Quickstart API Changelog

From Zuora Release 2022.09.R1, the Quickstart API is available to customers with the Orders (or Order Harmonization) and Invoice Settlement features enabled. The Quickstart API allows new integrators to swiftly integrate with Zuora, and it supports essential business use cases.

This changelog outlines the latest API updates and resolved issues to the Quickstart API, and documentation updates to the Quickstart API Reference. We would love to hear your feedback on how we can improve it. If you have any comments on the Changelog for the Quickstart API, please send an e-mail to docs@zuora.com.

August 9, 2024

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For each of the following operations, corrected the HTTP status code for the success response from 200 to 201 :
    • Post an invoice
    • Unpost an invoice
  • In the "Preview an existing subscription" operation, updated the Java request sample.

July 15, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API update is available as of July 15, 2024.

  • Accounts - In the request body of the "Generate billing documents for an account" operation, updated the data type of the charges_excluded parameter from string to array of strings.

April 22, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of April 22, 2024.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following fields to the Order object:
      • scheduled_date
      • scheduled_date_policy

      They can be accessed through the following operations:

      • Create an order
      • List orders
      • Retrieve an order
    • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the following parameters:
      • scheduling_options
      • subscriptions > change_reason
      • processing_options > apply_credit
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body the "Update a subscription" operation, added the following parameters:
      • change_reason
      • add_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • add_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > prices > price_change_percentage
      • add_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > prices > price_change_option
      • remove_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • replace_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • replace_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > prices > price_change_percentage
      • replace_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > prices > price_change_option
      • update_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • renew > change_reason
      • renewals > change_reason
      • pause > change_reason
      • resume > change_reason
    • In the request body of the "Create a subscription" and "Update a subscription" operations, added the following request parameters:
      • change_reason
      • subscription_plans > prices > price_change_percentage
      • subscription_plans > prices > price_change_option
    • In the request body of the "Preview an existing subscription" operation, added the following parameters:
      • add_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • remove_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • replace_subscription_plans > change_reason
      • update_subscription_plans > change_reason
    • Added the subscription_plan_number field to the Subscription Plan object. It can be accessed through the following operations by setting the expand[]=subscription_plans query parameter:
      • Create a subscription
      • Activate a subscription
      • Pause a subscription
      • Cancel a subscription
      • Resume a subscription
      • Retrieve a subscription
      • List subscriptions
      • Update a subscription
      • List all versions of a subscription
  • Prices - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following fields to the Price object:
      • price_change_percentage
      • price_change_option
      • price_increase_option

      They can be accessed through the following operations:

      • Create a price
      • Retrieve a price
      • List prices
    • Added the following parameters to the request body of the "Create a price" and "Update a price" operations:
      • price_change_percentage
      • price_change_option
      • price_increase_option
  • Subscription Plans - Added the subscription_plan_number field to the Subscription Plan object. It can be accessed through the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription plan
    • List subscription plans
  • Usage Records - In the request body of the "Create a usage record" operation, added the subscription_item_number parameter.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of April 22, 2024.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • Only 3 price tiers was returned in the response of the Retrieving a price operation if the price contains more than 3 price tiers. Now it will return all tiers in this case.
  • When listing products with the exact match ( EQ ) filtering condition on the name field, no matching results were returned if the product name contained leading or trailing white spaces or other special characters. Now these products are correctly returned.
  • When retrieving a subscription , subscription_plans > subscription_plan_number was not returned as expected. This issue has been resolved and subscription_plan_number is returned as part of the Subscription Plan object.
  • If you did not specify a specific date when trying to downgrade a subscription plan using Update a subscription , the date for the new plan was incorrectly set by the system. This issue has been resolved and the date would be automatically set to the end of the billing period as designed.
  • When filtering payment methods with a specific state using the List payment methods operation, un expected error occurred. This issue has been resolved and the correct collection of payment methods is returned for this case.
  • When creating a price with a payload that doesn't contain the unit_amounts , amounts , or tiers field, an error occurred indicating that these mutually exclusive fields were provided.
  • When attempting to use the default payment gateway for an account by setting payment_gateway to null in the Update an account payload, you would run into an invalid_parameter error. This issue has been resolved and you can set payment_gateway to null to use the default payment gateway.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • In the response of List credit memo items operation, updated the credit_memo field as expandable. This field is returned only if you specify the expand[]=credit_memo query parameter.
  • In the response of List debit memo items operation, updated the debit_memo field as expandable. This field is returned only if you specify the expand[]=debit_memo query parameter.

January 24, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of Janurary 24, 2024.

  • Billing Documents and Billing Document Items - Moved all operations in these sections to the "Deprecated" category. If you have used these operations in your integration, you can continue to use them. However, these operations are no longer under active development.

