Set up your product catalog
Products describe the goods or services you offer to your customers. Each product has a unique ID and SKU.
Plans are collections of prices. While products help you track inventory or provisioning, plans and prices help you track payment terms.
Prices determine how you charge your customers for the product they subscribe to. Since products allow you to track inventory and provisioning you can change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.
Create products, plans, and prices
Different physical goods or levels of service are represented by products, and pricing and billing cycle options are represented by prices grouped together in a plan. For example, you offer a single "Gold" product, and it has two plans - monthly plan and yearly plan. Each plan has a price for $100 for the monthly plan, and $1000 year for the yearly plan.
You can easily create prices without explicitly specifying the type of the price. Based on the fields you specified, the type of the price is automatically identified and determined. For example, if you want to create per-unit prices, you only need to specify the following required fields, then Zuora will automatically create a per-unit price for you:
field.To create a usage-based price that charges your customers based on their usage of your products or service, the required fields you should specify only include:
Create flat fee prices
Many businesses offer their customers a choice of service options, a model called good-better-best. If you want to offer three different service levels: Basic, Growth, and Enterprise, and offer a monthly or a yearly price for each service level. The following table is what that would look like on Zuora:
Basic | Growth | Enterprise |
$10/mo. or $100/yr. | $20/mo. or $200/yr. | $75/mo. or $850/yr. |
For these products, we can break down them as follows:
Product | Product | Product |
Basic | Growth | Enterprise |
Plan 1 | Plan 1 | Plan 1 |
Basic Monthly | Growth Monthly | Enterprise Monthly |
Price 1 | Price 1 | Price 1 |
$10 monthly | $20 monthly | $75 monthly |
Plan 2 | Plan 2 | Plan 2 |
Basic Yearly | Growth Yearly | Enterprise Yearly |
Price 2 | Price 2 | Price 2 |
$100 yearly | $220 yearly | $850 yearly |
The following code examples show how to create a good-better-best model on Zuora for the Basic product and its plans and prices. You can reference the following code samples and create products, plans, and prices for Growth and Enterprise products.
- Create a Basic product for the Basic service level.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic", "description": "Basic Product", "start_date": "2022-04-01", "end_date": "2032-04-01" }'
ProductCreateRequest productRequest = new ProductCreateRequest() .name('Basic') .startDate('2022-04-01') .endDate('2032-04-01') .description('Basic Product'); Product basicProduct = zuoraClient.products().createProduct(productRequest);
const productRequest = { name: 'Basic', description: 'Basic Product', start_date: '2022-04-01', end_date: '2032-04-01', }; const basicProduct = await zuoraClient.products.createProduct(productRequest);
- Create a Basic Monthly plan for the Basic product.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic Monthly", "product_id": "2c94a116ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8377e1", "description": "Monthly plan of the Basic product", "start_date": "2022-04-01", "end_date": "2032-04-01" }'
PlanCreateRequest monthlyPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest() .name('Basic Monthly') .productId(basicProduct.getId()) .startDate('2022-04-01') .endDate('2032-04-01') .description('Monthly plan of the Basic product') Plan basicMonthlyPlan = zuoraClient.plans().createPlan(monthlyPlanRequest);
const monthlyPlanRequest = { name: 'Basic Monthly', product_id:, description: 'Monthly plan of the Basic product', start_date: '2022-04-01', end_date: '2032-04-01', }; const basicMonthlyPlan = await zuoraClient.plans.createPlan(monthlyPlanRequest);
