Node.js client library 3.3.0 changelog


  • Added DataLabelingApi access method for data labeling functionalities.
  • Added DeploymentApi access method for deployment functionalities.
  • Renamed the ConfigurationTemplatesApi access method to DeploymentConfigurationTemplatesApi for deployment configuration templates.
  • Added OmniChannelSubscriptionsApi access method for omni-channel subscription management.
  • Introduced support for APAC environments: CSBX_AP and PROD_AP .


  • Added a new method transferContact to transfer a contact to another account under the same hierarchy. This requires Ship To Contact permission and the billing rule for Account Hierarchy to be enabled.


  • API endpoint paths have been updated to use hyphens instead of camel case. For example, /v1/creditmemos is now /v1/credit-memos . This change affects all API calls and requires developers to update their endpoint paths accordingly.
  • Parameter names have been updated to use underscores instead of camel case. For example, partid is now part_id . This change affects method signatures and requires developers to update their code to use the new parameter names.


  • All API endpoint paths have been updated to use hyphenated debit-memos instead of debitmemos . This change will require developers to update their API calls to the new endpoint paths.


  • Added attachInvoiceSchedule method to attach charges to an invoice schedule.
  • Added detachInvoiceSchedule method to detach charges from an invoice schedule.


  • Endpoint path changed from /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/taxationitems to /v1/invoices/{invoiceKey}/taxation-items . This requires developers to update their API calls to the new endpoint path.


  • Added support for querying InvoiceSchedule by key with filters, expands, and sort capabilities.
  • Added support for querying InvoiceSchedules with filters, expands, and sort capabilities.
  • Added support for querying RatingDetail by key with filters, expands, and sort capabilities.
  • Added support for querying RatingDetails with filters, expands, and sort capabilities.
  • Expanded supported expands for querying Account by key to include shipto .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying CreditMemoItem by key to include subscriptionowner and credittaxationitems .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying DebitMemoItem by key to include subscriptionowner and debittaxationitems .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying InvoiceItem by key to include subscriptionowner .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying Payment by key to include paymentscheduleitempayments and paymentscheduleitempayments.paymentscheduleitem .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying PaymentScheduleItem by key to include paymentscheduleitempayments and paymentscheduleitempayments.payment .
  • Expanded supported expands for querying Subscription by key to include account.shipto .


  • Added asynchronous order deletion functionality with the method deleteOrderAsynchronously . This allows developers to delete orders asynchronously, rolling back subscriptions to their previous versions and deleting order line items, provided the charges are not invoiced.


  • Added a new method createPredebitNotificationWithHttpInfo to trigger a pre-debit notification for an invoice, specifically for the Adyen payment gateway.
  • Introduced createPredebitNotification method as a simplified interface to trigger pre-debit notifications, returning only the data part of the response.


  • Renamed parameters partid to part_id and itempartid to item_part_id in methods getPaymentItemPartWithHttpInfo, getPaymentItemPart, getPaymentItemPartsWithHttpInfo, getPaymentItemParts, getPaymentPartWithHttpInfo, and getPaymentPart. This change requires developers to update their code to use the new parameter names.
  • Updated API endpoint paths to use partId and itemPartId instead of partid and itempartid . This change requires developers to update any hardcoded API paths in their code.


  • Added a new method updateProductRatePlanChargeFinanceInformationWithHttpInfo to update finance information for a specific Product Rate Plan Charge Key in Zuora Billing.
  • Introduced a simplified method updateProductRatePlanChargeFinanceInformation that returns the data directly from the update operation.


  • Parameter names have been changed from camelCase to snake case in several methods. Developers will need to update their code to use the new parameter names: `item part idinstead ofitempartidandrefund part_id instead of refundpartid`.
  • API endpoint paths have been updated to use snake_case for path parameters. Developers will need to update their API calls to reflect these changes.


  • The entire ReportsApi class has been removed, which includes all methods for downloading and fetching reports. Developers will need to update their code to accommodate this removal.


  • Updated API endpoint paths from /v1/taxationitems/{id} to /v1/taxation-items/{id} for DELETE, GET, and PUT operations. Developers need to update their code to use the new endpoint paths.