January 10, 2024

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of Janurary 10, 2024.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the response body of the following operations, added the prepaid_balances field and deprecated the prepaid_balance field on the Subscription object:
      • Create a subscription
      • List subscriptions
      • Retrieve a subscription
      • Update a subscription
      • Pause a subscription
      • Resume a subscription
      • Cancel a subscription
      • Activate a subscription
      • List all versions of a subscription
    • Added the following query parameter to all Subscription operations:
      • prepaid_balances.fields[]
      • validity_period.fields[]
    • Added prepaid_balances as a supported value for the expand[] query parameter for the Subscription object. See Expand responses for details.
  • Invoices - For the "List invoices" operation, added support for filtering results by due_date . See Filter lists for details.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of Janurary 10, 2024.

We have resolved the following issue:

  • Previously, when using the page_size query parameter to retrieve the list of subscriptions for the "List orders" operation, not all results were returned. We have resolved this issue by unapplying the page_size parameter for this case.

December 20, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of December 20, 2023.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the response object of each of the "List subscriptions" and "Retrieve a subscription" operations, added the following fields:
      • cancel_reason
      • last_booking_date
    • In the request body and response in each of the following operations, added the currency field:
      • Create a subscription
      • Preview a subscription
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body and response of the "Create an order" operation, added the subscriptions > currency field.
    • In the request body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the subscriptions > currency parameter.
    • For the "Create an order" operation, updated the behavior of the subscriptions > subscription_number parameter. Now, if you specify an existing subscription_number in the request, the order will update that subscription. If the specified subscription_number does not exist in the tenant, a new subscription is created instead.
  • Invoices - In the request body and response of the "Create an invoice" operation, added the currency field.
  • Credit Memos - In the request body and response of the "Create a credit memo" operation, added the currency field.
  • Debit Memos - In the request body and response of the "Create a debit memo" operation, added the currency field.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of December 20, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When the request payload for the Create a payment run operation did not include bill_cycle_day , an unexpected error was thrown.
  • For the Create an order operation, the add_subscription_plan , update_subscription_plan , and replace_subscription_plan order actions did not include custom_fields .
  • When retrieving a custom object , if one of the fields was a reference to a Zuora object and the field name ended in Id__c , an unexpected error was sometimes thrown.

November 29, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of November 29, 2023.

  • Subscriptions - In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the start_on field and its nested fields, which allows you to update the contract effective date, service activation date, and customer acceptance date of the subscription.
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Update a payment method" operation, added the following fields:
    • gateway_id
    • gateway_options
  • Prices - In each of the following operations, added amounts as a supported value for the fields[] query parameter:
    • Create a price
    • Retrieve a price
    • List prices
    • Update a price
  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • For the "Create an order" operation, added the support for updating subscriptions for Pre-Rated Pricing charge models.
    • In the response body of each of the following operations:
      • Retrieve an order
      • List orders

      Made the following changes:

      • Increased the maximum number of subscriptions that can be retrieved for each order from 99 to 300.
      • Increased the maximum number of order actions across all subscriptions of each order from 99 to 300.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of November 29, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When retrieving usage overage prices using the "List Prices" operation or using prices as a value of the expand[] query parameter, the active currencies in unit_amounts were returned as null .
  • When creating an order, if the charge_model field of the price associated with a subscription item was volume or tiered , and the amount field was populated, an unexpected error occurred.
  • When retrieving payment methods using the "List payment methods" or "Retrieve a payment method" operation, if the payment method type was bacs_debit and the bank_code field was not specified, a 500 error occurred.
  • When retrieving a boolean-type custom field with a false value, the returned value might be true .
  • When retrieving invoices or debit memos of a specific state using the state filter, a 400 error occurred.
  • In the response body of the "List orders" operation, updated the description of the data > subscriptions > actions > type field to make it consistent with actual order action types.
  • In the response body of the "Retrieve an order" operation, updated the description of the subscriptions > actions > type field to make it consistent with actual order action types.

November 21, 2023

We have reverted all API documentation updates published on November 16, 2023, except for the resolved issue specific to the renewals and future-dated update_subscription_plan order actions.

These changes will be delivered in an upcoming release.

November 16, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of November 16, 2023.

  • Subscriptions - In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the start_on request parameter, which allows you to update the activation dates of the subscription.
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Update a payment method" operation, added the following request parameters:
    • gateway_id
    • gateway_options
  • Prices - In each of the following operations, added amounts as a supported value for the fields[] query parameter:
    • Create a price
    • Retrieve a price
    • List prices
    • Update a price

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of November 16, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When retrieving usage-based overage prices using the List Prices operation or when using prices as a value of the expand[] query parameter, the active currencies in unit_amounts were returned as null .
  • When creating an order that included renewals and a future-dated update_subscription_plan order action, an unexpected error was thrown.
  • When creating an order with the charge_model of the price associated with a subscription_item set to volume or tiered , an unexpected error was thrown and the amount field was populated even though it was not a valid parameter for these charge models.

November 8, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of November 8, 2023.

  • Orders - In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the following parameters:
    • subscriptions > remove_subscription_plans > unique_token
    • subscriptions > update_subscription_plans > start_date

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of November 8, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When updating a subscription plan against a specific subscription item using the creating an order operation, an error occurred indicating that the subscription item does not exist even though it indeed existed.
  • When you were adding future-dated product rate plans to a subscription using the creating an order operation, an error occurred.
  • When the process_options was left empty when you were creating an order , the 500 error response was returned.
  • When the API requests were submitted exceeding the rate limits, the 400 error response was returned instead of the expected 429 response.