- Create a Basic Monthly Fee price for the Basic Monthly plan.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic Monthly Fee", "plan_id": "2c921528ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8362f2", "description": "Monthly fee of the Basic Monthly plan", "amounts": { "USD": 10 }, "recurring": { "on": "account_cycle_date", "interval": "month", "timing": "in_advance" }, "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "billing_period", "deferred_revenue_accounting_code": "Credit Card", "recognized_revenue_accounting_code": "Credit Card" }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> monthlyAmounts = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>(){{ put("USD", new BigDecimal("10.0")); }}; PriceCreateRequest monthlyPriceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .amounts(monthlyAmounts) .name("Basic Monthly Fee") .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.BILLING_PERIOD) .planId(basicMonthlyPlan.getId()) .description("Monthly fee of the Basic Monthly plan") .recurring(new Recurring() .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) .interval(IntervalEnum.MONTH) .timing(TimingEnum.ADVANCE) ) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE) .deferredRevenueAccountingCode("Credit Card") .recognizedRevenueAccountingCode("Credit Card"); Price baseMonthlyPrice = zuoraClient.prices().postPrice(monthlyPriceRequest);
const monthlyPriceRequest = { name: 'Basic Monthly Fee', amounts: { USD: 10 }, recurring: { on: 'account_cycle_date', interval: 'month', timing: 'in_advance', }, plan_id:, description: 'Monthly fee of the Basic Monthly plan', start_event: 'contract_effective', price_base_interval: 'billing_period', }; const baseMonthlyPrice = await zuoraClient.prices.createPrice(monthlyPriceRequest);
- Create a Basic Yearly plan for the Basic product.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic Yearly", "product_id": "2c94a116ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8377e1", "description": "Yearly plan of the Basic product", "start_date": "2022-04-01", "end_date": "2032-04-01" }'
PlanCreateRequest yearlyPlanRequest = new PlanCreateRequest() .name('Basic Yearly') .productId(basicProduct.getId()) .startDate('2022-04-01') .endDate('2032-04-01') .description('Yearly plan of the Basic product'); Plan basicYearlyPlan = zuoraClient.plans().createPlan(yearlyPlanRequest);
const yearlyPlanRequest = { name: 'Basic Yearly', product_id:, description: 'Yearly plan of the Basic product', start_date: '2022-04-01', end_date: '2032-04-01', }; const basicYearlyPlan = await zuoraClient.plans.createPlan(yearlyPlanRequest);
- Create a Basic Yearly Fee price for the Basic Yearly plan.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic Yearly Fee", "plan_id": "8ad08aef81375b10018137f8659d4e1e", "description": "Yearly fee of the Basic Yearly plan", "amounts": { "USD": 100 }, "recurring": { "on": "account_cycle_date", "interval": "year", "timing": "in_advance" }, "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "billing_period", "deferred_revenue_accounting_code": "Credit Card", "recognized_revenue_accounting_code": "Credit Card" }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> yearlyAmounts = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>() {{ put("USD", new BigDecimal(100.0)); }}; PriceCreateRequest yearlyPriceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .amounts(yearlyAmounts) .name("Basic Yearly Fee") .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.BILLING_PERIOD) .planId(basicYearlyPlan.getId()) .description("Yearly fee of the Basic Yearly plan") .recurring(new Recurring() .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) .interval(IntervalEnum.YEAR) .timing(TimingEnum.ADVANCE) ) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE) .deferredRevenueAccountingCode("Credit Card") .recognizedRevenueAccountingCode("Credit Card"); Price baseYearlyPrice = zuoraClient.prices().postPrice(yearlyPriceRequest);
const yearlyPriceRequest = { name: 'Basic Yearly Fee', amounts: { USD: 100 }, recurring: { on: 'account_cycle_date', interval: 'year', timing: 'in_advance', }, plan_id: '8ad09fc284eac7840184f0bb12733cea', description: "Yearly fee of the Basic Yearly plan", start_event: "contract_effective", price_base_interval: "billing_period", }; const baseYearlyPrice = await zuoraClient.prices.createPrice(yearlyPriceRequest);
Create per-unit prices
For per-unit prices, the amount to charge is expressed as a price per unit. The price is calculated based on the quantity of a service or product purchased by the customer, where the total price charged per period would be the quantity multiplied by the per-unit price. An example of a per unit charge would be a software-as-a-service vendor that charges $50 per user per month for their service.
