Check account details
Zuora client libraries version 3.x is in the Early Adopter phase. It integrates both the v1 API and Quickstart API into a unified set of libraries. We recommend that you try our client libraries 3.x to start testing or integrating with Zuora.
End-user flow
Imagine you want to create a "My Account Details" menu option or button. Your customers can confirm their bill-to address and view their account balances.
Sample code
The following sample code calls the Retrieve an account API, which returns their account details including the bill-to contact information.
The account number can be obtained from the "Create a billing account" section.
curl -L -g -X GET '[]=billto' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer 55969055e1804f139126a5890fc9ff84'
ExpandedAccount account = zuoraClient.objectQueriesApi()
.expand(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("billto")))
const account = await zuoraClient.objectQueriesApi.queryAccountByKey('A00024294',{
expand: ['billto']
console.log(JSON.stringify(account, (k, v) => v ?? undefined, 2));
def query_account_by_key(account_key, client=None):
if not client:
client = get_client()
api_response = client.object_queries_api().query_account_by_key(
return api_response
except ApiException as e:
if e.status == 404:
print("Account %s not found" % account_key)
print("Exception when calling ObjectQueriesApi->query_account_by_key: status: %s, reason: %s, body: %s"
% (e.status, e.reason, e.body))
if __name__ == '__main__':
If the request succeeds, you will get a response similar to the following snippet:
"accountNumber": "A00000029",
"allowInvoiceEdit": false,
"autoPay": false,
"balance": 149.97,
"batch": "Batch1",
"bcdSettingOption": "ManualSet",
"billCycleDay": 1,
"billToId": "8a8aa3bc90e7ff5f019125e2896e6ff0",
"createdById": "ebd653b0f1ea46df87835085e26897ce",
"createdDate": "2024-08-06T04:11:28Z",
"creditBalance": 0.0,
"currency": "USD",
"id": "8a8aa3bc90e7ff5f019125e2893f6fef",
"invoiceDeliveryPrefsEmail": false,
"invoiceDeliveryPrefsPrint": false,
"invoiceTemplateId": "8a368bbf87b6d5910187b80ab8f40d0b",
"lastInvoiceDate": "2024-08-07",
"mrr": 249.95,
"name": "Amy's account",
"partnerAccount": false,
"paymentMethodCascadingConsent": false,
"paymentTerm": "Due Upon Receipt",
"soldToId": "8a8aa3bc90e7ff5f019125e2897b6ff2",
"status": "Active",
"taxExemptStatus": "No",
"totalDebitMemoBalance": 0.0,
"totalInvoiceBalance": 149.97,
"unappliedBalance": 0.0,
"unappliedCreditMemoAmount": 0.0,
"updatedById": "ebd653b0f1ea46df87835085e26897ce",
"updatedDate": "2024-08-07T09:30:39Z",
"billTo": {
"accountId": "8a8aa3bc90e7ff5f019125e2893f6fef",
"country": "United States",
"createdById": "ebd653b0f1ea46df87835085e26897ce",
"createdDate": "2024-08-06T04:11:28Z",
"firstName": "Amy",
"id": "8a8aa3bc90e7ff5f019125e2896e6ff0",
"lastName": "Lawrence",
"state": "California",
"updatedById": "ebd653b0f1ea46df87835085e26897ce",
"updatedDate": "2024-08-06T04:11:28Z"