October 19, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of October 19, 2023.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Update a subscription", added the renewals parameter to replace the renewal parameter.
    • In the request body of the "Create a subscription" operation, added the following parameters to support the Pre-Rated Per Unit Pricing charge model:
      • subscription_plans > prices > custom_field_total_amount
      • subscription_plans > prices > custom_field_per_unit_rate
  • Prices - In the request body of the "Create a price" operation, added the following parameters to support the Pre-Rated Per Unit Pricing charge model:
    • custom_field_total_amount
    • custom_field_per_unit_rate
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body and 200 response body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the line_items fields.
    • In the 200 response body of the "Preview an order" operation, added the subscriptions > actions > subscription_items > tcv field.
    • In the request body of the following operations, added the subscriptions > renewals parameter to replace the subscriptions > renewal parameter:
      • Create an order
      • Preview an order
    • In the 200 response body of the "Cancel an order" operation, added the following fields:
      • ar_transactions
      • write_offs

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of October 19, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When creating subscriptions for prices of the Multi-Attribute Pricing charge model using the Create an order operation, you might encounter the issue where an error was thrown.
  • When filtering results by end_date on the Product object, you might encounter the issue where the results were returned as if you were filtering on start_date . This issue has been resolved. In addition, we have enhanced our error handling mechanism for the filter[] query paramter. An error will be thrown with details about which filter parameters need to be edited.
  • When updating the included_units of an overage charge of a subscription item using the Create an order operation, the included_units were not updated successfully.
  • When you set email_zero_amount_invoices to true when creating a bill run , the result was that the zero-amount invoices were not emailed. On the contrary, setting it to false resulted that the zero-amount invoices were sent. This issue has been resolved and the behaviors for setting it to true and false are inverted.

September 25, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of September 25, 2023.

  • Prices - Made the following update:
    • Added the taxable field on the Price object. You can access this field or set this field through the following operations:
      • Create a price
      • Update a price
      • List prices
      • Retrieve a price
    • Added support for the day enum value for the recurring > interval field on the Price object for the following operations:
      • Create a price
      • Update a price
    • Enhanced the "Create a price" operation to support multiple-year intervals.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • Added the "Delete an order" operation.
    • Enhanced the "Create an order" operation to support creating subscriptions for overage price.
  • Bill Runs - Added the following parameters to the "Create a bill run" operation:
    • type
    • subscription_ids
  • Subscriptions - Added the prepaid_balance and contracted_mrr fields to the returned Subscription object in the response of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List subscriptions
    • List all versions of a subscription
    • Create a subscription
    • Update a subscription
    • Activate a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Pause a subscription

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of September 25, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When updating a payment method , if the billing_details > address > line1 and billing_details > address > line2 fields were specified in the request, the specified values were exchanged in the response.
  • When listing payments with the expand[]=payment_applied_to parameter, you might find that debit memos were unexpectedly included in the applied_to field, whereas the payment was never applied to debit memos in reality.

September 7, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of September 7, 2023.

  • Payment Schedules - Added a "Payment Schedules" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a payment schedule
    • Update a payment schedule
    • Retrieve a payment schedule
    • Cancel a payment schedule
  • Payment Schedule Items - Added a "Payment Schedule Items" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a payment schedule item
    • Update a payment schedule item
    • Retrieve a payment schedule item
    • Cancel a payment schedule item
    • Retry a payment schedule item
    • Skip a payment schedule item
  • Accounts - Added the fax nested parameter to the bill_to and sold_to parameters in the following operations:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • Subscriptions - For the expand[] query parameter of the Subscription operations, added invoice_items as a supported value to allow expanding invoice items.
  • Refunds - For the expand[] query parameter of the Refund operations, added the following supported values:
    • applied_to.payment
    • applied_to.items
  • Orders - Made the following updates to support prepaid products on the "Create an order" operation:
    • Support the term_end_day enum value for the following parameters:
      • subscriptions > subscription_plans > prices > recurring > recurring_on
      • subscriptions > add_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > prices > recurring > recurring_on
      • subscriptions > update_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > subscription_items > recurring > recurring_on
      • subscriptions > replace_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > prices > recurring > recurring_on
    • Support the term_end enum value for the following parameters:
      • subscriptions > subscription_plans > prices > recurring > alignment_behavior
      • subscriptions > add_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > prices > recurring > alignment_behavior
      • subscriptions > update_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > subscription_items > recurring > alignment_behavior
      • subscriptions > replace_subscription_plans > subscrption_plan > prices > recurring > alignment_behavior
  • We have enhanced custom_fields to allow being defined as any data type on all objects. Previously it could only be defined as the string type.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of September 7, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When creating an order with custom fields on the Order Action object specified, the request succeeded but the Order Action custom fields were not populated. We have resolved this issue to support custom fields on the Order Action object.
  • When creating an order with the state parameter set to draft , an error would occur indicating that processing_options was not supported even if you did not specify the processing_option parameter.

August 22, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of August 22, 2023.