Suppose that you are offering the following product and price:
- Product: SaaS Service
- Plan: SaaS Service Monthly plan
- Price: $20 per unit per month
To create a per unit pricing model lie this on Zuora using the Products, Plans and Prices APIs:
- Create the per-unit productcURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "SaaS service", "description": "SaaS service charged on active users", "start_date": "2022-06-01", "end_date": "2032-06-01", }'
ProductCreateRequest productRequest = new ProductCreateRequest() .name('SaaS service') .startDate('2022-06-01') .endDate('2032-06-01') .description('SaaS service charged on active users'); Product newProduct = zuoraClient.products().createProduct(productRequest);
const productRequest = { name: 'SaaS service', description: 'SaaS service charged on active users', start_date: '2022-06-01', end_date: '2032-06-01', }; const newProduct = await zuoraClient.products.createProduct(productRequest); console.log(newProduct);
- Create the per-unit monthly plancURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "SaaS Service Monthly Plan", "product_id": "2c94a116ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8377e1", "description": "Monthly plan of the SaaS service", "start_date": "2022-06-01", "end_date": "2032-06-01" }'
PlanCreateRequest planRequest = new PlanCreateRequest() .name('SaaS Service Monthly Plan') .productId(newProduct.getId()) .startDate('2022-06-01') .endDate('2032-06-01') .description('Monthly plan of the SaaS Service') Plan newPlan = zuoraClient.plans().createPlan(planRequest);
const planRequest = { name: 'SaaS Service Monthly Plan', product_id:, description: 'Monthly plan of the SaaS Service', start_date: '2022-06-01', end_date: '2032-06-01', }; const newPlan = await zuoraClient.plans.createPlan(planRequest);
- Create a price for the monthly plancURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Monthly Per Unit Price", "unit_of_measure": "License", "unit_amounts": { "USD": 20 }, "recurring": { "interval": "month", "on": "account_cycle_date", "interval_count": "1", "timing": "in_advance" }, "plan_id": "2c921528ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8362f2", "description": "Monthly per unit price", "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "month", "quantity": 10, "recognized_revenue_accounting_code": "Service Revenue", "deferred_revenue_accounting_code": "Service Revenue" }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> unitAmount = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>().put("USD", new BigDecimal("20.00")); PriceCreateRequest priceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .unitAmounts(unitAmount) .unitOfMeasure("License") .name("Monthly Per Unit Price") .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.MONTH) .planId(newPlan.getId()) .description("Monthly per unit price") .recurring(new Recurring() .interval(IntervalEnum.MONTH) .intervalCount(1) .timing(TimingEnum.ADVANCE) .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) ) .quantity(new BigDecimal("10")) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE) .recognizedRevenueAccountingCode("Service Revenue") .deferredRevenueAccountingCode("Service Revenue"); Price newPrice = zuoraClient.prices().postPrice(priceRequest);
const priceRequest = { name: 'Monthly Per Unit Price', unit_of_measure: 'License', unit_amounts: { USD: 20 }, recurring: { interval: 'month', interval_count: 1, timing: 'in_advance', on: 'account_cycle_date', }, quantity: 10, plan_id:, description: 'Monthly per unit price', start_event: 'contract_effective', price_base_interval: 'month', }; const newPrice = await zuoraClient.prices.postPrice(priceRequest);
- When you create subscriptions, specify a quantity to charge for each unit.cURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "account_data":{ "bill_to": { "first_name": "Amy", "last_name": "Lawrence", "email": "", "address":{ "line1": "123 ABC Street", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "California", "country": "US" } }, "name": "Amy Lawrence account", "currency": "USD" }, "subscription_plans": [{ "plan_id": "8ad095b8813772670181383d05136860", "prices": [{ "price_id": "8ad0877b81375b220181388c877428f9", "quantity": 20 }] }] }'
AccountContactCreateRequest contactCreateRequest = new AccountContactCreateRequest() .firstName("Amy") .lastName("Lawrence") .address(new Address() .line1("123 ABC Street") .city("San Francisco") .state("CA") .country("US")); AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest = new AccountCreateRequest() .name("Amy Lawrence account") .billTo(contactCreateRequest) .currency("USD"); Account newAccount = zuoraClient.accounts().createAccount(accountCreateRequest); SubscriptionItemCreateRequest newItem = new SubscriptionItemCreateRequest() .priceId(newPrice.getId()) .quantity(new BigDecimal("20")); List itemList = new ArrayList().add(newItem); SubscriptionChildPlanCreateRequest subPlan = new SubscriptionChildPlanCreateRequest() .planId(newPlan.getId()) .prices(itemList); SubscriptionCreateRequest subRequest = new SubscriptionCreateRequest().accountData(newAccount).subscriptionPlans(Collections.singletonList(subPlan)); Subscription createdSubscription = zuoraClient.subscriptions().createSubscription(subRequest);
const planId =; const priceId=; const account = { bill_to: { first_name: 'Amy', last_name: 'Lawrence', email: '', address:{ line1: '123 ABC Street', city: 'San Francisco', state: 'California', country: 'United States', } }, name: 'Amy Lawrence account', currency: 'USD', }; const subscription_plans = [{ plan_id: newPlan.Id, prices: [{ price_id:, quantity: 20 }] }]; const subscriptionRequest = { account_data: account, subscription_plans: subscription_plans, }; const createdSubscription = await zuoraClient.subscriptions.createSubscription(subscriptionRequest);
Create usage-based prices
With usage-based pricing, you charge your customers based on how much of your service they use during the billing cycle, instead of explicitly setting quantities, as in the per unit and flat rate pricing. Another difference is that with per-unit and and flat rate pricing you can collect payment for the billing cycle in advance or in arrears. With metered billing you have to collect payment in arrears. You must also record and report usage.
