Java client library 3.3.0 changelog


  • Added new API integrations: DataLabelingApi, DeploymentApi, DeploymentConfigurationTemplatesApi, and OmniChannelSubscriptionsApi.
  • Introduced a new method retryOnConnectionFailure to configure HTTP client behavior regarding connection failures.
  • Added support for new environments: CSBX_AP and PROD_AP .


  • Added a new method transferContact to transfer a contact to another account under the same hierarchy. This includes the creation of a new API endpoint /v1/contacts/{contactId}/transfer .


  • Parameter names partid and itempartid have been renamed to partId and itemPartId respectively. Developers will need to update their code to use the new parameter names.


  • Added attachInvoiceSchedule method to attach charges to an invoice schedule.
  • Added detachInvoiceSchedule method to detach charges from an invoice schedule.


  • Added support for querying Invoice Schedules with new methods queryInvoiceScheduleByKey and queryInvoiceSchedules .
  • Introduced new expand options for querying accounts, credit memo items, debit memo items, invoice items, payments, payment schedule items, and subscriptions.
  • Added support for querying Rating Details with new methods queryRatingDetailByKey and queryRatingDetails .


  • Added asynchronous delete order functionality with the method deleteOrderAsynchronously .


  • Added createPredebitNotification method to trigger a pre-debit notification for an invoice, applicable only for the Adyen payment gateway.
  • Introduced CreatePredebitNotificationApi class to facilitate building and executing pre-debit notification requests.


  • Renamed parameters partid and itempartid to partId and itemPartId respectively in several methods. This change requires developers to update their code to use the new parameter names.


  • Added a new method updateProductRatePlanChargeFinanceInformation to update finance information for a specific Product Rate Plan Charge Key in Zuora Billing.
  • Introduced a new class UpdateProductRatePlanChargeFinanceInformationApi to facilitate the update of finance information with various optional parameters.


  • Method parameter names have been changed from camelCase to PascalCase (e.g., itempartid to itemPartId ). This may require updates to method calls in existing code.


  • The entire AsyncOrderResultSubscriptionStatus class has been removed, which will cause compilation errors for any code that references this class.


  • The class AsyncOrderResultSubscriptions has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • Added a new field condition of type Condition to the BillRunFilter class.
  • Added a new field objectType of type ObjectTypeEnum to the BillRunFilter class.
  • Introduced ObjectTypeEnum enum with values ACCOUNT, SUBSCRIPTION, and RATEPLANCHARGE.


  • Added support for excluding specific charge types from billing document generation with the new chargeTypeToExclude field.


  • Added a new field ignoreArchivedFiles to control whether to skip archived PDF files in the output. Setting it to true will skip archived files, while setting it to false will throw an error if archived files are encountered. The default value is false .


  • Added a new Boolean field taxable to indicate if a charge is taxable. When set to true, taxCode and taxMode are required.
  • Introduced a new LocalDate field estimatedStartDate to represent the estimated start date of a charge. This is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added a new field originalListPrice to the ChargeTier class, allowing developers to set and retrieve the original list price of a product or service.


  • Added a new field estimatedStartDate to the ChargeUpdate class, which represents the estimated start date of the charge. This field is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • The entire CompareSchemaInfoResponse class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • Added support for accountMaskNumber field, allowing developers to handle masked account numbers in payment methods.


  • The type of the version field has been changed from Float to String. This may require developers to update their code to handle the version field as a String instead of a Float.


  • The type of the version field has been changed from Float to String. This change requires developers to update their code to handle version as a String instead of a Float.


  • Changed the type of recordCount from String to BigDecimal, which may require developers to update their code to handle the new data type.


  • Added a new field estimatedStartDate to the CreateOrderChargeUpdate class, allowing developers to specify the estimated start date of a charge. This feature is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added invoiceOwnerAccountNumber field to specify the account number that will own the invoice.
  • Added uniqueToken field to set a unique value for more than one create subscription order action within the same order.


  • Added a new field uniqueToken to the CreateOrderOrderLineItem class, allowing developers to set a unique token for order line items within the same order.


  • Removed validation that required the status field to be a primitive type in the JSON string. This may affect developers relying on this validation.


  • Added support for accountMaskNumber field, allowing developers to handle masked account numbers for payment methods.


  • Added accountMaskNumber field to store the masked account number of the payment method.
  • Introduced tokenize field to specify whether to tokenize the payment method.
  • Added tokens field of type PaymentMethodRequestTokens for handling tokens.


  • Added a new field gatewayOptions to the CreatePaymentSessionRequest class, allowing developers to specify additional options for the payment gateway.