  • Bill Runs - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create a bill run" operation, added the name parameter.
    • In the 200 response body of the following operations, added the name field to the returned Bill Run object:
      • Create a bill run
      • Retrieve a bill run
      • List bill runs
  • Invoices - In the 200 response body of the following operations, added the sold_to_id and sold_to fields to the returned Invoice object:
    • Create an invoice
    • Retrieve an invoice
    • List invoices
    • Update an invoice
    • Reverse an invoice
    • Post an invoice
    • Unpost an invoice
    • Pay an invoice
    • Cancel an invoice
  • Subscriptions - In the 200 response body of the following operations, added the sold_to_id and sold_to fields to the returned Subscription object:
    • Create a subscription
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List subscriptions
    • Update a subscription
    • Pause a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Activate a subscription
    • List all versions of a subscription
  • Taxation Items - In the request body of the "Create a taxation item" operation, updated the invoice_item_id parameter from optional to required.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of August 22, 2023.

We have resolved the following issue:

  • When creating termed subscriptions using the Create an order or Create a subscription operation without the renewal_term parameter specified, you might receive misleading API error messages. We have enhanced the error handling for such a case to clearly indicate that the renewal_term field is required when initial_term.type is termed .

May 31, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of May 31, 2023.

Enhancements for the Prepaid Drawdown feature

  • Prices - Added prepayment and drawdown fields to the Price object. The following operations are affected:
    • Create a price
    • List prices
    • Retrieve a price
    • Update a price
  • Subscription Items - In the response body of the "List subscription items" operation, added the prepayment and drawdown nested fields to the price field.

Other enhancents

  • Prices - Added the stacked_discount and revenue_recognition_rule fields to the Price object to support the stacked discount charges. The following operations are affected:
    • Create a price
    • Update a price
    • List prices
    • Retrieve a price
  • Refunds - In the request body of the "Create a refund" operation, added the credit_memo field to support creating a refund for a credit memo.
  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • For the expand[] query parameter of the "List all versions of a subscription" operation, added order as a supported value to allow expanding on orders.
    • For the expand[] query parameter of all Subscriptions operations, added invoice_owner_account as a supported value to support expanding on invoice owner account details.
  • Payment Methods - Made the following updates:
    • Added the apple_pay and google_pay fields to the Payment Method object. The following operations are affected:
      • Create a payment method
      • Retrieve a payment method
      • List payment methods
      • Update a payment method
      • Verify a payment method
    • Added the cc_ref > card field to the Payment Method object. The following operations are affected:
      • Create a payment method
      • Retrieve a payment method
      • List payment methods
      • Update a payment method
      • Verify a payment method
  • Orders - In the response body of all Orders operations, added the next_page nested field to the subscriptions > actions > subscription_plans field.
  • Usage Records - For the "Create a usage record" operation, added subscription_number as a filterable field for the filter[] query parameter. See Filter Lists for more information.
  • Add support for the IN operator for the filter[] query parameter to allow filtering on one field with multiple values. For more information about how to use this operator, see Filter Lists .
  • The default page_size for all List endpoints are now updated to 30. Previously, it was not consistent across the objects.
  • The maximum page_size value has been updated to 99. Previously, up to 50 records were allowed.
  • Added support for specifying the fields of the top-level resource without specifying the object name. Previously, it was required that you specify the top level object name such as account.fields[] when submitting the "List accounts" request. Either account.fields[] or fields[] are now allowed to achieve the same result.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of May 31, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • The account_number field was not supported as the path parameter for the "Preview an account" operation.
  • When fetching a tiered with overage price or subscription item, an empty tier was returned in the tier list.

April 26, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of April 26, 2023.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following updates:
    • Added the "List all versions of a subscription" operation.
    • In the request body of the "Cancel a subscription" operation, added the following fields to support the canceling a subscription with write-off use case:
      • write_off
      • write_off_behavior
    • In the request body of the "Create a subscription" operation, added the subscription_plans > plan_number field.
    • In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the following fields:
      • add_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > plan_number
      • replace_subscription_plans > subscription_plan > plan_number
  • Orders - In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the following fields:
    • subscriptions > subscription_plans > plan_number
    • subscriptions > add_subscription_plans > plan_number
    • subscriptions > replace_subscription_plans > subscription_plans > plan_number
  • Plans - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the plan_number field:
      • Create a plan
      • Update a plan
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the plan_number field:
      • Retrieve a plan
      • List plans
  • Added the following headers to all operations:
    • zuora-org-id
    • zuora-return-nested-orgs-data

April 18, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed, as well as general API enhancements.

The following API updates are available as of April 18, 2023.