  • Removal of AsyncOrderJobResult, AsyncOrderResultSubscriptionStatus, AsyncOrderResultSubscriptions, CreateTemplateRequestContent, TemplateDetailResponse, TemplateMigrationClientRequest, TemplateResponse, and ConfigurationTemplatesApi. Developers using these models or API services will need to update their code.
  • Addition of new models: AttachInvoiceScheduleRequest, CompareAndDeployProductCatalogTemplateRequest, CompareAndDeployProductCatalogTenantRequest, CompareAndDeployTemplateRequest, CompareAndDeployTenantRequest, CompareTemplateRequest, CompareTemplateResponse, Condition, CreateDeploymentTemplateRequest, CreateOmniChannelSubscriptionRequest, CreateOmniChannelSubscriptionResponse, CreateOrderResult, CreatePaymentPredebitNotifyRequest, CreatePaymentPredebitNotifyResponse, DeleteOrderAsyncResponse, DeploymentResponse, DeploymentTemplate, DeploymentTemplatesResponse, DetachInvoiceScheduleRequest, ExpandedCreditTaxationItem, ExpandedDebitTaxationItem, ExpandedInvoiceSchedule, ExpandedInvoiceScheduleItem, ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment, ExpandedRatingDetail, GetAsyncCreateOrderJobResponse, GetAsyncOrderJobResponseResult, GetAsyncPreviewOrderJobResponse, GetDataLabelingJobResponse, GetDataLabelingJobResponseProgress, GetOmniChannelSubscriptionResponse, MigrateTenantSettingsRequest, MigrateTenantSettingsResponse, OmniChannelAccountData, OrderDeltaQty, PaymentMethodCardBinInfoCardClass, PaymentMethodCardBinInfoProductType, PaymentMethodRequestTokens, PaymentMethodResponseCardBinInfo, PaymentProfile, ProductRatePlanChargeFinanceInformation, QueryInvoiceSchedulesResponse, QueryRatingDetailsResponse, RetrieveDeploymentResponse, RetrieveDeploymentResponseFailedInner, RetrieveDeploymentResponseSkippedInner, RetrieveDeploymentResponseSucceededInner, RetrieveDeploymentResponseTargetTenant, RevertDeploymentResponse, SettingSourceComponent, SubmitDataLabelingJobRequest, SubmitDataLabelingJobResponse, TransferContactRequest, WriteOffOptions, WriteOffResultTransaction, WriteOffResults.
  • Addition of new API services: DataLabelingApi, DeploymentApi, DeploymentConfigurationTemplatesApi, OmniChannelSubscriptionsApi.


  • The entire AsyncOrderJobResult class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • The AsyncOrderResultSubscriptionStatus class has been removed, which will cause compatibility issues for any code relying on this class.


  • The AsyncOrderResultSubscriptions class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • Added a new condition property of type Condition to the BillRunFilter model.
  • Added a new objectType property to specify the target object type when using FilterCondition filterType.
  • Defined allowed values for the objectType property, including Account , Subscription , and RatePlanCharge .


  • Added a new property chargeTypeToExclude to the BillingOptions model, allowing developers to specify types of charges to be excluded from billing document generation.


  • Added a new boolean property ignoreArchivedFiles to control whether to skip archived PDF files in the job. Setting it to true will skip archived files, and they will be listed in the skippedDocuments field of the GET by Job Id API response. Setting it to false will result in an error if archived files are encountered. The default value is false.


  • Added taxable field to indicate if a charge is taxable. When set to true, taxCode and taxMode are required.
  • Introduced estimatedStartDate field for charges changed through related order actions, available with the Pending Charge Flexibility feature.


  • Added originalListPrice property to ChargeTier, representing the price of a product or service as listed for sale by a manufacturer or retailer.


  • Added estimatedStartDate property to ChargeUpdate class. This field is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled and is used to specify the estimated start date of the charge when changed through related order actions.


  • The entire CompareSchemaInfoResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Added support for accountMaskNumber field in CreateAccountPaymentMethod and CreatePaymentMethodBankTransfer classes.


  • The version field type has been changed from Number to String . This may require developers to update their code to ensure that the version field is handled as a string.


  • The version field type has been changed from Number to String . This may require developers to update their code to handle version as a string instead of a number.


  • The type of recordCount has been changed from String to Number . This may require developers to update their code to handle recordCount as a number instead of a string.


  • Added estimatedStartDate property to the CreateOrderChargeUpdate model. This field is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled and represents the estimated start date of the charge when changed through related order actions.


  • Added invoiceOwnerAccountNumber field to specify the account number of an existing account that will own the invoice.
  • Added uniqueToken field to set relatedSubscriptionNumber in OLI within the same order, ensuring a unique value for multiple create subscription order actions within the same order.


  • Added a new property uniqueToken to the CreateOrderOrderLineItem class. This token is used to set the relatedSubscriptionNumber in OLI within the same order. It must be a valid value belonging to any of the create sub-order actions within the same order.


