tenant in the first place. Otherwise, the 405 error will be returned for every API request you submitted. To enable the API service, contact Zuora Revenue Support. * Both the inbound and outbound operations require an authentication token to perform integration. You can obtain the token by using the Authentication operation. ## Endpoints After the APIs are provisioned in Zuora Revenue Cloud, you can get the endpoint and use that endpoint to call the APIs. ## Requirements Before you use the Zuora Revenue APIs, make sure the following requirements are met: * Zuora Revenue uses role based access control to restrict system access to authorized users. To use the Zuora Revenue APIs, make sure that your user role has the **Webservices Inbound** and **Webservices Outbound** previleges in Zuora Revenue security settings. For more information, see Manage User Access. * To use the inbound operations to upload data into Zuora Revenue, the upload templates must be created by using the **File Upload** menu options in the Zuora Revenue UI. Currently, the APIs support transaction upload, bundle upload, and event upload. * To use the outbound operations, the outbound GL interface mapping must be set up in the Zuora Revenue UI (**Setups > Application > Interface Setup**). ## Requests and Responses Zuora Revenue APIs support the JSON format of HTTP responses. Inbound operations for data upload support the CSV format only. ## Inbound Data Error All the inbound data into Zuora Revenue are first loaded into pre-stage tables, namely CUST_UI tables in Zuora Revenue, and then pushed to the corresponding staging tables from CUST_UI tables. If the data fails in the CUST_UI tables, the entire batch of records will be marked as `Failed`. It means All or Nothing approach will be followed when data is being inserted to the CUST_UI tables. If the data has been successfully inserted into the CUST_UI tables, it will then be automatically pushed to the staging tables and no manual work is required. Any uncollected data that remains in the staging tables can be manually fixed or downloaded, and can be reposted from the upstream systems. You can use the Stage Error operations to retrieve error information about the uploaded data. tags: - name: Authentication description: | The Authentication operation is the authentication layer when you integrate data with Zuora Revenue APIs. Use this operation to authenticate and generate a token that can be valid for a specific time period. The token is required for all the subsequent API calls. By default, a token will be valid for 30 minutes before it expires. If the issued token expires, call this operation again with valid credentials to get a new token. To acquire the token, you must provide the user role and client name as well as basic authorization in the HTTP request header. An example of basic authorization header is as follows: `Basic c3lzYWRtaW46fsDFsgsV2cHJvJTEyMw==` An example of the returned authentication token is as follows: ```eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2V ybmFtZSI6InZpbm90aC5iYWFsYWppIiwiaXNzIjoiUkV``` - name: Adapter description: > The Adapter operation is used to retrieve field mapping information in an upload template definitions. The field mapping information determines the mapping between the staging field names and the label names in the upload file. - name: BI Views v1 description: > The BI Views V1 operations are used to download data for Zuora Revenue standard BI views. **Note:** * Only the standard Zuora Revenue BI views are supported. * If the data volume to be processed exceeds 100k records per query, it is recommended to use BI Views V2 operations. - name: BI Views v2 description: > Starting from version 36.008.00, the BI Views V2 operations are provided to download data from the standard BI views. Compared with the previous version, BI Views V1, this new version has the following enhancements: * In addition to CSV format, data can also be downloaded in a compressed format, gzip. * The number of rows on each downloaded page is increased. In the CSV format, each page can contain up to 10,000 rows. In the gzip format, each page can contain up to 20,000 rows. * The data volume of up to 5 million rows per query can be supported by using the BI Views V2 operations. * A continuation token is introduced to accelerate data download for multiple pages. After a request is made for the first page, a continuation token is returned in the response header. Meanwhile, subsequent pages are cached by the system. Using the continuation token in the subsequent requests will make the system to retrieve data from the cache instead of re-executing the query against the database. * An operation to query the row count is introduced. You can know the number of rows to be returned before the actual download. For more information about the BI Views V2 operations, such as new feature introduction, suggested pattern to consume these APIs, and sample codes, see Integration service (BI Views V2) in Zuora Revenue Knowledge Center. - name: File Upload description: > The File Upload operations are used to upload large volumes of data as a CSV file in the HTTP body to Zuora Revenue and to get status information about the file upload. If the data volume is in the range of 40k-60k records per file per request, the Upload file operation can process the data quickly. A unique request ID is generated after the file is successfully received, which can be used to query the upload status in the Get file upload status operation. - name: Inbound description: > The Inbound operations are used to upload data in the CSV format to Zuora Revenue. As a prerequisite, the upload template definitions must be present in Zuora Revenue. Then, you specify the template name, file name, authentication token, and the CSV data in HTTP body of the inbound operations to upload data. It is recommended