  • Added the <object>.fields[] query parameter to all operations to support returning only the intended fields in the response.
  • Fulfillments - Added the "Fulfillments" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a fulfillment
    • Create fulfillments
    • Retrieve a fulfillment
    • List fulfillments
    • Update a fulfillment
    • Delete a fulfillment
  • Fulfillment Items - Added the "Fulfillment Items" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a fulfillment item
    • Create fulfillment items
    • Retrieve a fulfillment item
    • List fulfillment items
    • Update a fulfillment item
    • Delete a fulfillment item
  • Bill Run Previews - Added the "Bill Run Previews" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a bill run preview
    • Retrieve a bill run preview
  • Query Runs - Added the "Query Runs" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a query run
    • Retrieve a query run
    • Cancel a query run
  • Orders - Added the following operations:
    • Activate an order
    • Cancel an order
  • Payment Methods - Added the following operations:
    • Create a payment authorization
    • Cancel a payment authorization
  • Accounts - Made the following changes:
    • Added support for the account number to be used in the account_id path parameter:
      • Retrieve an account
      • Update an account
      • Delete an account
      • Generate billing document for an account
    • Added the following supported values for the expand[] query parameter on the Account object:
      • credit_memos
      • debit_memos
      • invoices
  • Invoices - Added support for the invoice number to be used in the invoice_id path parameter for the following operations:
    • Update an invoice
    • Post an invoice
    • Unpost an invoice

    Previously, only the invoice ID was allowed.

  • Payment Runs - Added summary as the supported value for the expand[] parameter to retrieve the payment run summary information.
  • Deprecated the balance field on the following objects and replaced it with the remaining_balance field:
    • Billing Document
    • Invoice
    • Credit Memo
    • Debit Memo

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of April 18, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • If there was incorrect user or tenant permission when using the Update a price operation to update a price, the internal server error was thrown.
  • When creating a contact or updating a contact , the specified nickname field was ignored.
  • When you attempted to make API calls without the Orders feature enabled for your tenant, an unclear error message was returned. We have enhanced error handling for this case.

March 13, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of March 13, 2023.

Enhancements for the Flexible Billing feature

Made the following changes to support the Flexible Billing feature:

  • Credit Memos - Added the following fields:
    • bill_to_id
    • bill_to (expandable)
    • billing_document_settings

    To the Credit Memo object in the response body of the following operations:

    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • List all credit memos
    • Create a credit memo
    • Update a credit memo
    • Apply a credit memo
    • Unapply a credit memo
    • Unpost a credit memo
    • Post a credit memo
    • Cancel a credit memo
  • Debit Memos - Added the following fields:
    • bill_to_id
    • bill_to (expandable)
    • billing_document_settings
    • payment_terms

    To the Debit Memo object in the response body of the following operations:

    • Retrieve a debit memo
    • List debit memos
    • Create a debit memo
    • Update a debit memo
    • Cancel a debit memo
    • Post a debit memo
    • Unpost a debit memo
    • Pay a debit memo
  • Invoices - Added the following fields:
    • bill_to_id
    • bill_to (expandable)
    • billing_document_settings
    • payment_terms

    To the Invoice object in the response body of the following operations:

    • Retrieve an invoice
    • List invoices
    • Create an invoice
    • Update an invoice
    • Reverse an invoice
    • Post an invoice
    • Cancel an invoice
    • Write off an invoice
  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • Added the following fields:
      • bill_to_id
      • billing_document_settings
      • payment_terms

      To the request body of the following operations:

      • Create a subscription
      • Preview a subscription
      • Update a subscription
    • Added the following fields:
      • bill_to_id
      • bill_to (expandable and read-only)
      • billing_document_settings
      • payment_terms

      To the Subscription object in the response body of the following operations:

      • Retrieve a subscription
      • List subscriptions
      • Create a subscription
      • Update a subscription
      • Pause a subscription
      • Resume a subscription
      • Cancel a subscription
      • Activate a subscription
      • Cancel a subscription

    Note that these fields are only applicable for new subscriptions, or updating a subscription when changing terms, invoice owners, or renewals.

  • Orders - Made the following changes:
    • Added the following nested fields:
      • subscriptions > bill_to_id
      • subscriptions > billing_document_settings
      • subscriptions > payment_terms

      To the request body of the following operations:

      • Create an order
      • Preview an order
    • Added the following nested fields:
      • subscriptions > bill_to_id
      • subscriptions > bill_to (expandable and read-only)
      • subscriptions > billing_document_settings
      • subscriptions > payment_terms

      To the Order object in the response body of the following operations:

      • List orders
      • Retrieve an order
      • Create an order
      • Preview an order

    Note that these fields are only applicable for new subscriptions, or updating a subscription when changing terms, invoice owners, or renewals.

Other API enhancements

  • Payment Runs - Added the "Payment Runs" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a payment run
    • List payment runs
    • Retrieve a payment run
    • Update a payment run
    • Delete a payment run
  • Subscriptions - Added the following operation:
    • Preview an existing subscription
    • List subscription items
  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • Added the canceled_time supported value to the state_transitions field of the Invoice object.
    • Changed the following state field enum values for the Invoice object:
      • Updated open to posted
      • Updated uncollectible to canceled
  • Debit Memos and Credit Memos - Made the following value changes for the state field for the Credit Memo and Debit Memo objects:
    • Updated open to posted
    • Updated uncollectible to canceled
  • Payment Methods - Added other to the type field enum values of the Payment Method object to indicate external payment methods.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of March 13, 2023.