  • Implemented CreateOrderResult interface, adding fields such as accountId, accountNumber, creditMemoIds, creditMemoNumbers, invoiceIds, invoiceNumbers, orderId, orderNumber, paidAmount, paymentId, paymentNumber, ramps, refunds, status, subscriptionIds, subscriptionNumbers, subscriptions, and writeOff.


  • Added support for accountMaskNumber field, allowing developers to handle masked account numbers for payment methods.


  • Added support for accountMaskNumber field to store masked account numbers.
  • Introduced tokenize field to specify whether to tokenize the payment method.
  • Added tokens field with validation support for handling payment method tokens.


  • Added gatewayOptions property to CreatePaymentSessionRequest, allowing additional configuration for payment gateways.


  • Added a new boolean property writeOff to indicate whether to write off a document.
  • Introduced writeOffOptions property of type WriteOffOptions to provide additional options for write-off operations.


  • The entire CreateTemplateRequestContent class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class for creating template requests.


  • Added taxAutoCalculation property to CreditMemo, allowing automatic tax calculation in credit memos.


  • Added taxAutoCalculation property to CreditMemoResponse and CreditMemo models, allowing automatic tax calculation in credit memos.


  • The version field type has been changed from Number to String . This may require developers to update their code to handle version as a string instead of a number.


  • The type of recordCount has been changed from String to Number . This may require updates to code that interacts with this property.


  • Added a new status ConditionalSuccess to the EInvoiceStatus class.


  • Added shipToId as a new property of type String.
  • Added shipTo as a new property of type ExpandedContact.


  • Added new Boolean properties: asBillTo, asSoldTo, and asShipTo to the ExpandedContact model.


  • Changed the type of revenueImpacting from Number to String, which may require updates to code handling this field.
  • Added a new field shipToContactSnapshotId of type String.


  • Changed the type of revenueImpacting from Number to String, which may require developers to update their code to handle this field as a string.
  • Added itemShipToContactId as a new field of type String.
  • Added shipToContactSnapshotId as a new field of type String.
  • Added subscriptionOwnerId as a new field of type String.
  • Added subscriptionOwner as a new field of type ExpandedAccount.
  • Added creditTaxationItems as a new field, which is an array of ExpandedCreditTaxationItem.


  • Added shipToContactSnapshotId as a new field in the ExpandedDebitMemo model.
  • Added soldToContactId as a new field in the ExpandedDebitMemo model.


  • Added new property itemShipToContactId to store the ID of the contact to which the item is shipped.
  • Added new property shipToContactSnapshotId to store the snapshot ID of the contact to which the item is shipped.
  • Added new property subscriptionOwnerId to store the ID of the subscription owner.
  • Added new property subscriptionOwner to store the expanded account details of the subscription owner.
  • Added new property debitTaxationItems to store an array of expanded debit taxation items.


  • Added new fields shipToContactId and shipToContactSnapshotId to the ExpandedInvoice model.


  • Added new property itemShipToContactId to track the contact ID for shipping items.
  • Added new property shipToContactSnapshotId to track the snapshot ID for shipping contacts.
  • Added new property shipToContactId to track the contact ID for shipping.
  • Added new property subscriptionOwnerId to track the owner ID of the subscription.
  • Added new property subscriptionOwner of type ExpandedAccount to track the subscription owner details.


  • Added subscriptionNumber as a new string field.
  • Added shipToContactId as a new string field.
  • Added clearingExistingShipToContact as a new boolean field.


  • Added new properties: sequenceSetId, paymentTerm, invoiceTemplateId, shipToId, and shipToSnapshotId. These properties are now available for use in the ExpandedOrderLineItem model.


  • Added isScheduled property to indicate if an order is scheduled.
  • Added cancelReason property to provide a reason for order cancellation.


  • Added support for paymentScheduleItemPayments in the ExpandedPayment model, allowing developers to handle payment schedule item payments as an array of ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment objects.


  • Added a new property paymentScheduleItemPayments to the ExpandedPaymentScheduleItem model, which is an array of ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment objects.


  • Removed validation checks for billingPeriodEndDate and billingPeriodStartDate fields to ensure they are strings. This may affect code that relies on these validations.


  • Added estimatedStartDate property to ExpandedRatePlanCharge.
  • Added estimatedEndDate property to ExpandedRatePlanCharge.


  • Added new fields shipToContactId and shipToContactSnapshotId to the ExpandedSubscription model.


  • Added support for accountsReceivableDebitMemoAgingDetailExportFileId , allowing retrieval of the File ID for the Accounts Receivable Aging Debit Memo Detail report.


  • Replaced AsyncOrderJobResult with GetAsyncOrderJobResponseResult for the result property. Developers need to update their code to use the new class name.