to use the Create upload operation for the CSV file than contains less than 20k lines. After the data is uploaded to the pre-stage table, Zuora Revenue scheduler will load the CSV content to corresponding staging tables in Zuora Revenue. You can query the upload status by using the Get upload status operation. - name: Reports description: > The Reports operations are used to download reports that are generated in Zuora Revenue. - name: Revenue Jobs description: > The Revenue Jobs operations are used to submit the following programs with Revenue APIs: * RevPro3.0 Data Collection Master * RevPro3.0 Event Process * RevPro3.0 Event Process Master * Revpro3.0 Accounting Transfer Master * RevPro3.0 Transfer Batch for Org No matter what program is to be started, two path parameters are required for the Submit a program with specified parameters operation. One is the program ID and the other is the organization ID. Operations are also provided to retrieve the program ID and organization ID. For an example of using API to submit the Revpro3.0 Accounting Transfer Master program, see Us API to submit a predefined program in the Knowledge Center. - name: Stage Error description: > The Stage Error operation is used to get the list of records that contain errors in the Zuora Revenue staging tables for transactions or events. - name: Transfer Accounting description: > The Transfer Accounting operations are used to support outbound data integrations. You can use these operations to query the transfer batch information and to update the transfer batch status. - name: Transfer Accounting Files description: > The Transfer Accounting Files operation is used to download the transfer accounting data in a CSV file from Zuora Revenue for a specific transfer batch. - name: Data Collection description: > The Data Collection operations are used to submit the data collection jobs and query the status of the submitted jobs. paths: '/api/integration/v1/authenticate': post: operationId: POST_Authenticate description: > Authenticates and gets the Json Web Token to push and pull data from your Zuora Revenue instance. parameters: - default: API Role in: header name: role required: true type: string - default: Default in: header name: clientname required: true type: string x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X POST --header "role: API Role" --header "clientname: Default" --header "Authorization: Basic WklOR0FQSToxMnF3IUBRVw==" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/authenticate" responses: '200': description: Authentication token is returned. schema: properties: Message: default: Token Generated description: Token type: string status: default: success description: Response Status type: string security: - basicAuth: [] summary: Create authentication tags: - Authentication '/api/integration/v1/fileupload/status/{file_request_id}': get: operationId: GET_FileUploadStatus description: Gets the status information about the specified file upload request. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: file_request_id required: true type: integer description: The request ID of the file upload to be queried. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/fileupload/status/12333" responses: '200': description: The status information is returned for the requested file upload. schema: properties: Result: items: $ref: '#/definitions/uploadStatus' type: array message: default: Data Staged Successfully description: Response Message type: string status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '204': description: The status information cannot be retrieved for the specified request ID. # schema: # properties: # message: # default: No records matching the file job ID are found. Logs might have been truncated. Please contact Zuora Revenue Support. # description: Response Message # type: string # status: # default: Error # description: Response Status # type: string summary: Get file upload status tags: - File Upload '/api/integration/v1/upload/file': post: operationId: POST_UploadFile description: | Upload the event or transaction data in a CSV file to Zuora Revenue in UTF-8. **Note:** It is recommended to have up to 60k lines per request in this operation. consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: formData name: file required: true type: file description: The path to the CSV file that is to be uploaded. - in: header name: templatename required: true type: string description: Name of the upload template that you want to use. - in: header name: Content-Type required: true type: string description: Must be set to "multipart/form-data". enum: - multipart/form-data x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X POST \ https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/upload/file \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -H 'templatename: sample_upload_template.csv' \ -H 'token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q' \ -F 'file=@/Users/user1/Downloads/Upload Template MO.csv' responses: '200': description: The file is uploaded to Zuora Revenue. schema: properties: message: default: File received successfully description: Response Message type: string status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '400': description: Exception occurs. Please contact Zuora Revenue Support. schema: properties: message: default: Exception occurred. Please contact Zuora Revenue Support description: Response Message type: string status: default: Error description: Response Status type: string summary: Upload file tags: - File Upload '/api/integration/v1/csv/upload/status': get: operationId: GET_UploadStatus description: Gets the status information about the Create upload operation. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: query name: id required: true type: integer description: The request ID of the uploaded file for which the status information is being queried. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/csv/upload/status?id=10002" responses: '200': description: The status information is returned for the requested upload. schema: properties: result: properties: client_id: type: integer id: type: integer message: default: Data Received type: string status: default: Successfully Uploaded type: string type: object status: default: Success description: Response Response type: string '400': description: The status information cannot be retrieved for the specified request ID. schema: properties: Result: type: string message: default: No data found description: Default error message type: string status: default: Error description: Error Response type: string summary: Get upload status tags: - Inbound '/api/integration/v1/csv/upload': post: operationId: POST_Upload description: | Uploads the transaction, events, or bundle configuration data as a CSV (text/plain) file with UTF-8 encoding. **Note:** Up to 20k lines per request can be supported by this operation. If the CSV file contains more than 20k lines, it is recommended to use the Upload file operation. consumes: - text/plain parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: header name: templatename required: true type: string description: The name of the upload template that you want to use. - in: header name: filename required: true type: string description: The unique file name to populate the data in the Zuora Revenue UI. - in: body name: data required: true schema: type: array items: type: string description: The actual data to be uploaded. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q" --header "templatename: TEST TEMPLATE" --header "filename: TEST.csv" -d "\"Batch Id\",\"Process Flag\",\"Created By\",\"Creation Date\",\"Type\",\"Business Unit\",\"Atr48\",\"Atr8\",\"Atr60\",\"Ct Line Num\",\"Doc Num\",\"Doc Line Num\",\"Doc Line Id\",\"Doc Date\",\"Start Date\",\"End Date\",\"Date1\",\"Ct Mod Date\",\"Cust Num\",\"Cstmr Nm\",\"Atr45\",\"Curr\",\"F Cur\",\"F Ex Rate\",\"G Ex Rate\",\"Item Num\",\"Prod Ctgry\",\"Inv Num\",\"Inv Line Num\",\"Inv Line Id\",\"Orig Inv Line Id\",\"Orig So Line Id\",\"Inv Date\",\"Atr58\",\"Ord Qty\",\"Unit List Prc\",\"Ext Lst Prc\",\"Unit Sell Prc\",\"Ext Sll Prc\",\"Atr9\",\"Inv Qty\",\"Return Flag\",\"Ret Qty\",\"Def Segments\",\"Rev Segments\",\"Al Account\",\"Ar Account\",\"Ca Account\",\"Cv Eligible Flag\",\"Atr50\",\"Atr51\",\"Atr52\",\"Atr53\",\"Atr54\",\"Atr55\",\"Atr56\",\"Atr46\",\"Prod Class\",\"Prod Fmly\",\"Prod Ln\",\"Atr49\",\"Atr14\",\"Atr15\",\"Atr12\",\"Atr13\",\"Atr47\",\"Sob Id\",\"Credit Rule\",\"Num1\",\"Num2\",\"Date2\",\"Date3\",\"Atr10\",\"Atr11\",\"Atr57\",\"Atr5\",\"Atr6\"" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/csv/upload" responses: '200': description: Data is uploaded to the staging tables in Zuora Revenue. schema: properties: message: default: Data Staged Successfully description: Response Message type: string result: properties: client_id: type: integer id: type: integer message: type: string status: type: string type: object status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '400': description: Error occurs when data is being uploaded to Zuora Revenue staging tables. schema: properties: message: default: Error loading Data into Staging Area description: Error Message type: string result: properties: client_id: type: integer id: type: integer message: type: string status: type: string type: object status: default: Error description: Error Response type: string summary: Create upload tags: - Inbound '/api/integration/v1/journal/batch/status/{batch_id}': put: operationId: PUT_TransferBatchStatus description: Updates the transfer batch status to `Transferred` in Zuora Revenue. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: batch_id required: true type: integer description: The batch ID of the transfer accounting batch. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X PUT --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/journal/batch/status/10110" responses: '200': description: The status of the transfer batch is changed to `Transferred`. schema: properties: status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '400': description: Only the batch in Ready TO Transfer status can be updated. schema: properties: status: default: Error description: Response Status type: string message: description: 0 row(s) updated. Only the batch in Ready TO Transfer status can be updated. type: string summary: Update transfer batch status tags: - Transfer Accounting '/api/integration/v1/journal/batch/{batchid}/{pagenum}': get: operationId: GET_TransferBatch description: | Downloads the general ledger (GL) transfer batch data for the specified batch ID and page number. For more information, see Best practice for using Revenue APIs. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: batchid required: true type: integer description: The batch ID of the transfer accounting batch. - in: path name: pagenum required: true type: integer description: The number of page to be downloaded. - in: query name: pagesize required: false type: integer description: The number of records to be downloaded per request. The default is 1000 and the maximum is 10000. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/journal/batch/10000/1?Output=CSV" responses: '200': description: Operation is successful. schema: properties: status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string summary: Get transfer batch tags: - Transfer Accounting '/api/integration/v1/biviews/{view_name}': get: operationId: GET_BIViews description: | Retrieves the data from a BI view during the specified time period in a CSV file. Use the `fromDate` and `toDate` parameters to specify the time period for which data is to be queried. You can also use the `count` parameter to get the row count for the queried bi view data. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: view_name required: true type: string description: Name of the BI view. - default: 1 in: query name: clientId required: true type: integer description: The ID of the Zuora Revenue application user. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: fromDate required: true type: string description: The date from which the data query begins. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: toDate required: true type: string description: The date on which the data query ends. - default: 1 in: query name: pagenum required: true type: integer description: The number of page to download. - in: query name: pagesize required: false type: integer description: The number of records to be downloaded per request. The default is 1000 and the maximum is 10000. - default: in: query name: count required: false type: boolean description: > Set to `true` to get the row count of the BI view for the specified time period. **Note:** Setting this parameter to `true` might cause timeout errors for large volume scenarios. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/biviews/BI3_RC_POB?clientId=1&fromDate=2016-07-26T00%3A00%3A00&toDate=2016-07-26T00%3A00%3A00&pagenum=1" responses: '200': description: BI view data is returned in CSV format. '204': description: No rows are found for the specified time period. '400': description: Error is returned. For example, the user ID is invalid, or the BI view does not exist. '401': description: The authentication token has expired. To solve this problem, re-generate a token by using the Authentication operation. summary: Get BI Views tags: - BI Views v1 post: operationId: POST_BIViews description: | Fetches data in a CSV or gzip file from BI View. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: tmpl_name required: true type: string description: Name of the BI view. - default: 1 in: query name: clientId required: true type: integer description: The ID of the Zuora Revenue application user. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: fromDate required: true type: string description: The date from which the data query begins. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: toDate required: true type: string description: The date on which the data query ends. - default: 1 in: query name: pagenum required: true type: integer description: The number of page to download. - default: in: query name: count required: false type: boolean description: > Set to `true` to get the row count of the BI view for the specified time period. **Note:** Setting this parameter to `true` might cause timeout errors for large volume scenarios. - in: body name: data required: true schema: description: A list of field names to be selected from the BI view. type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: BI view data is returned in CSV format. '204': description: No rows are found for the given time period. '400': description: Error is returned. For example, Invalid User ID. '401': description: The authentication token has expired. To solve this problem, re-generate a token by using the Authentication operation. summary: Get BI View data for selected fields tags: - BI Views v1 '/api/integration/v1/journal/list': get: operationId: GET_TransferBatchList description: Gets a list of the transfer accounting batches that are available in Zuora Revenue. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/journal/list" responses: '200': description: Operation is successful. schema: properties: result: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Journal' type: array status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '204': description: No GL Transfer batches in Ready to Transfer status are available. '400': description: Error occurs when fetching the GL batch list. summary: Get transfer batch list tags: - Transfer Accounting '/api/integration/v1/download/transferbatchfile/{batch_id}': get: operationId: GET_TransferBatchFile description: | Downloads the GL transfer batch files from Zuora Revenue for the specified batch ID. **Note:** * Only the transfer accounting files that are created in the last 48 hours are available for download. * The maximum downloadable file size is 1 GB. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: batch_id required: true type: integer description: The batch ID of the transfer accounting batch. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/download/transferbatchfile/10110" responses: '200': description: Operation is successful. schema: properties: active: default: Success description: Response Status type: array '204': description: The batch file is not generated for the batch ID or the batch file is not found. summary: Get transfer batch file tags: - Transfer Accounting Files '/api/integration/v1/reports/list': get: operationId: GET_ReportList description: Gets a list of available reports that are created on a specified date. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - format: date in: query name: createddate type: string description: The date when reports are created. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/reports/list?createddate=01-JAN-2012" responses: '200': description: Operation is successful. schema: properties: Message: description: Response Message type: string Result: items: $ref: '#/definitions/reportList' type: array status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '400': description: The specified date format is invalid. schema: properties: Message: default: Invalid date format for 30-11-1993 description: Response Status type: string status: default: Error description: Error Status type: string summary: Get report list tags: - Reports '/api/integration/v1/reports/download/{filename}': get: operationId: GET_DownloadReports description: | Downloads a specific report from Zuora Revenue. **Note:** * Only the report files that are created in the last 48 hours are available for download. * The maximum downloadable report file size is 1 GB. * If the report file size exceeds 1 GB, use the Get report data operation to download the report from a signed URL. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: filename required: true type: string description: The name of the report file to be downloaded. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/reports/download/10002.csv" responses: '200': description: Operation is successful. Report is downloaded. '204': description: The specified file does not exist in Zuora Revenue. summary: Download a report tags: - Reports '/api/integration/v2/reports/signedurl/{report_id}': get: operationId: GET_ReportsURL description: | Generates a signed URL from Zuora Revenue to download the report with the specified report ID. The returned URL will be valid for 30 minutes. **Note:** This API operation is available in Zuora Revenue and later. The advantage of this operation is that it can provide a URL to download the report without the restriction on the file size. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: report_id required: true type: integer description: The ID of the report to be downloaded. You can get the report ID in the Get report list response. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0NTIxMywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQzNDEzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDM0MTMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.umtarSxRc0KUld5RZkrZMwzIypQYdwFYBP5-d1Cbi1Q" "https://yourHost/api/api/integration/v2/reports/signedurl/10002" responses: '200': description: The URL to download the report file. The signed URL will be valid for 30 minutes from the time when it is generated. schema: properties: signed_url: description: A valid signed URL to download the report. success: description: Indicates whether the operation succeeded. type: boolean '404': description: The specified report ID is not found. schema: properties: error: description: Error message. type: string success: description: Indicates whether the operation succeeded. type: boolean '400': description: The report ID is invalid. schema: properties: Message: default: The file name does not exist. Please check the file extension. description: Response Status type: string Result: default: None description: Response Status type: string status: default: Error description: Response Status type: string summary: Get report data tags: - Reports '/api/integration/v1/stage/error/{errortype}': get: operationId: GET_StaggingError description: Gets the information about transaction staging errors or event staging errors. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: errortype required: true type: string description: The type of errors that you want to retrieve. enum: - transaction - event x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/stage/error/transaction" responses: '200': description: Staging errors of the specified type are returned. schema: properties: Result: items: $ref: '#/definitions/stageError' type: array status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '204': description: No record is found for the error type specified in the path parameter. summary: Get staging error tags: - Stage Error '/api/integration/v1/upload/mapping': get: operationId: GET_FileUploadMapping description: Gets the field mapping information in the upload template definitions for transactions, events, or bundle configuration from Zuora Revenue. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: query name: templatename type: string description: Name of the upload template that contains the field mapping information. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET --header "token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlpJTkdBUEkiLCJpc3MiOiJSRVZQUk8gMy4wIFdlYnNlcnZpY2VzIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImV4cCI6MTUwNDc0ODE4MywiaWF0IjoxNTA0NzQ2MzgzLCJuYmYiOjE1MDQ3NDYzODMsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0In0.k1usDPkgldj-OG9-ga-jn5B2Axx-HG4D0chytx5JPIg" "https://yourHost/api/integration/v1/upload/mapping?templatename=TEST" responses: '200': description: Field mapping data is returned. schema: properties: Dateformat: default: DD-MON-YYYY description: Response Status type: string Mapping: items: $ref: '#/definitions/uploadMapping' type: array '400': description: Error fetching the mapping details. summary: Get field mapping tags: - Adapter '/api/integration/v2/biviews-status': get: operationId: GET_AllTaskStatus description: Gets the status information about all BI view related tasks. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. responses: '200': description: The task details are returned. schema: properties: result: properties: active: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActivityQueueStatus' type: array completed: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActivityQueueStatus' type: array draining: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActivityQueueStatus' type: array stale: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActivityQueueStatus' type: array type: object status: default: Success description: Response Status type: string '204': description: No records are found. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET https://ui_url/api/integration/v2/biviews-status -H 'token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNZU0FETUlOIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0IiwiY2xpZW50aWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU1ODMyODMzNSwibmJmIjoxNTU4MzI4MzM1LCJpc3MiOiJadW9yYS1SSUEiLCJleHAiOjE1NTgzMzAxMzV9.xz3O4QRR6qgT-2HgBJn9yJ9YBaXwWhl3d7ohrduTogI' summary: Get all task status tags: - BI Views v2 '/api/integration/v2/biviews-status/{task_id}': delete: operationId: DELETE_Task description: Cancels the active tasks that are associated with the specified continuation token in the path. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: task_id required: true type: string description: The continuation token that is associated with the tasks to be canceled. responses: '200': description: The tasks associated with the specified continuation token are canceled. '204': description: The specified continuation token is not found. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X DELETE https://ui_url/api/integration/v2/biviews-status/098bda64-a53d-4e6c-960d-ffd2293b19bb -H 'token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNZU0FETUlOIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0IiwiY2xpZW50aWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU1ODMzMDIxMCwibmJmIjoxNTU4MzMwMjEwLCJpc3MiOiJadW9yYS1SSUEiLCJleHAiOjE1NTgzMzIwMTB9.Sr2oIxp7XWSJSy9bARfr7nkFvAmMbdhMaNBv9IR52Fo' summary: Cancel task tags: - BI Views v2 get: operationId: GET_TaskDetails description: Gets the details of all active tasks for the specified continuation token. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: task_id required: true type: string description: The continuation token that was returned in the initial request. responses: '200': description: The details of active tasks that are associated with the continuation token are returned. schema: properties: active: items: $ref: '#/definitions/active' type: array completed: items: $ref: '#/definitions/completed' type: array draining: items: $ref: '#/definitions/draining' type: array stale: items: $ref: '#/definitions/stale' type: array '204': description: No record is found for the specified continuation token. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET https://ui_url/api/integration/v2/biviews-status/098bda64-a53d-4e6c-960d-ffd2293b19bb -H 'token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNZU0FETUlOIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0IiwiY2xpZW50aWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU1ODMyODMzNSwibmJmIjoxNTU4MzI4MzM1LCJpc3MiOiJadW9yYS1SSUEiLCJleHAiOjE1NTgzMzAxMzV9.xz3O4QRR6qgT-2HgBJn9yJ9YBaXwWhl3d7ohrduTogI' summary: Get active task details tags: - BI Views v2 '/api/integration/v2/biviews/count/{tmpl_name}': get: operationId: GET_RowCount description: | Gets the row count of a BI view. **Note:** This operation starts a count query against the database for a full table scan. It is helful to know the number of rows that will be returned before data download. However, if the data volume is large, this operation might result in timeout responses. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: tmpl_name required: true type: string description: Name of the BI view. - default: 1 in: query name: clientId required: true type: integer description: The ID of the Zuora Revenue application user. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: fromDate required: false type: string description: The date from which the data query begins. - default: '2018-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: toDate required: false type: string description: The date on which the data query ends. responses: '200': description: The row count of the specified BI view is returned. '400': description: Error occurs. For example, the user ID is invalid, or the specified BI view does not exist. '401': description: The provided authentication token has expired. Send the Authentication request again to get a new token. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET https://ui_url/api/integration/v2/biviews/count/BI3_ACCT_TYPE?=&clientId=1&fromDate=2016-07-26&toDate=2018-07-26 -H 'token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNZU0FETUlOIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0IiwiY2xpZW50aWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU1ODMzMDIxMCwibmJmIjoxNTU4MzMwMjEwLCJpc3MiOiJadW9yYS1SSUEiLCJleHAiOjE1NTgzMzIwMTB9.Sr2oIxp7XWSJSy9bARfr7nkFvAmMbdhMaNBv9IR52Fo summary: Get row count tags: - BI Views v2 '/api/integration/v2/biviews/{view_name}': get: operationId: GET_BIView description: | Downloads data from a BI view in a CSV or gzip file. If the data volume is large, it is recommended to use this operation to download Page 1 first. A continuation token will be returned in the response header. After that, provide the continuation token in this operation to download the subsequent pages. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: header name: continuation-token required: false type: string description: | The continuation token that was returned in the initial query for Page 1. **Note:** The continuation token is returned after Page 1 of the BI view is downloaded. To download the subsequent pages, you must specify the continuation token in this operation for Page 2 onwards. - in: path name: view_name required: true type: string description: Name of the BI view. - default: 1 in: query name: clientId required: true type: integer description: The ID of the Zuora Revenue application user. - default: '2016-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: fromDate required: true type: string description: The date from which the data query begins. - default: '2018-07-26T00:00:00' in: query name: toDate required: true type: string description: The date on which the data query ends. - default: 1 in: query name: pagenum required: false type: integer description: The number of page to be downloaded. - in: query name: pageSize required: false type: integer description: | The number of rows on each page to be downloaded. * For CSV format, the valid range is 1 - 10,000 with default 10,000. * For gzip format, the valid range is 1 - 20,000 with default 20,000. **Note:** Any value that is greater than 20,000 is invalid. - default: gzip in: query name: outputType type: string enum: - csv - gzip description: The output format of the download. - in: body name: data required: true schema: description: A list of field names to be retrieved for the BI view. type: array items: type: string responses: '200': description: The queried BI view data is returned in the desired format. '204': description: No record is found for the specified BI view. '400': description: Error occurs. For example, the user ID is invalid, or the requested page is not cached yet. '401': description: The provided authentication token has expired. Send the Authentication request again to get a new token. '404': description: The requested page does not exist. The number of total pages and the number of total rows are returned. summary: Download BI view tags: - BI Views v2 '/api/integration/v2/biviews/{tmpl_name}/describe-columns': get: operationId: GET_ColumnList description: Gets a list of columns that are contained in a BI view. parameters: - in: header name: token required: true type: string description: The valid authentication token that is generated by the Authentication operation. - in: path name: tmpl_name required: true type: string description: Name of the BI view. responses: '200': description: The list of columns is returned for the requested BI view. '400': description: Error occurs. For example, the BI view does not exist. '401': description: The provided authentication token has expired. Send the Authentication request again to get a new token. x-code-samples: - lang: Curl source: | curl -X GET https://ui_url/api/integration/v2/biviews/BI3_ACCT_TYPE/describe-columns -H 'token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlNZU0FETUlOIiwicm9sZSI6IlJldnBybyBBUEkgUm9sZSIsImNsaWVudG5hbWUiOiJEZWZhdWx0IiwiY2xpZW50aWQiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU1ODMzMDIxMCwibmJmIjoxNTU4MzMwMjEwLCJpc3MiOiJadW9yYS1SSUEiLCJleHAiOjE1NTgzMzIwMTB9.Sr2oIxp7XWSJSy9bARfr7nkFvAmMbdhMaNBv9IR52Fo' summary: Get column list tags: - BI Views v2 '/api/integration/v1/job/collection/template': post: operationId: POST_Collection description: | Submit a data collection job based on the specified RC template. After the data collection job is submitted, the following validations are applied: * The specified RC template name must be valid. * For multi-organization tenants, the the organization ID is required and must be valid. * If there are more than 2 data collection jobs in Running/Pending/Incompatible status for the specified organization, the API request will be rejected with error message returned. parameters: - in: body name: request required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RevenueJobRequest' responses: '200': description: 'The request is submitted successfully and the job ID is returned. You can use the returned ID to query the job status later.' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RevenueJobResponse' '403': description: You are not authorized to access this endpoint. Please contact Zuora Revenue Support. '401': description: The provided authentication token is invalid or the token has expired. Send the Authentication request again to get a new token. summary: Submit data collection job tags: - Data Collection '/api/integration/v1/job/collection/template/{job_id}': get: operationId: GET_CollectionDetails description: Get the status of the data collection job. parameters: - in: path name: job_id description: The ID of the data collection job that you want to query. This is the ID that is returned when you submitted the data collection job. type: integer required: true responses: '200': description: 'The request is submitted successfully.' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RevenueJobDetail' '403': description: 'You are not authorized to access this endpoint. Please contact Zuora Revenue Support.' '401': description: The provided authentication token has expired. Send the Authentication request again to get a new token. summary: Get data collection job details tags: - Data Collection '/api/integration/v1/programs': get: tags: - Revenue Jobs summary: Get list of available programs and program parameters operationId: GET_ProgramDetails description: | Retrieves a list of programs that can be started with Revenue APIs and the program parameters that you can specify. produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: A list of available programs is returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramDetailsResponse' 400: description: The input parameter is invalid. '/api/integration/v1/revenue-orgs': get: tags: - Revenue Jobs summary: Get list of available organizations operationId: GET_RevenueOrgDetails description: | Retrieves the list of organizations that are set up in Zuora Revenue. produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: A list of available organizations is returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramDetailsResponse' 400: description: The input parameter is invalid. '/api/integration/v1/{orgId}/programs/{programId}/submit': post: tags: - Revenue Jobs summary: Submit a program with specified parameters operationId: POST_SubmitRevenueJob description: | Submits a program in Zuora Revenue and returns the job ID. produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: programId type: integer description: The ID of the program that is to be submitted in Zuora Revenue. You can get the program ID by using the "Get list of available programs and program parameters" operation. required: true - in: path name: orgId type: integer description: The ID of the organization for which the program is to be submitted. You can get the organization ID by using the "Get list of available organizations" operation. required: true - in: body name: data description: | An array that contains the parameter values to be used for the program. For each parameter, you need to specify the parameter ID, sequence, and desired value. You can get the parameter name, ID, and sequence by using the "Get list of available programs and program parameters" operation. required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/SubmitJobRequest" responses: 200: description: The job status is returned with the job ID. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/JobStatusResponse' 400: description: The specified program is not supported. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubmitJobFailureResponse' 403: description: The specified organization ID does not match the organization assigned to the current user role. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SubmitJobFailureResponse' '/api/integration/v1/{orgId}/jobs/{jobId}': get: tags: - Revenue Jobs summary: Get the job status operationId: GET_RevenueJobStatus description: | Retrieves the status of a submitted job in Zuora Revenue. produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: jobId type: integer description: The ID of the job. required: true - in: path name: orgId type: integer description: The ID of the organization that is specified when the job is submitted. required: true responses: 200: description: The job status is returned. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/JobStatusResponse' 400: description: The input parameter is invalid. definitions: JobStatusResponse: type: object properties: data: type: object $ref: '#/definitions/JobStatus' success: type: boolean JobStatus: type: object properties: actual_start_date: type: string format: datetime crtd_by: type: string crtd_dt: type: string format: datetime error_message: type: string id: type: integer sec_atr_val: type: integer status: type: string updt_dt: type: string format: datetime SubmitJobFailureResponse: type: object properties: error: type: string enum: ["OrgId does not match the Org assigned to the role", "This Program is not supported at the moment"] success: type: boolean SubmitJobRequest: type: object properties: parameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ParameterList' ParameterList: type: object properties: parameter_id: type: integer default: 1002 sequence: type: integer default: 1 parameter_value: type: string ProgramDetailsResponse: type: object properties: data: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramDetail' ProgramDetail: type: object properties: program_name: type: string program_id: type: string parameters: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramParameter' ProgramParameter: type: object properties: id: type : integer mandatory: type: string sequence: type: string name: type: string type: type: string RevenueJobDetail: properties: data: type: object properties: actual_start_date: type: string crtd_by: type: string crtd_dt: type: string id: type: integer status: type: string enum: - Running - Error - Pending - Completed - Warning - Failed - Cancelled - Terminated - Incompatible updt_dt: type: string success: type: boolean RevenueJobRequest: properties: rc_template_name: type: string description: Name of the RC template that is defined in Zuora Revenue (**Policies > RC Grouping Template**). org_id: default: 0 description: The organization ID that can be found in Zuora Revenue (**Setups > Application > Organization**). This field is required only for multi-organization tenants. type: integer RevenueJobResponse: properties: message: type: string success: type: boolean ActivityQueueStatus: properties: accumulate: type: integer activity_tracker: properties: elapsed_time: type: string initated_time: format: date-time type: string last_activity: format: date-time type: string type: object message: type: string metric: type: integer query_config: properties: filter_param: properties: fromDate: format: date-time type: string toDate: format: date-time type: string type: object object_name: type: string type: object status: type: string task_id: type: string type: object Journal: properties: client_id: type: integer crtd_by: type: string crtd_dt: format: date-time type: string id: format: int32 type: integer name: type: string status: type: string updt_by: type: string updt_dt: format: date-time type: string report_id: format: int32 type: integer type: object Status: properties: task_state: properties: accumulate: type: integer activity_tracker: type: array type: object active: properties: accumulate: type: integer activity_tracker: properties: elapsed_time: type: string initated_time: type: string last_activity: type: string type: object message: type: string metric: type: string query_config: properties: filter_params: properties: fromDate: type: string toDate: type: string type: object object_name: type: string type: object status: type: string task_id: type: string type: object columns: properties: column_name: type: string data_length: type: integer data_precision: type: string data_scale: type: string data_type: type: string type: object completed: type: string draining: type: string stale: type: string reportList: properties: category: type: string file_name: type: string id: type: integer layout_name: type: string rep_desc: type: string rep_name: type: string report_date: format: date-time type: string status: type: string type: object stageError: properties: client_id: type: integer crtd_by: type: string crtd_dt: format: date-time type: string err_msg: type: string id: type: integer inv_line_id: type: string inv_line_num: type: string processed_flag: type: string sec_atr_val: type: string so_line_id: type: string so_line_num: type: string so_num: type: string type: type: string updt_by: type: string updt_dt: format: date-time type: string upload_id: type: string type: object status: type: string uploadMapping: properties: client_id: type: integer col_name: type: string data_type: type: string id: type: integer label: type: string seq: type: integer upload_id: type: integer type: object uploadStatus: properties: file_log: type: string file_request_id: type: integer type: object