We have resolved the following issue:

  • The description on an account could not be successfully updated when using the Update an account operation.
  • When you were using the Uncancel a subscription operation, an unexpected error would be thrown if the cancellation was created within around 2 seconds of the subscription creation. We have resolved this issue by ensuring that the subscription can be successfully updated and enhancing the error message.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added all error responses to all operations.

March 7, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of March 7, 2023.

  • Invoices - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Email an invoice
      • Write off an invoice
    • In the "List invoice items" operation, added the line_item expand[] parameter to support expanding order line items on invoice items.
  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the subscription > term nested field to support changing terms and conditions in an order.
    • In the following operations, added the account and line_items.invoice_items expand[] parameters:
      • List orders
      • Create an order
      • Retrieve an order
  • Usage Records - In the following operations, added the account expand[] parameter to support expanding account data on usage records:
    • Create a usage record
    • Retrieve a usage record
    • List usage records
    • Update a usage record
  • Accounts - In the following operations, added the usage_records expand[] parameter to support expanding usage records on accounts:
    • Create an account
    • List all accounts
    • Retrieve an account
    • Update an account

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of March 7, 2023.

We have resolved the following issue:

  • An unexpected error was thrown if you attempted to create a refund for an existing payment using Create a refund when the Invoice Settlement feature was not enabled.

February 27, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of February 27, 2023.

  • Bill Runs - Added the "Bill Runs" section with the following operations:
    • Create a bill run
    • Retrieve a bill run
    • List bill runs
    • Update a bill run
    • Delete a bill run
    • Post a bill run
    • Cancel a bill run
  • Taxation Items - Added the "Taxation Items" section with the following operations:
    • Create a taxation item
    • Retrieve a taxation item
    • List taxation items
    • Update a taxation item
    • Delete a taxation item
  • Usage Records - Added the "Usage Records" section with the following operations:
    • Create a usage record
    • Retrieve a usage record
    • List usage records
    • Update a usage record
    • Delete a usage record
  • Invoices - Added the following operations:
    • Update an invoice
    • Reverse an invoice
    • Pay an invoice
    • Delete an invoice
  • Debit Memos - Added the following operations:
    • Update a debit memo
    • Pay a debit memo
    • Cancel a debit memo
    • Delete a debit memo
  • Credit Memos - Made the following updates:
    • Added the following operations:
      • Update a credit memo
      • Delete a credit memo
    • In the billing_documents > items nested field of the request body of the "Apply a credit memo" operation, added the following fields:
      • credit_memo_item_id
      • credit_memo_taxation_item_id
  • Payment Methods - Added the "Scrub a payment method" operation.

February 6, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of February 6, 2023.

  • Orders - Made the following updates:
    • Added the "List orders" operation.
    • In the subscription field in the request body of the "Create an order" operation, added the replace_subscription_plans nested field.
  • Subscriptions - In the request body of the "Update a subscription" operation, added the replace_subscription_plans field.
  • Invoices - Added the following operations:
    • List invoice items
    • Post an invoice
    • Unpost an invoice
    • Cancel an invoice
  • Debit Memos - Added the following operations:
    • List debit memo items
    • Post a debit memo
    • Unpost a debit memo
  • Payment Methods - Added the "Verify a payment method" operation.
  • Refunds - Added the following operations:
    • Delete a refund
    • Cancel a refund
  • For all GET methods that retrieve a single object, added the page_size query parameter.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of February 6, 2023.

We have resolved the following issues:

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the request and response payload examples to each of the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Preview an order

January 16, 2023

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of January 16, 2023.

  • Orders - Added the "Orders" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create an order
    • Preview an order
    • Retrieve an order
  • Invoices - Added the "Invoices" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create an invoice
    • Retrieve an invoice
    • List all invoices
  • Credit Memos - Added the "Credit Memos" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a credit memo
    • Apply a credit memo
    • Unapply a credit memo
    • Post a credit memo
    • Unpost a credit memo
    • Retrieve a credit memo
    • List all credit memos
  • Debit Memos - Added the "Debit Memos" section that contains the following operations:
    • Create a debit memo
    • Retrieve a debit memo
    • List all debit memos
  • Accounts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, added the sales_rep field:
      • Create an account
      • Update an account
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, added the sales_rep field:
      • Retrieve an account
      • List all accounts
  • Added the following query parameters to the List operations on all objects:
    • page_size
    • sort[]

December 20, 2022

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of December 20, 2022.

  • Contacts - Made the following updates:
    • Added the "Scrub a contact" operation.
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, renamed the nick_name field to nickname :
      • Create a contact
      • Update a contact
    • In the 200 response of each of the following operations, renamed the nick_name field to nickname :
      • Create a contact
      • Update a contact
      • Retrieve a contact
      • List all contacts

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of December 20, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • An issue that prevented you from setting the state field of a tax certificate to verified using the following operations:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • An issue that prevented you from specifying the sales representative associated with an account using one of the following operations:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • An issue that prevented you from setting the reason_code field when creating credit memos from invoices, using the "Create a billing document" operation.
  • An unexpected error was thrown when running a workflow with the required parameters using the "Run a workflow" operation.