  • Added support for write-off functionality with the introduction of the writeOff boolean field.
  • Introduced writeOffOptions field to specify options related to write-off operations.


  • The entire CreateTemplateRequestContent class has been removed, which will break any code that relies on this class.


  • Added a new field taxAutoCalculation to the CreditMemo class, allowing automatic tax calculation in credit memos.


  • Added a new field taxAutoCalculation to the CreditMemoResponse class, allowing automatic tax calculation in credit memos.


  • The type of the version field has been changed from Float to String. This change may require developers to update their code to handle the version field as a String instead of a Float.


  • Changed the type of recordCount from String to BigDecimal, which may require updates to code that interacts with this field.


  • Added new enum value CONDITIONALSUCCESS to EInvoiceStatus, allowing for more granular status reporting.


  • Added new field shipToId with associated methods for handling shipping contact ID.
  • Added new field shipTo with associated methods for handling shipping contact details.


  • Added new fields: asBillTo , asSoldTo , and asShipTo to the ExpandedContact class.


  • The type of the revenueImpacting field has been changed from Integer to String. This change may require developers to update their code to handle the new data type.
  • Added a new field shipToContactSnapshotId to the ExpandedCreditMemo class, allowing developers to set and retrieve the shipping contact snapshot ID.


  • Changed the type of revenueImpacting from Integer to String, which may require developers to update their code to handle this type change.
  • Added new field itemShipToContactId with associated methods.
  • Added new field shipToContactSnapshotId with associated methods.
  • Added new field subscriptionOwnerId with associated methods.
  • Added new field subscriptionOwner of type ExpandedAccount with associated methods.
  • Added new field creditTaxationItems of type List with associated methods.


  • Added new field shipToContactSnapshotId with associated methods.
  • Added new field soldToContactId with associated methods.


  • Added new field itemShipToContactId to represent the contact ID for shipping.
  • Introduced shipToContactSnapshotId to capture snapshot ID for shipping contact.
  • Added subscriptionOwnerId and subscriptionOwner fields to track subscription ownership details.
  • Included debitTaxationItems field to handle taxation items related to debit memos.


  • Added new fields shipToContactId and shipToContactSnapshotId to the ExpandedInvoice class.


  • Added new fields: itemShipToContactId , shipToContactSnapshotId , shipToContactId , subscriptionOwnerId , and subscriptionOwner .
  • Introduced methods to handle new fields: itemShipToContactId , shipToContactSnapshotId , shipToContactId , subscriptionOwnerId , and subscriptionOwner .


  • Added new field subscriptionNumber with associated methods.
  • Added new field shipToContactId with associated methods.
  • Added new field clearingExistingShipToContact with associated methods.


  • Added new fields: sequenceSetId , paymentTerm , invoiceTemplateId , shipToId , and shipToSnapshotId to the ExpandedOrderLineItem class.


  • Added new field isScheduled to track if an order is scheduled.
  • Added new field cancelReason to specify the reason for order cancellation.


  • Added a new field paymentScheduleItemPayments to the ExpandedPayment class, allowing developers to manage payment schedule item payments.


  • Added a new field paymentScheduleItemPayments to the ExpandedPaymentScheduleItem class, which is a list of ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment objects.
  • Introduced methods to manipulate paymentScheduleItemPayments : paymentScheduleItemPayments(List<ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment> paymentScheduleItemPayments) and addPaymentScheduleItemPaymentsItem(ExpandedPaymentScheduleItemPayment paymentScheduleItemPaymentsItem) .


  • Changed the type of billingPeriodEndDate and billingPeriodStartDate from String to LocalDate. This requires developers to update their code to handle LocalDate objects instead of Strings.


  • Added new fields estimatedStartDate and estimatedEndDate to the ExpandedRatePlanCharge class, allowing developers to set and retrieve estimated start and end dates for rate plan charges.


  • Added new fields shipToContactId and shipToContactSnapshotId to the ExpandedSubscription class.


  • Added a new field accountsReceivableDebitMemoAgingDetailExportFileId to the GetAccountingPeriodAllOfFieIdsResponse class.


  • The type of the result field has been changed from AsyncOrderJobResult to GetAsyncOrderJobResponseResult. This change requires developers to update their code to use the new type.


  • The type of the version field has been changed from Float to String. This change will require developers to update their code to handle version as a String instead of a Float.


  • Changed the type of recordCount from String to BigDecimal, which may require updates to code that interacts with this field.


  • Added support for skippedDocuments field, which includes a list of document IDs that were skipped during the bulk PDF generation job.