  • The version field type has been changed from Number to String . This may require developers to update their code to handle version as a string instead of a number.


  • The type of recordCount has been changed from String to Number . This may require developers to update their code to handle recordCount as a number instead of a string.


  • Added support for skippedDocuments field, which contains an array of objects with billing document types and their IDs that were skipped during execution.


  • Added estimatedStartDate field for charges, available with Pending Charge Flexibility feature.
  • Introduced taxable field to indicate if a charge is taxable, available with Taxation enabled.
  • Added taxMode field to specify the tax mode of a charge.
  • Included taxCode field for specifying the tax code of a charge, available with Taxation enabled.


  • Added a new field rateSetName to the GetCustomExchangeRatesType class, which represents the name of the rate set configured in the Finance Manage Currency Conversion settings for the Multi-Org feature.


  • Added new properties: estimatedEndDate, estimatedStartDate, taxable, taxCode, and taxMode to the GetSubscriptionRatePlanChargesWithAllSegments class.


  • Added originalListPrice property to IntervalPricingTier and RatePlanChargeTier, representing the original list price of a product or service.


  • The entire MigrationClientResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Added support for invoiceOwnerAccountNumber to specify the account number of an existing account that will own the invoice.
  • Introduced paymentProfile to handle payment profile information within the subscription creation process.


  • Added a new optional field paymentProfile to the OrderActionOwnerTransfer model, allowing developers to include payment profile information.
  • Introduced validation for the paymentProfile field to ensure correct data structure.


  • Added support for custom fields in the Amendment object through the customFields property.


  • Added estimatedStartDate field to the OrderActionRatePlanChargeOverride class. This field is available if the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled and represents the estimated start date of the charge.


  • Added estimatedStartDate field to OrderActionRatePlanChargeUpdate, available with the Pending Charge Flexibility feature enabled.


  • Added support for paymentProfile in OrderActionTermsAndConditions, allowing developers to include payment profile information in their order actions.


  • Added support for cardBinInfo in PaymentMethodResponse, allowing developers to access card BIN information.


  • The type of organizationLabels has changed from a String to an Array of OrganizationLabel objects. This requires updating any code that interacts with organizationLabels to handle an array instead of a string.
  • Added validation for organizationLabels to ensure it is an array and each item is validated as an OrganizationLabel .


  • The type of organizationLabels has changed from String to Array.<module:model/OrganizationLabel> . This may require updates to code handling this field.
  • Added validation for organizationLabels to ensure it is an array and each item is validated using OrganizationLabel.validateJSON .


  • The PostCompareTemplateRequest class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • Added a new property isPending to the PreviewChargeMetrics class, allowing developers to check if a charge is pending.


  • Added estimatedStartDate property to specify the estimated start date of a charge when changed through related order actions.
  • Introduced taxCode property to define the tax code of a charge, available when taxable is true.
  • Added taxMode property to specify the tax mode of a charge.
  • Introduced taxable property to indicate if a charge is taxable, requiring taxCode and taxMode when true.


  • Added estimatedStartDate property to PreviewOrderChargeUpdate, which provides the estimated start date of the charge. This is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added support for invoiceOwnerAccountNumber field, allowing specification of an account number that will own the invoice. If not set, the account that owns the order will also own the invoice.


  • Added support for orderDeltaQty field, which is an array of OrderDeltaQty objects. This includes validation to ensure the field is an array in the JSON data.


  • Added new properties: estimatedEndDate , estimatedStartDate , taxable , taxCode , and taxMode to the RatePlanChargeSegment model.
  • Implemented validation for taxCode and taxMode to ensure they are strings.


  • Added estimatedEndDate property of type String.
  • Added estimatedStartDate property of type String.
  • Added taxable property of type Boolean.
  • Added taxCode property of type String.
  • Added taxMode property of type String.


  • Added originalListPrice property to RatePlanChargeTier, allowing developers to access the original list price of a product or service.


  • Added a new property writeOffResults to the Refund model, allowing developers to access write-off results associated with a refund.


  • Added support for writeOffResults in the RefundResponse model, allowing developers to handle write-off results in refund operations.


  • The entire SettingSourceComponentResponse class has been removed, which will cause compatibility issues for any code relying on this class.


  • The entire TemplateDetailResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • The entire TemplateMigrationClientRequest class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • The entire TemplateResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Changed the type of ProductRatePlanChargeTierData from an array of ProductRatePlanChargeTier to ProductRatePlanChargeTierData . This may require updates to how this data is handled in existing implementations.


  • Added taxAutoCalculation property to WriteOffInvoiceRequest to enable automatic tax calculation in credit memos.