December 9, 2022

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of December 9, 2022.

We have resolved the following issue:

  • In the response body of each of the following operations, some fields on the custom object were not returned:
    • List custom objects
    • Create a custom object
    • Retrieve a custom object
    • Update a custom object

December 5, 2022

API Updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of December 5, 2022.

  • In all "Create" and "Update" requests of Zuora standard objects, added the expand[] query parameter. It allows you to expand related objects when creating or updating an object, and the related objects will be expanded in the response.
  • Payment Methods - In the request body of the "Create a payment method" operation, updated the account_id field to an optional field.
  • Custom Objects - In the following operations, added the expand[] query parameter:
    • Retrieve a custom object
    • List custom objects Note that you can expand Zuora objects to related custom objects by specifying the custom objects' plural names.
  • Subscriptions - In the filter[] query parameter of the following operations, added support for filtering by end_date :
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List all subscriptions

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of December 5, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • When the apply field was set to true in the request body of the "Create a billing document" operation, the credit memo was not automatically applied.
  • The price_id field on the billing document item was not returned in the response body of the following operations:
    • List billing document items
    • Retrieve a billing document
    • List all billing documents
  • When the account_data field was specified in the request body of the "Preview a subscription" operation, an error occurred.

November 21, 2022

API changes

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of November 21, 2022.

  • Contacts - Made the following updates:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, renamed the nickname field to nick_name :
    • Create a contact
    • Update a contact
    • In the 200 response of each of the following operations, renamed the nickname field to nick_name :
    • Create a contact
    • Update a contact
    • Retrieve a contact
    • List all contacts
  • Refunds - In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the comment field:
    • Create a refund
    • Update a refund
    • Retrieve a refund
    • List all refunds

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of November 21, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • The updated_time field of the Billing Document Item object was not returned in the 200 response body of the following operations:
    • Create a billing document
    • Retrieve a billing document
    • List all billing documents
    • List billing document items
  • The reason_code field of the Billing Document object was not returned in the 200 response body of the following operations:
    • Create a billing document
    • Retrieve a billing document
    • List all billing documents
  • The description field of the Refund object was not returned in the 200 response of the following operations:
    • Create a refund
    • Update a refund
    • Retrieve a refund
    • List all refunds
  • The active_currencies field of the Plan object was not returned in the 200 response body of the following operations:
    • Create a plan
    • Update a plan
    • Retrieve a plan
    • List all plans
  • If you specified an unknown field called payment_gateway in the request using the “Create a payment method” operation, this field was incorrectly identified as the gateway_id field instead of payment_gateway in the error response.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Updated the description of the Quickstart API Reference to highlight that the following features must be enabled to use the Quickstart API:
    • Orders or Orders Harmonization
    • Invoice Settlement
  • Removed the misdocumented account_number from the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • Create a subscription
    • Update a subscription
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List all subscriptions
    • Pause a subscription
    • Resume a subscription
    • Cancel a subscription
    • Activate a subscription
    • Preview a subscription
  • In the request body of the "Create a billing document" operation, updated the description of the following fields:
    • reason_code
    • invoice_id
    • exclude_from_auto_apply_rules
    • items > document_item_date
    • items > name

November 7, 2022

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • For the "Create a custom object" operation, added the missing definition for the custom_object_type path parameter.
  • For the "Create a subscription" operation, corrected the request sample of the JSON payload.
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription plan
    • List all subscription plans
  • Removed the following redundant fields:
    • plan
    • product

October 24, 2022

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of October 24, 2022.

  • Subscriptions - Added the "Preview a subscription" operation. This operation allows you to preview the charge metrics and invoice items of a subscription.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of October 24, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • An issue where the state field of the subscription item was set to expired when the subscription item was still active. This issue applied to the following operations:
    • Retrieve a subscription
    • List all subscriptions
    • Retrieve a subscription plan
    • List all subscription plans
  • An issue that prevented you from successfully specifying the following fields on a contact using the Create a contact operation:
    • home_phone
    • tax_region
    • nickname
    • other_phone

October 17, 2022

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of October 17, 2022.

  • Subscriptions - Made the following changes:
    • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations, added the version field that can be used in the filter[] query parameter to filter subscriptions:
      • Retrieve a subscription
      • Update a subscription
      • List all subscriptions
      • Create a subscription
      • Pauses a subscription
      • Resume a subscription
      • Cancel a subscription
      • Activate a subscription
    • In the request body of the "Resume a subscription" operation, added the resume_at field that allows you to resume a paused subscription from the pause date.
  • Products - In the request body of the "Update a product" operation, added the sku field.
  • Custom Objects - In the "List custom objects" operation, removed the expand[] and filter[] query parameters.
  • In all requests, added the following header parameters to support request and response compression:
    • Content-Encoding
    • Accept-Encoding

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of October 17, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • A 400 error was returned when you attempted to create a subscription with an invalid start_date field using the Create a subscription operation
  • An issue that prevented you from using the parent_account_id field in the filter[] query parameter to filter accounts using the List all accounts operation
  • An incomplete response was returned when you attempted to create a subscription by specifying mutually exclusive fields, account_id and account_data , using the Create a subscription operation

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the "Request and Response Compression" section.
  • In the 200 response body of each of the following operations:
    • Retrieve a payment
    • Update a payment
    • List all payments
    • Create a payment
    • Cancel a payment
    • Apply a payment
    • Unapply a payment

    Corrected the description of the following fields:

    • state_transitions > canceled_time
    • gateway_state_transitions > marked_for_submission_time
    • gateway_state_transitions > settled_time
    • gateway_state_transitions > submitted_time

September 30, 2022

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of September 30, 2022.