  • Added estimatedStartDate field to support Pending Charge Flexibility feature.
  • Introduced taxable field to indicate if a charge is taxable, available only with Taxation enabled.
  • Added taxMode field to specify the tax mode, available only with Taxation enabled.
  • Included taxCode field to define the tax code of a charge, available only with Taxation enabled.


  • Added a new field rateSetName to the GetCustomExchangeRatesType class, which represents the name of the rate set configured in the Finance Manage Currency Conversion settings for the Multi-Org feature.


  • Added new fields: estimatedEndDate , estimatedStartDate , taxable , taxCode , and taxMode to the GetSubscriptionRatePlanChargesWithAllSegments class.


  • Added a new field originalListPrice to the IntervalPricingTier class, allowing developers to access and set the original list price of a product or service.


  • The entire MigrationClientResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Added support for specifying an invoice owner account number with the new field invoiceOwnerAccountNumber .
  • Introduced a new field paymentProfile to include payment profile information in the subscription creation process.


  • Added a new field paymentProfile to the OrderActionOwnerTransfer class, allowing developers to associate a PaymentProfile with an order action.


  • Added support for custom fields in OrderActionRatePlanAmendment with a new Map<String, Object> customFields attribute.


  • Added a new field estimatedStartDate to the OrderActionRatePlanChargeOverride class. This field is available if the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added a new field estimatedStartDate to the OrderActionRatePlanChargeUpdate class, which is available if the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added a new field paymentProfile to the OrderActionTermsAndConditions class, allowing developers to associate a PaymentProfile with an order action.


  • Added a new field cardBinInfo of type PaymentMethodResponseCardBinInfo to the PaymentMethodResponse class.


  • Changed the type of the organizationLabels field from String to List , which may require updates to existing code that interacts with this field.
  • Added the addOrganizationLabelsItem method to facilitate adding individual OrganizationLabel items to the organizationLabels list.


  • The type of organizationLabels has been changed from String to List , which may require updates to existing code that interacts with this field.
  • Added a method addOrganizationLabelsItem to facilitate adding individual OrganizationLabel items to the organizationLabels list.


  • The class PostCompareTemplateRequest has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Added a new field isPending to the PreviewChargeMetrics class, allowing developers to track the pending status of a charge.


  • Added a new field chargeTypeToExclude to allow exclusion of specific charge types from the forecast run.
  • Introduced methods to manage chargeTypeToExclude , including chargeTypeToExclude(List<ChargeType>) and addChargeTypeToExcludeItem(ChargeType) .


  • Added new field estimatedStartDate to represent the estimated start date of the charge.
  • Introduced taxCode , taxMode , and taxable fields to handle tax-related information for charges.


  • Added a new field estimatedStartDate to the PreviewOrderChargeUpdate class. This field represents the estimated start date of the charge and is available when the Pending Charge Flexibility feature is enabled.


  • Added support for specifying an invoice owner account number with the new field invoiceOwnerAccountNumber . This allows setting a different account to own the invoice separate from the order owner.


  • Added support for handling orderDeltaQty with new methods to manage a list of OrderDeltaQty objects.


  • Added new fields: estimatedEndDate , estimatedStartDate , taxable , taxCode , and taxMode to the RatePlanChargeSegment class.


  • Added new fields: estimatedEndDate , estimatedStartDate , taxable , taxCode , and taxMode to the RatePlanChargeSegmentInfo class.


  • Added a new field originalListPrice to the RatePlanChargeTier class, allowing developers to access and set the original list price of a product or service.


  • Added a new field writeOffResults to the Refund class, allowing developers to handle write-off results associated with a refund.


  • Added a new field writeOffResults to the RefundResponse class, allowing developers to access write-off results related to a refund.


  • The class SettingSourceComponentResponse has been removed entirely, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • The entire class TemplateMigrationClientRequest has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • The entire TemplateResponse class has been removed, which will break any code relying on this class.


  • Changed the type of productRatePlanChargeTierData from List<ProductRatePlanChargeTier> to ProductRatePlanChargeTierData , which may require updates to code handling this data.
  • Removed the method addProductRatePlanChargeTierDataItem , which may affect code that adds individual items to productRatePlanChargeTierData .


  • Added a new field taxAutoCalculation to the WriteOffInvoiceRequest class, allowing automatic tax calculation in credit memos.

sdk/ZuoraClient (Quickstart API client)

  • The OkHttpClient instantiation has been removed from the fetchBearerToken method. Developers must now rely on the ApiClient`s HttpClient for making requests.
  • A new method getApiClient() has been added, allowing developers to access the ApiClient instance directly.