To charge on a per-minute basis for usage with more usage driving the per-minute price lower for the customer. Here is what pricing looks like in Zuora:
- Product: VoIP service
- Plan: Per-minute pricing plan
- Price: 0.15 USD per minute
, you bill your customer in arrears. Based on how much of your service they consume and track their usage with the Usage API. At the end of the billing period, the total usage is multiplied by the unit_amount
to calculate how much the customer owes.See the following steps and code examples:
- Create a product for the VoIP servicecURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "VoIP service", "description": "Product with a usage price", "start_date": "2022-04-01", "end_date": "2032-04-01" }'
ProductCreateRequest productRequest = new ProductCreateRequest() .name('VoIP Service') .startDate('2022-04-01') .endDate('2032-04-01') .description('Product with a usage price'); Product productWithUsagePrice = zuoraClient.products().createProduct(productRequest);
const productRequest = { name: 'VoIP Service', description: 'Product with a usage price', start_date: '2022-04-01', end_date: '2032-04-01', }; const productWithUsagePrice = await zuoraClient.products.createProduct(productRequest);
- Create the per-minute pricing plancURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Plan with usage price", "product_id": "2c94a116ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8377e1", "description": "Plan with a per-minute usage price", "start_date": "2022-04-01", "end_date": "2032-04-01", "active_currencies": ["USD"] }'
PlanCreateRequest planRequest = new PlanCreateRequest() .name('Plan with usage price') .productId(productWithUsagePrice.getId()) .startDate('2022-04-01') .endDate('2032-04-01') .description('Plan with a per-minute usage price') .activeCurrencies(['USD']); Plan planWithUsagePrice = zuoraClient.plans().createPlan(planRequest);
const planRequest = { name: 'Plan with usage price', product_id:, description: 'Plan with a per-minute usage price', start_date: '2022-04-01', end_date: '2032-04-01', }; const planWithUsagePrice = await zuoraClient.plans.createPlan(planRequest);
- Create the usage-based pricecURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Per-minute Usage Price", "plan_id": "2c921528ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8362f2", "description": "Per minute usage price", "unit_of_measure": "Minutes", "recurring": { "on": "account_cycle_date", "usage": true, "interval": "month" }, "unit_amounts":{ "USD":0.15 }, "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "billing_period" }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> unitAmounts = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>() {{ put("USD", new BigDecimal("0.15")); }}; PriceCreateRequest priceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .name("Per-minute Usage Price") .planId(planWithUsagePrice.getId()) .description("Per minute usage price") .unitOfMeasure("Minutes") .recurring(new Recurring() .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) .usage(true) .interval(IntervalEnum.MONTH) ) .unitAmounts(unitAmounts) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE) .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.BILLING_PERIOD); Price usagePrice = zuoraClient.prices().createPrice(priceRequest);
const priceRequest = { name: 'Per-minute usage-based price', unit_of_measure: 'Minutes', unit_amounts: { USD: 0.15 }, recurring: { usage: true, on: 'account_cycle_date', interval:'month' }, plan_id:, description: 'Per minute usage price', start_event: 'contract_effective', price_base_interval: 'billing_period', }; const usagePrice = await zuoraClient.prices.createPrice(priceRequest);
Create plans that contain multiple prices
Plans can use multiple prices to define different pricing options. The plan description is shared between prices and appears the same on the customer’s receipts and invoices - only the pricing differs.
For example, you offer the software service to your customers. For the basic plan, the subscription fee is charged at a rate of $100 per month, which includes 20 licenses. If your customer needs to purchase more than 20 licenses, extra licenses are charged at $5 per license per month.