  • Prices  - Made the following changes: 
    • In the following places:
      • The request body of the "Create a price" operation
      • The request body of the "Update a price" operation
      • The response body of the "Retrieve a price" operation
      • The response body of the "List all prices" operation

      Made the following changes:

      • Updated the following fields as deprecated:
        • recognized_revenue_accounting_code
        • deferred_revenue_accounting_code
      • Moved the following fields within the  revenue  field as nested fields:
        • exclude_item_booking_from_revenue_accounting
        • exclude_item_booking_from_revenue_accounting
    • In the response body of each of the following operations, updated the  active  field as deprecated:
      • Retrieve a price
      • List all prices
  • Billing Document Items  - In the "List billing document items" operation, enhanced the  expand[]  query parameter to support expanding the associated billing documents.
  • Subscriptions  - In the request body of the "Pause a subscription" operation, updated the processing logic of the  pause_interval  and  pause_interval_count  fields. They now define the period where the subscription is paused. Previously they were used to define the period before the pause begins.
  • Plans  - In the request body of the "Create a plan" operation, updated the processing logic of the start_date  and  end_date  fields. If the  start_date  and  end_date  fields are not specified in the request, they are automatically set based on the  start_date  and  end_date  of the parent product of this plan.
  • Added the  idempotency-key  header parameter to all POST and PATCH operations
  • Enhanced error handling by providing the  invalid_parameter  error code consistently in the error response for all operations.\

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of September 30, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • An unhelpful error message was returned when creating an evergreen subscription with the  auto_renew  field set to  true  using the  Create a subscription  operation.
  • An unexpected  invalid_value  error code was returned when creating a subscription with the initial term set as the  evergreen  type and with  interval_count  and  interval  specified in the request body of the  Create a subscription  operation.
  • The  created_timeupdated_timecreated_by_id , and  updated_by_id  fields were not returned in the response of the  Create a subscription  operation.
  • The created payment method was unexpectedly set as the default payment method for an account using the  Create a payment method  operation.
  • Some fields in the response were returned as  null  even though the payment method was created successfully using the  Create a payment method  operation.
  • A 500 error was returned when you were deleting a product using the  Delete a product  operation.
  • An issue that prevented you from updating an ACH payment method using the  Update a payment method  operation.
  • An issue that prevented you from applying the  tax_identifier  field to an account using the  Create an account  operation.

Doc updates

This section lists the documentation updates that were made in this version of the API Reference.

  • Added the "Idempotent Requests" section.
  • In the request body of the "Pause a subscription" operation, updated the description of the  pause_at  field to indicate that it can be used to pause a subscription on a specific date or pause from the end of the current invoice period.
  • In the request body of the "Update an account" operation, removed the incorrect  currency  field.
  • In the request body of the "Create an account" operation, updated the description of the  currency  field.

September 20, 2022

API updates

This section lists operations and fields that were added, changed, or removed.

The following API updates are available as of September 20, 2022.

  • Accounts - Removed the account_id nested field from the bill_to and sold_to fields in the request body of each of the following operations:
    • Create an account
    • Update an account
  • Refunds - Made the following changes:
    • In the request body of each of the following operations, removed the transfer_to_accounting field:
      • Create a refund
      • Update a refund
    • In the response schema of each of the following operations, removed the transferred_to_accounting field:
      • List all refunds
      • Retrieve a refund
    • Added the "Update a refund" operation.
  • Payments - Made the following changes:
    • Added the "Unapply a payment" operation.
    • In the request body of the "Create a payment" operation, added the gateway_options field.
  • For all DELETE operations, we now return the 204 No Content status code for successful requests.

Resolved issues

This section lists the issues that have been resolved as of September 20, 2022.

We have resolved the following issues:

  • An issue that prevented you from updating a tiered price using the Update a price operation
  • An issue that prevented you from creating a refund from an invoice using the Create a refund operation
  • An issue that prevented you from creating a refund with the statement_descriptor_phone field specified using the Create a refund operation
  • An issue that prevented you from creating a billing document with the taxation_items field specified using the Create a billing document operation
  • An issue that prevented you from creating a credit memo from an invoice using the Create a billing document operation
  • An issue that prevented you from creating a credit memo while excluding the credit memo from being automatically applied to future charges using the Create a billing document operation
  • An issue that prevented you from paging through subscription plans in the response for the List all subscriptions and Retrieve a subscription operations
  • An incorrect response code was returned when retrieving a billing document with an unknown identifier using the Retrieve a billing document operation