- Product: Software service - Basic
- Plan: Software Service - Basic Monthly Plan
- Prices:
- Flat fee: $100 per month
- Per-unit price: $5 per unit per month
when creating them.The steps and the corresponding code samples are as follows:
- Create the "Software service - Basic" productcURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Software service - Basic", "description": "Software service - basic edition", "start_date": "2022-06-01", "end_date": "2032-06-01" }'
ProductCreateRequest productRequest = new ProductCreateRequest() .name('Software service - Basic') .startDate('2022-06-01') .endDate('2032-06-01') .description('Software service - basic edition'); Product newProduct = zuoraClient.products().createProduct(productRequest);
const productRequest = { name: 'Software service - Basic', description: 'Software service - basic edition', start_date: '2022-01-01', end_date: '2032-12-31', }; const newProduct = await zuoraClient.products.createProduct(productRequest);
- Create the monthly plan for the "Software service - Basic" productcURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Software Service - Basic Monthly Plan", "product_id": "2c94a116ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8377e1", "description": "Monthly plan of the SaaS service", "start_date": "2022-06-01", "end_date": "2032-06-01" }'
PlanCreateRequest planRequest = new PlanCreateRequest() .name('Software Service - Basic Monthly Plan') .productId(newProduct.getId()) .startDate('2022-06-01') .endDate('2032-06-01') .description('Monthly plan of the SaaS Service'); Plan newPlan = zuoraClient.plans().createPlan(planRequest);
const planRequest = { name: 'Software Service - Basic Monthly Plan', product_id:, description: 'Monthly plan of the SaaS Service', start_date: '2022-06-01', end_date: '2032-06-01', }; const newPlan = await zuoraClient.plans.createPlan(planRequest);
- Create the monthly flat-fee pricecURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Basic Monthly Flat Fee", "plan_id": "2c921528ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8362f2", "description": "Monthly flat fee of the Basic Monthly plan", "amounts": { "USD": 100 }, "recurring": { "on": "account_cycle_date", "interval": "month", "timing": "in_advance" }, "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "billing_period" }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> monthlyAmounts = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>() {{ put("USD", new BigDecimal("100.00")); }}; PriceCreateRequest monthlyPriceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .amounts(monthlyAmounts) .name("Basic Monthly Flat Fee") .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.BILLING_PERIOD) .planId(basicMonthlyPlan.getId()) .description("Monthly flat fee of the Basic Monthly plan") .recurring(new Recurring() .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) .interval(IntervalEnum.MONTH) .timing(TimingEnum.ADVANCE) ) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE); Price flatFeePrice = zuoraClient.prices().postPrice(monthlyPriceRequest);
const priceRequest = { name: 'Basic Monthly Flat Fee', amounts: { USD: 100 }, recurring: { timing: 'in_advance', on: 'account_cycle_date', interval:'month', interval_count: 1, }, plan_id:, description: 'Monthly flat fee of the Basic Monthly plan', start_event: 'contract_effective', price_base_interval: 'month', }; const flatFeePrice = await zuoraClient.prices.createPrice(priceRequest);
- Create the monthly per-unit pricecURLJavaNode
curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer 6d151216ef504f65b8ff6e9e9e8356d3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Monthly Per Unit Price", "unit_of_measure": "License", "unit_amounts": { "USD": 5 }, "recurring": { "interval": "month", "on": "account_cycle_date", "interval_count": "1", "timing": "in_advance" }, "plan_id": "2c921528ef504f65b5ef1e9e9e8362f2", "description": "Monthly per unit price", "start_event": "contract_effective", "price_base_interval": "month", "quantity": 0 }'
Map<String, BigDecimal> unitAmount = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>().put("USD", new BigDecimal("5.00")); PriceCreateRequest priceRequest = new PriceCreateRequest() .unitAmounts(unitAmount) .unitOfMeasure("License") .name("Monthly Per Unit Price") .priceBaseInterval(PriceBaseIntervalEnum.MONTH) .planId(newPlan.getId()) .description("Monthly per unit price") .recurring(new Recurring() .interval(IntervalEnum.MONTH) .intervalCount(1) .timing(TimingEnum.ADVANCE) .on(OnEnum.ACCOUNT_CYCLE_DATE) ) .quantity(new BigDecimal("0")) .startEvent(StartEventEnum.CONTRACT_EFFECTIVE); Price perUnitPrice = zuoraClient.prices().postPrice(priceRequest);
const priceRequest = { name: 'Monthly Per Unit Price', unit_of_measure: 'License', unit_amounts: { USD: 5 }, recurring: { timing: 'in_advance', on: 'account_cycle_date', interval:'month', interval_count: 1, }, plan_id:, description: 'Monthly per unit price', start_event: 'contract_effective', price_base_interval: 'month', quantity: 0, }; const perUnitPrice = await zuoraClient.prices.createPrice(priceRequest);
List all products
You can use the "List all products" operation to retrieve all products in your tenant. The List all products operation returns an array of products (paginated, 10 per call), without plans and prices information by default. The response may contain anext_page
field, which is the index to the next product that cannot be displayed on the current page. To fetch the next page of the list, set this index as the value of the cursor
query parameter in the subsequent request.To retrieve all plans and prices related to each product, set the value of the expand[]
query parameter to plans.prices
.The following example retrieves all products with plans and prices:
curl -X GET "[]=plans.prices"
-H "Authorization: Bearer 72db3da461ba40c69fb1c2dc440ad204"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
List expandParameters = new ArrayList();
ProductListResponse productsWithPlansAndPrices = zuoraClient.products().getProducts(null, expandParameters, null);
const products = await zuoraClient.products.getProducts(({
expand: ['plans.prices']